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Completely Random Comments

So is it just me, or has the flood gates of lazy people opened here? I cant count how many double, triple, and quad topic posts, first posts that ask for free sh#t, and blatant disregard for forum headings I have seen in the past few months. For all you old timers, is this common?

Maybe more of a rant than random comment, but I find myself spending less time here because the majority dont care and just want handouts. Wasn't like this 4 months ago....
This is why I get emails from the forums I watch when a new post comes. I read the opening via email and delete such threads that don't interest me. The ones that make the cut then get opened on the site when I get back to my computer. Works for me :D
oh bullshit...<====true random thought

not aimed at anything...just felt like saying it...
then I should have said rabbit shit... :rofl:
AHHHHHH PAAAAAIN! my effing foot was elavated on pillows last night as i was sleeping and this morning it decided to jump off the pillows! that was the gnarliest pain i have experienced!!!! foot is POUNDING!!!!
Anyone notice when you are cutting up chillies with bare hands you always get itches that need to be scratched? LIke in your eye or other places..
I need a band-aid and some neosporen. I cut my knuckle and it hurts :(

Beats a broken fibula though....... hope your percs feel good!!!