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Coheed196's Grow Log (Minor storm damage edition)

So this is my first time trying to grow superhots from seeds so hopefully I will get some plants out of all this. Anyways I started 80 seeds on Jan 12th. I'm using Hoffmans seed starting mix and small solo cups. For heat I'm using just a regular electric heating blanket. I put 2 seeds per cup, and started 10 seeds of 8 different varieties. The varieties are:

Chocolate Fatalli
TS Butch T
Peach Bhut
Yellow Brain Strain
7 Pot Jonah
Aji Joe's Surprse Hot mix (we'll see what pops out of here)

Here's some pics now

Day of Planting 1/12/12


Surface temp of Blanket

Temp inside of cups

Have had 2 out of 80 pop up in 4 days!!! I thought I was seeing things

Here is a TS "FG"

And a Chocolate Fatalli

That's it for now, I'll be posting pictures as everything happens, wish me luck.

After the 3.5" pots i moved them into 4.5". by I believe they are 4.5" deep but I havent measured them. I hadn't planned on doing that but I started the seeds too early and they outgrew the smaller pots before it was time to move them outside.

I'm glad you are making that move. My biggest mistake last year was not potting up one extra time--that plus I skimped on heating in my mini-greenhouse. The double whammy led to stunting several plants. The ones I potted up faired much better. I could have also helped things by doing the plant shuffle more often: take plants out when warm, bring plants in when cold.

I'm using Pro Mix BX and Botanicare Pro Grow and Cal-mag. I use 2 teaspoons of each every time I water them, which is usually 2 times a week....

Our grow is pretty similar then--same lights, same ProMix, same Botanicare--except I'm running my nutes only 1/4-strength, also have the Karma and some fish ferts now. Maybe I'll bump it up to 1/2. I've got to bide my time till mid-May in these parts, so I'm kind of okay with slower growth. But nice to know I could kick it up a notch if need be.

I appreciate your insights, thanks.... :cool:
Yea my original plan was to go from solo cups to 3.5" pots to 1 gallons to 5 gallons but I got anxious and started seeds a couple weeks too early so had to go to the 4.5" pots, in my doing that though I may get to skip the 1 gallon step, I'll have to wait and see what they look like come time for them to stay outside full time (our last frost is usually the last week of March - 1st week of April) the way the temps have been though I could move them outside part time now, but we still get those 40 degree nights every now and then. I'm just using the full strength nutes now because I know in a few weeks it'll be time to start hardening them off and I dont want to be putting puny plants outside. I was using only 1/2 strength up until a week and half ago or so.
It's been a while but not much has been happening. I started the fun process of potting up, I'm using 5 gallon root pouches from greenhousemegastore and promix bx. Also thanks to the cloudy but warm weather here last week, I didnt have to really harden off much at all. Ok picture time, enjoy

Group shot

Group shot of my home made rolling plant stand

Yellow Brain Strain


Trinidad Scorpion "FG"

Another Yellow Brain Strain

7 Pot Jonah

The crazy purple mystery plant from AjiJoe

7 Pot Jonah waiting for its new home

Peach Bhut waiting for pot up
no sho bro....but the ones that do are lookin really good!

I went from solos(styros) to 6" pots that are half full, and cut leaves gradually from the bottom nodes ,raising the soil in stages-probably not necessary but makes for some stout rootage! I will put starts in 20 0z solos this way next year, and go straight to ground.
Ok, here are the other 3 pictures that didn't show for some reason

Another 7 Pot Jonah

Butch T

All the ones waiting for pot up, there's Peach Bhuts, Butch T's, more 7 Pots, Fatalli, and mystery mix seeds from AjiJoe

Thanks for any and all comments and for looking.

P.S these are now 69 days old (from putting seeds in soil, not popping up)

no sho bro....but the ones that do are lookin really good!

I went from solos(styros) to 6" pots that are half full, and cut leaves gradually from the bottom nodes ,raising the soil in stages-probably not necessary but makes for some stout rootage! I will put starts in 20 0z solos this way next year, and go straight to ground.

Thanks, I didn't realize how much the promix would sink down once wet. I read a thread in another section here where it's best to wet the promix and then put it in the pots and dig a hole for the plants. I've got to run and get more promix saturday and I'm going to do that for the rest of them. It may be just me being OCD but I can't stand having the plant lower than the rim of the pot.
Nice growth on those plants for 9wks from seed. Now I'm curios on the mystery plant, maybe Joe will chime in.
Those plants will be showing some bud soon. Have fun with your planting!

Nice growth on those plants for 9wks from seed. Now I'm curios on the mystery plant, maybe Joe will chime in.
Those plants will be showing some bud soon. Have fun with your planting!


I'm guessing its some sort of ornamental, some of them have already started tiny buds, i've pinched them off though. I was using Botanicare pro-grow while in the baby stages but now I've switched to Miracle Grow Tomato food at 1/2 strength. Thanks for the compliments
Looking really good, coheed. The transplants
are going to love their new digs!
Looking great! Those root pouches look neat - have you used them before? What are their benefits?

This is the first time I've used them. They're basically a cheaper alternative to smart pots. They air prune the roots so there's no circling like there would be in a solid plastic pot. Supposedly makes a more dense and fibrous root ball.

Looking really good, coheed. The transplants
are going to love their new digs!

Thanks, yea I ran out of pro mix so hopefully saturday I'll have time to run out and get some more
It's been a while but not much has been happening. I started the fun process of potting up, I'm using 5 gallon root pouches from greenhousemegastore and promix bx. Also thanks to the cloudy but warm weather here last week, I didnt have to really harden off much at all. Ok picture time, enjoy

Group shot

Group shot of my home made rolling plant stand

Yellow Brain Strain


Trinidad Scorpion "FG"

Another Yellow Brain Strain

7 Pot Jonah

The crazy purple mystery plant from AjiJoe

7 Pot Jonah waiting for its new home

Peach Bhut waiting for pot up
my best and most plausable guess would be PURPLE PERU its a mild annum and is sort of an ornamental ,its a nice plant i thought so

thanks your friend Joe
my best and most plausable guess would be PURPLE PERU its a mild annum and is sort of an ornamental ,its a nice plant i thought so

thanks your friend Joe

Thanks for your input, the Peach Bhuts are also from you as well as the Trinidad Scorpion "FG" and Chocolate Fatalli's
I know it's been a while, but I've been busy with a baby girl on the way and such. Somehow I managed to find time to pot all but 2 plants into 5 gallon root pouches and I snapped a few pictures yesterday. Everything is going great and starting to bud/flower. It blows my mind looking at the pictures of when all the plants were just tiny little things and to see what they are now. Out of the 70-ish plants that came up, I gave most away to family and neighbors and kept 19 for myself. Anyways...picture time!!!

Group shot of all my plants



2 Yellow Brainstrains - Pepperlover

Another yellow BS - Pepperlover

Peach Bhut J - from AjiJoe

TS Butch T - Pepperlover

Fatalii - AjiJoe

Another Butch T

Another Peach Bhut

Chocolate Fatalii - AjiJoe

7 Pot Jonah - Pepperlover

Different Jonah

This is one of AjiJoe's surprise hot mix, have no clue to what it is

and pods already so I'm guessing an Annuum of some sort

Yellow Brain Strain flower/buds

Just a bit of an update, I have little baby peach bhuts, yellow brains, and butch t's. It was storming yesterday so I didnt get any pictures but will snap a couple when I get home today.
Picture time

A baby Peach Bhut

A baby Yellow Brain Strain

Here are a couple of my Yellow Brain Strains


Now for some random pictures, I cant remember what each plant is and I cant read the labels in the pictures....woops




An overhead shot of the sea of green

Thanks for looking
Looking awesome! I'm excited for my peach bhuts to come in - your baby one is looking good! and the root pouches look like they are treating your plants well.
Looking awesome! I'm excited for my peach bhuts to come in - your baby one is looking good! and the root pouches look like they are treating your plants well.

Thank you, and yes, I'm very happy with the root pouches so far. I'm thinking about ordering a 25 gallon one and putting a brain strain in there just to see how it turns out.