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Completely Random Comments

I wonder, if you are burying a time capsule, is it legal to put your ex in there so in 40 years you can see how she turned out? What about a fermenting jar full of pepper mash?? Really these are both on the same level to me. Both get better after sealed from outside air long enough.
It might be legal...it might not! But it sure would suck for the patsy that opened that capsule up in 40 years!!! Wouldn't she mad as a hatter by then? Like releasing a cranky genie!!!!
At least now I can get back to enjoying my glass of elven wine in peace and quiet, without being called on to intervene in someone else's problems.
Clang, clang, clang goes the trolley! Ring, ring, ring goes the bell!
Git away from me, ye daft fool!
So my boss tried to pull a fast one over on me tonight. Had a "beer social" after work with all the staff and he came to me and asked if I could give HIS brief to the big boss tomorrow. Of course, since he writes my evaluations I say yes. Secretly on the inside I want to cut his church clothes at a bar wearin head off.

I get home a few hours later and remember that I have a meeting at 9 tomorrow, same time as the brief. Called him and said, Hey Sir, totally forgot but I have a meeting tomorrow morning the same time as the brief. Silent phone for a few seconds...ok I got it he replies.

Tried to get me but God loves me more. Douche. :shame:
Cha for you MGold! Hey, and good luck at your other 9er meeting tomorrow AM! Expect great things!!! You didn't dodge the bullet for nothin'!:)
So habheat and Chile daughter and I packed up and headed east to the in-laws to warm up and sleep where there was power. We have been out for almost 24hrs. So frustrated cuz we can't sleep just like our own surroundings I guess not only that but I left my pregnancy pillow at home so I am in some hurt. Hungry again but have heartburn and no meds....... I hope we have power soon.......................
I wish every time Giada opened her mouth I didn't wanna punch her in the face. Damn such a waste for such a beautiful women.

Pancheeeeetaaaaa.. Douche.
oh man, thank GOD for vicodin, these last 2 days(my first 2 days back to work after major ankle surgery) made my ankle swell and kind of hurt!
"Kind of"..... I don't believe it. Sorry to hear it - you might try icing and elevating it during the day. Easier said than done in some places, but if you're creative, you can make it happen.

Having sensitive skin sucks. Waking up in the middle of the night discovering that your skin is sensitive to the socks you wore to bed sucks more. Ouch.
holy crap! made some pepper flake in the coffee grinder and it went aireborn! been sneezing, coughing, and snotting myself for 15 min! but WOW came out tasty!!!!