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Completely Random Comments

They need a different name for NV,NT felonies.

bigtime - especially since a roach in your ashtray is a felony in NV.

I helped to do a fundraiser for a dude years back - he was in the clothing import business. Basically drove a van down to guatemala every year, lived there for a few months, provided bolts of cloth and production materials and then bought out the whole village's production, and drove it back up north.

so one year while he's down there, the US changed the laws to allow any vessel or vehicle to be seized as part of any drug bust. Naturally, he didn't know about this as he'd been living in Guatemala for 3-4 months. He comes back north, has a roach in his ashtray, and the feds seized his van. Which had his annual income's worth of hand-made Guatemalan clothing in it, which represented his entire investment.

Dude got 20 years. For a roach. And since his van was seized, and had all of this merchandise in it, his family lost everything - that was horrible. Wife, couple kids - completely ruined his life. she started a letter-writing campaign, and started selling t-shirts to raise $ for his trials (I helped table for them a few times).

Obviously this bust was not the intent of the law - just a horrific side effect.

I think regardless of how people feel about pot, most would agree that this was too severe a penalty and that a little common sense would be a real benefit to the judicial system.

(btw, this was in the 1980s - I'm not sure how it all worked out or if laws have been changed since)
Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy.

Nobody will ever win the battle of the sexes. There's too much fraternizing with the enemy.
Seriously I know my one mark on my record is a big one, but do you need to block everything. If I had known it would be this bad I would have lied to save my job. f**k character.