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College Football Thread

Five game suspensions includes the first B10 game against....MSU. I do not think he will be back, probably moving on to the pros. To much corporate sponsorship $$ to suspend them for the bowl game, would make the game totally uninteresting (i.e. loss of viewers). The sweater vest has this "holier than though” persona about him. There were rumors about recruiting violations when he was at Youngstown St. according to my brother-in-law (a Cleveland native and OSU grad, poor guy). There were eligibility issues circulating at the time when he was recruiting Maurice Claret. How did that work out for the bucknuts!

Of course the SEC does not have these problems as they are that bastion of ethical purity on all things NCAA.

Wiskey is going to roll up TCU and pound the snot out of those pretenders; B10 style.

Eight B10 schools are in bowl games this year; 2-0 so far and counting. B10 is a tough conference to play in and does not get the credit it deserves. Playing at Camp Randall, Crappy Valley, the Horseshoe, the Big House (gag!) in November is always a tuff proposition. I would like to see SEC and P10 schools play in these places at that time of year. Oh, probably to cold for them!

As for my own vested interest, I am cautiously optimistic on their opportunity in the Cap1 bowl against the Tide. As I said prior, if MSU wants to be taken as a serious football school they must play and beat nationally recognized programs. The learning curve is steep and we are in uncharted territory. A win against a program like Alabama (and that SOB carpetbagger Saban) would be a major achievement in bringing validity and recognition back to MSU football. Go State!!
Did anyone catch the Texas Bowl last night? It was a great game!

U of I's first bowl win since '99! Mikel Leshoure set 5 school records, scored 3 tds; the Illini beat Baylor 38-14
watched it - loved it. too bad we lost 3 of the last 4 games of the year - should have never lost to minnesota or fresno state. could have been playing on new years day. zook probably saved his job. go illini!
Yeah, we definitely should have finished better than 7-6... We always seemed to do well the first half, but it's like we never made any adjustments for the second!! Zook's lucky we came away with the win, we lost a lot of games during the season that we should have won; My dream is that next year we'll pull it together and can make it back to the Rosebowl!
well - we have a lot of starters back next year. there's talk about leshoure and liguet entering the draft - hopefully not. maybe liguet but leshoure needs another year. scheelhaase looked good for a freshman and martez wilson is finally starting to play like he was hyped when he was recruited. should have 8 starters on offense and 8 on defense back next year. 8 home games - 5 in a row to start the season. if we play like we capable we should win at least 8 games next year.
Haven't checked the schedule for next season yet- Holy Cow!! 5 Home Games in a row?! That's ridiculous!

Schedule aside, I really hope Leshoure doesn't go into the draft. He had a lot of great moments during the season and I would love to see him come back for another year (we certainly need all the help we can get). I definitely enjoyed watching him carry us to victory last night!
Nice! Good to see some life around here! Didn't see all the Illini/Baylor game, but checked in on it. Have tomorrow and the next few off and will have time to get in all this biz...
"If they Promise,,Scouts Honor, and pinky swear... that they will play their senior year!!! LMAO!! Gimme an effin break! :rofl:
Tressel covering that ass!

Im hoping that Joe Pa and Urban Have simultaneous heart attacks during the game! What a way to go out!!

And I'm kinda thinkin' that Rich Rod is out even if they win 1000 - 3 ..

And you Illini fans ,,please keep Zook as far as possible from Florida as you can!!!! The only time I ever rooted against my gators, was knowing a loss to UGA would get Zook fired. :)
I luv the game... not the hypocrits that run it :eek:

A degree in TV??? :rofl:

AU vs Ducks= must see TV and they know it... otherwise Cam is sused :)
Har, har…..pinky swear, yah right. I sure that they will all be back to bring more glory to Bucknut land. The NCAA are such hypocrites. If their offenses were worthy of a five game suspension, why not start with the next game, the sugar bowl.

BCS = cartel that controls this whole mess to begin with. The only way to clean up this farce is to implement a playoff system like every other division of NCAA football. Come on NCAA, get some cahoonas.

PLEASE do not fire Rich Rod, he just needs more time to develop that spread offense. (34-17, 26-20, 35-21)

To those Wal-Mart wolverines that are lurking in the shadows, what’s plan B if Harbaugh becomes SF head coach?

Note – We had six years of running that spread thingy under JLS, worked out real well, running quarterback option pass plays in a monsoon against ND with a 16 point lead and losing the game.

Illinois – Rose Bowl, pleeez, only in your dreams Alfie. Not as long as Zook is the HC. However, I was glad to see the Illini win thus doing their part for B10 post season roll-up.

I wish everyone a safe and happy New Year!!!
Hey, I did say it was a dream for next year... although I think it could definitely be within reach in the next few years. If we get senior seasons out of Liuget, Leshoure, and Wilson we have the potential to get a second winning season under our belts. If we can only do that we might be able to get a little stability into our football program; and with a schedule like what we have for next year (and how those teams are looking) I think another winning season is totally do-able for the Illini.
Fair enough Alfie. I wish you modest good success since the Illini are in the other B10 division than MSU. I certainly can emphasize with you on the need to build stability within the football program. Never could understand why Illinois wasn’t a stronger football school given the recruiting base they have available to them (i.e. Chicagoland). We certainly have been searching for stability ourselves for the last 25 years. Hopefully; given the direction the program is heading and the HC we have now, we’ve found it.

Comment – What totally lame division names the B10 came up with. Sounds like something straight out of Marketing 101.
Big 10,,err 11,,eerrr 12??? whats up vs SEC this year? Yall CANT be counting on the Buckeyes for redemption.
I'm just soo happy that UCF +6.5 won yesterday,,cha-ching,,And Uf -7 today..pick 6 at the end,,Cha-Ching
I am having a hella new year!!!
Go Badgers!! lets make this a trifecta!
looks like the Big 10 is taking it on the chin today...how will Wisconsin fair against the Horned Frogs?
Dang the B10 sux!!! LOL but, I had Badgers +3... whoooo hooo!!!!
Them horny frogs got their win..I hope that doesnt mean we have to acknowledge the non AQ's!

Big Ten got raped today!

Congrats for real to TCU, really thought the Badgers would run through em. The Horned Frogs really did it though. Played a solid, mistake free game...

My cell phone is broken, and the rest of my beer has been thrown into the canyon... Going to go crawl into a hole and hibernate for the rest of my miserable winter now... There will be no planting of peppers this year here!

Good luck to all ya with a dog in the fight still to play!
C'mon Boutros, Chear up ! Buy a new cell, grab a 12 pack! And start next years seeds! Yall almost had em but for the 2 point conversion,,,,AND,, just think ,,I won a buttload of money on the +3!! thats the best part!! :)