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Completely Random Comments

I am ALWAYS smarter than EVERYONE in my classes....They now just skip my post and find someone who adds no original thought. I am glad my fellow citizens are getting the same degree as I am...
man, it is funny when you o out with friends and their friends that you have not met, and by the end of the night my wife and i were so grateful that we are simi normal as this group of people were WHOA! people trying to hook up with other friends that were taken by other friends! it was like a weird twighlight zone episode! and i was sober watching it all unravel! thank goodness for my chocolate! made it that much more enjoyable! my friends mom got up on the table and started dancing(she is 50 something)

Lmfao - I've had this same experience happen. And while I didn't have chocolates I had several joints to keep it entertaining. In my case it was a NYE - I was headed to a party with one circle of friends and 2 couples separately contacted me to see if I was cool if they crashed. Everything was great until the two wives got sloshed & started making out. I was :rofl: but the hosts ware kinda mortified. Then one of those afirementioned chicks hurled everywhere in the back yard just to keep the class-train-a-rolling. The hosts later laughed about it too, but man, I was glad I was baked or I'd be totally embarrassed. Haha

That was years ago - I've since stopped toking. Sometimes I miss it - my lungs don't. I should get your chocolate recipe. Being in CA it's not hard to get ingredients. ;)

On another note, day 5 of my cold & I think I'm on the uptick! Woohoo!
Your on foot, I'm operating a 5,000+ pound stand-up forklift doing a bunch of stock rotation in a 15'X15' section of the aisle. You are <~~ there and see I am looking and working here and there~~>. Oh I forgot that bright yellow reflective vest should shine through the back of my head so you don't need to say anything or announce you are walking up to me. Luckily I turned my head and caught you in the peripheral as you started to jump back.

Bosses decision: No one was hurt or made contact with.....dumbass on foot was reprimanded for unsafe actions.

Finally stupidity lost one. :D