• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Compmodder26's 2013 Grow Log - 2013-09-06 Video Update!

Well here we go again!! I'm finally starting to slow down a bit with work so I can start to concentrate more on growing some peppers. Cannot wait. In the next week or two I will be starting to germinate my seeds. I plan to more than double the plants I had last year. I plan to grow 20 plants in the backyard and 1 ornamental in the front yard. Here is the list of what I'm growing this year:

7 Pot Jonah (from my plants last year, seeds from romy6 previous year) (1)
7 Pot Primo (pepperlover) (1)
7 Pot Congo SR Gigantic (pepperlover) (1)
7 Pot Brown (Nagacanerio) (2)
7 Pot Barrackpore (romy6) (1)
Yellow 7 Pot Brainstrain (Baker's Peppers) (1)
Red 7 Pot Brainstrain (Cappy aka PepperRidgeFarm) (1)
Moruga Scorpion Red (romy6 by way of Wayright) (1)
Moruga Scorpion Yellow (can't remember source) (1)
Trinidad Scorpion Butch T (Butch's Strain) (1)
Naga Morich (from my plants last year, seeds from pepperlover previous year) (1)
Yellow Bhut Jolokia (romy6 by way of Waywright) (1)
Red Bhut Jolokia (biscgolf) (1)
Carolina Reaper (HP22B-A) (Ed Currie) (1)
Romy6 Mystery Annuum (romy6) (1)
Scotch Bonnet (Baker's Peppers) (1)
Jalapeno (pepperlover) (1)
Red Bell Pepper (Baker's Peppers) (1)
Sweet Banana (Baker's Peppers) (1)
Jimmy Nardelo (pepperlover) (1)
Numex Twighlight (Baker's Peppers) (1) (will go in front yard to add some color to our landscaping)

I'm going to go soilless this year for my growing medium. I will be using peat, dolomite lime, and perlite. To feed I will use Dyna-Gro. Last year I was all over the place in the mixes I used and ferts, so hopefully some consistency this year will yield better results. Not complaining about my yield from last year (except for mold issues in pods), but I can always aim higher right?

I'm going to try to get on here more often now that I have a bit more time, so hopefully I'll be able to get caught up with everybody. Hope everyone has an excellent grow in 2013!

Oh yeah, if anybody has any advice on the ratio of lime to peat I should use, it would be greatly appreciated. It's probably not that simple though I'm guessing. Probably need to invest in a good soil PH tester don't I?

Edit: NM about the lime question. I just re-read my thread on the mix I'm going to be using and Capsicum and queequeg152 gave me good advice on the ratio.
Edit2: Edited to add the seed sources.
Damn it man. Keep em moist and they might work themselves off brother!!!

Believe me Jamie, I'm trying. I mist them 2-3 times a day. But the actual hole is EXTREMELY tight. I've clipped the tops off another one as well. That seem to be helping as I've noticed the cotyledons starting to stretch out a bit.
Nice looking grow. All this helmet talk is bringing back flashbacks to last year. Hope your's grow out of them.

Thanks Bodeen! I think I'll get at least one of them to survive the seed helmet.

I had two of the mysterious Romy peppers pop with no helmet issues??? Hope they fight through it for you brotha!

I wish I had your luck Shane. But no worries, I'm pretty confident that at least one will make it just fine. That's all I intended to keep anyway.

Brian.....your seeds are on the move. Keep them moist ...

Will do Greg! Thanks for looking in.
All this talk of this mystery Romy6 pepper has me curious. Going to be watching.

It really is a great pepper. Jamie calls it a mystery simply because he doesn't know what it is. It's some type of annuum. The flavor on it is outstanding, very sweet and has the heat of a pequin or tepin. Not overly powerful, but a nice bite nonetheless.

And I am in luck as 2 of the 3 helmet heads are now off and both of them are starting their first set of true leaves.
Nice list and setup. Seems everyone is growing Reapers. I haven't kept up on them. Are they growing out true to form for anyone?

Good luck with your grow!

