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Completely Random Comments

Yep Lucky - it can often settle into a single joint. If it's not too advanced, black cherry juice (or extract), or celery can relieve it. Feel better soon!
You really should get it checked out by a doc - if it's arthritis, the treatment is one thing, if it's gout, it's another.
Probably not, and besides, black cherry juice sounds guuuuuuuuuuuuud!

No hotdog man today.... :mope:
LDHS I know someone using them and I can tell you they do work. He is now a bigger dick then he ever was.....but that may mean they shrunk him and pissed him off. So I guess I don't know about working on the penis, but he is definitely a bigger dick. :rofl:
Hey LDHS - I get gout in my ankles and JJ is right about Cherrys - better than the alternative - if in a full flare up you go to the dr for colchicine and literally take one every hour till you shart yourself which is a big joke because where does it hurt? Try hobbeling your ass to the bathroom with a gout foot -

I take Alpurinol daily so I dont get it anymore but look up Gout Diets
some days I think I might ... look at the birdie .. my elbow is dry, how do I ... need medication to keep me ... that flew into the ... lick it? ... focused ... window.
oh, the last 2 pages here just made my day that much better! thank you all! and i cant wait to get this cast off so i can wash my foot! been 3 weeks since its been cleaned! oh smelly toe jam
Today the wife was discriminated against at work because she is 8 months pregnant. For ONE time in my life the hours of Equal Opportunity and anti-discrimination workplace training the military MAKES you sit through came in handy. We shall see how the County School Board feels about their administrators.... :evil: