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Completely Random Comments

Everyone needs to stop eating chicken fingers. I miss hearing them play the piano out in the hen house. They NEED their fingers!!!!!!!!!!
OMG my hands are have been in PAIN ever since I cut up and processed 60 lbs of chili peppers a couple days ago. They're like mega infernos! Driving is fun with your hands stuffed down air vents with full AC blasting! :lol:
I just found a "to do" list that I wrote a long time ago and on it, everything is crossed off except for the first item: find pants. I'm not kidding.

OK, can't find 'em... what's next? Ah, here we go, shopping.... :lol:
ZZ Top - Pearl Necklace ..... :lol:

I've had way too much caffeine today, I actually don't feel good, and I really want a real strawberry milkshake.