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Completely Random Comments

You tease G!!!!!

I am literally eating cold ramen w/ beef and broccoli, right out of the fridge, out of the container....and it is ROCKING MY WORLD!!!!!

It's a joke. For deciding what the People's Choice TD would be, THP asked that people post an entry in that thread with what they wanted the TD to be in bold letters. Only Scovie was working on an iPad and didn't know how to make the text bold, so he typed the word "bold" out. Just kind of a verbal rib at this point.
That is too funny. I have tried and tried, and there is NO WAY to make italic, strike thru, or BOLD.
Who knew that would stick?

Yo Scovie. [ b ] bold for newbs [ / b ] just take out the spaces.


[ i ]Italic for drunken emphasis[ / i ]

[ u ]Underline for figuring out which double is yours[ / u ]

[ s ]Strike for when the bubbles need corrected[ / s ]
Nice BK. Geeme just taught me that and gave me a website with more of that stuff.
You people are so friggen smart it makes me feel better about myself to be in your company.
