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Completely Random Comments

G joined the Broken Ankle Brigade! She's in good company, but I don't think she's enjoying the initiation!

I fully intend on playing in the snow-free garden bed I found this morning!!!!! Weeds Beware! YeeeeHaaaaaw!!!!!
Megan - Tuesday afternoon late - leaving my client's office. Broke into a jog to catch the bus on the other side of the street, and was watching traffic. Didn't notice the pothole as I came off the curb which my foot landed in until it was too late. Fortunately, it's cracked rather than fully broken, but it still hurts like a son of a gun. Hence, the blow-up boot - a.k.a. aircast. It's kind of cool - you strap it on then use a tiny pump to fill it in snug. Much better than a traditional cast, as it can be taken off to bathe and ice the leg. Plus pumping it up keeps it snug as the swelling goes down, and the snugness helps the swelling decrease. Good innovation all around.
Oh shoot!!! That blows. You are fortunate to not have broken it. Hopefully it does heal up well and soon so you can be free again....... did you end up missing the bus?

Note to self..... being a THP member watch out for your ankles as they get hurt easily.......
Well, actually I made it onto the bus, which took me to school. I then directly went to the health center, and they called the campus police who took me to the hospital. Good times. (Not.) I could initially walk with a limp, but by the time I got to the hospital couldn't walk at all. Got to the ortho the next day, and he doesn't think anything is torn, but won't know for sure until the swelling goes down and he re-x-rays it. At least I can work from home as long as I need to, though I prefer to be at my clients' offices at least half time, as being in front of their faces tends to move things along faster than when I'm not there. Thanks for your concern!