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Completely Random Comments

BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH! well done sir! never too early!

i have found my broken ankle giving me ample time to Post whore here and all the other forums i am a member of!4 fishing forums, 2 motorcycle forums, 2 growing forums(mainly this one though)

i love the salmon of capistrano!
Just realized my calendar on the wall is still in December 11.... think I will open 2012 calendar now.........

Just realized my calendar on the wall is still in December 11.... think I will open 2012 calendar now.........
Lol... sure you could say that. Actually not really sure how I did that. I was in the middle of an intense contraction. I dunno......

Haha just almost asked a question hahaha!!!! Wrong thread i am not even blonde
rub the devil's tongue lightly on your ankle. Cap helps with my arthritis and it make help with the aching......although I am sure the percs are more fun.
if i had acces to my ankle then i would! i have a not removable soft cast that is 3/4" thick, so i just cut my devils tongue up into 1/4 then snack on them. its awesome to still be getting pods!
Our weather is so screwy lately. We had freezing cold temps for a week and now its warm like really warm for January and hella windy.... sounds like our house is going to blow away. Anyway starting to get nervous about this odd pattern.

its been nice here! upper 70's no wind but at nights its been so foggy i cannot see the apts below us(maybe 20ft) supposed to be hot today and i am suck on the couch! WOO-HOO and there is a HUGE swell coming it to Socal! 9-15ft
