• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Coheed196's Grow Log (Minor storm damage edition)

So this is my first time trying to grow superhots from seeds so hopefully I will get some plants out of all this. Anyways I started 80 seeds on Jan 12th. I'm using Hoffmans seed starting mix and small solo cups. For heat I'm using just a regular electric heating blanket. I put 2 seeds per cup, and started 10 seeds of 8 different varieties. The varieties are:

Chocolate Fatalli
TS Butch T
Peach Bhut
Yellow Brain Strain
7 Pot Jonah
Aji Joe's Surprse Hot mix (we'll see what pops out of here)

Here's some pics now

Day of Planting 1/12/12


Surface temp of Blanket

Temp inside of cups

Have had 2 out of 80 pop up in 4 days!!! I thought I was seeing things

Here is a TS "FG"

And a Chocolate Fatalli

That's it for now, I'll be posting pictures as everything happens, wish me luck.

Overall shot of harvest, yellow brains and peach bhuts


Peach bhuts...they look orange but they are actually a beautiful peach color


Yellow brains



Peach bhut again



When somebody gives me a bump I've got pics of the plants to show
Amazing grow my friend. Love the Jonah especially. That is a hot tasty pepper. You will love it:)


Out of 3 Jonah plants I only have one little Jonah actually starting to ripen, but I am looking forward to trying it. I tried my first peach bhut tonight...pretty hot pepper but tasty as well. It had more of a throat burn than I expected.
Been a looonnnggg time since I updated but I've been busy (wife giving birth) and such. Anyways we had a bit of a storm roll through today. Majority of plants were blown over...few snapped branches, lots of lost pods. Anyways the pictures aren't for the faint of heart.



My awesome wife picked them up for me since I was at work. I'll try to take some happy pictures tomorrow
Sorry to hear about those beautiful plants. I know they will be ok. I have read here that they start to really kick in when they have damage done to them. Fingers crossed....
Man Vincent that is always a tough one to swallow. Glad the wife was there to keep your blood pressure down ;)
G'day Vincent! I'm new here so apologies if this isn't the most appropriate place to post this (or if it's just a really dumb question lol)...but looking at your photos I was curious about what your pots are made from, and where I can buy them. I've only just started my first grow, and have enjoyed great germination rates for most of my species. However I also bought a few more advanced seedlings (about 30cm tall) that aren't doing so great (leaf curl, no zest for life). I think it could be a drainage issue with the pots I'm using and want to get it corrected before I transplant the rest of the seedlings. Those pots you have seem like they would be awesome drainers - what are they called and where do you get them from? Thanks mate, appreciate any response.
Hey Cartz, go back to page 3 of his glog to post 44, it shows a good pic of the pots he's using. They are made from a thick fabric material and work very well from what I've read. They are available from many different online sources. They are made by several different companies. (root pouch, Geo pot, Viagrow )

Oh and welcome to the forum.
That sux when there's "Pail Overboard" and the containers get blown over. When storms a brewing huddle them all together.
Man you're getting plenty of ripe pods and I know you have quite a season left.

That sux when there's "Pail Overboard" and the containers get blown over. When storms a brewing huddle them all together.
Man you're getting plenty of ripe pods and I know you have quite a season left.


Yea Greg, that storm came up from no where, if I know theres a storm coming I usually move them up under the porch so that doesnt happen. Not too much damage on those just a couple broken brances. And yes I have so many pods, i've given away like 10 SFRB's just cause my freezer is full and I just can't use them all!

Cartz - Those specific pots are called Root Pouches and I got them from www.greenhousemegastore.com but as others said, there are tons and tons of different brand names and generics and alot of places to get them. So far, I've been extraordinarily happy with them, there is no "root ball" the whole container is filled with roots, if I stick my finger down into the soil, it feels like a thick net of roots.

I know folks, I seriously need to take some pictures. I will do that this afternoon when I get home I promise