I certainly hope my Reapers will grow true. Thanks for stopping in Dshlogg.

So haven't given a pictorial update in a bit. I've uploaded some pics for your viewing pleasure. Overall, everything is trucking along nicely. I have two seedlings with helmet heads still, my lone Yellow Bhut Jolokia, and a 7 Pot Primo. I've got another primo that is doing fine so I'm not too concerned about the primo with the helmet making it. However, I really want that Yellow Bhut to survive. If it doesn't start progressing any, I may have to do some more surgery. Other than that, the rest of the plants are happy and most have started at least their first true set of leaves.


All this talk of this mystery Romy6 pepper has me curious. Going to be watching.
Ate several of Jamies mystery pods last season...he thinks they're a PI##### but can't remember or figure out which one. His plant is a few years old and is basically a small tree. I got two up and running :dance: . Pods are smallish, but plentiful so should be a powder factory. I plan on using them for hot salts...I'll be watching them closely with the PI438638s I have going for similarities.

Nice update Brian...glad a few shed their helmets. After a day or two I always TRY to help out with the stuck ones. Good luck setting them free!
Again, work has kept me from doing much here. But I've got a moment free for now so I will update my glog. Overall progress is well. I do have some slight yellowing on lower leaves of some plants, but nothing too serious. I think it may actually be due to underwatering as opposed to overwatering. My mix dries pretty fast (put a lot of perlite in there), so after about 3-4 days it is ready to be watered again. Sometimes I've been too busy (or forgetful) and I've let them go a day or two past when they should be watered again. Anyway, one of Jamie's mystery annuums has really taken off (despite the bad case of helmet head) and is already starting to throw out side shoots. One of the Jimmy Nardelos (the first to come up) is already budding at 4 inches tall. I will be pinching the buds until plant out. A lot of the seedlings in the 2nd tray are really stunted. Not sure exactly why. They were the first to sprout and most are annuums, so logically they should be biggest by now. I've PH tested my mix and it comes out at 5.8, so a bit low, but nothing that should cause nute lockout. Oh well, I've got at least one of each variety that is thriving so that's all I care about.

Enough of my yammering. Here's pics:
That mystery looks like two of the four I had...I only kept two, one of each phenotype. The others went to a botanist buddy to make sure I get some clean seeds from each. Plants look healthy, a little lower leaf yellowing/dropping happens under lights, yours will be right on time for plant out by the looks of them!
Another long overdue update. I potted up all the "keepers" into 1 gallon root pouches last Monday. They really needed it, most were root bound. Growth has been extremely slow, which I"m hoping is due to being root bound. Since I've potted them up, I have started to see more more growth so hopefully that will continue on. Still battling lower leaf yellowing and dropping. Some of it (well perhaps all of it) is my fault. I gave them a foliar feeding a couple of days before I potted them up, since It seemed to me that root feeding wasn't that effective. But I guess I had them too close to the lights and a few leaves got some scorch marks. They eventually yellowed and fell off. But there are a few that I still can't figure out what the problem is. Perhaps it's due to being root bound. Hopefully I'll see some improvement in weeks to come since they have plenty of room to stretch their legs now.

I'm also open to the idea that the potting mix I'm making isn't very helpful. Just not sure right now. Here's what I'm seeing:
1) Slow plant growth all around
2) Lower leaves yellow and fall off (not on all plants, but just a few)
3) New growth is green and healthy

I water every 4-5 days (depending on how light the containers feel) and I mix a 1/4 tsp. of Dyna Gro Growth formula (7-9-5) to a gallon of water every watering.

So based on the above, anybody have an idea? I would have thought that overwatering would present itself as yellowing in the top growth as well. I don't believe it's underwatering anymore. The amount of ferts I'm giving is not that much and is what I did last year with good success. I've done a home PH test of my soil mixed with water and ferts and it comes to 5.8 which should be a good spot for nutrient uptake.

Here's pics:
Nice update Bri guy. Plants look nice other than the bottom leaves. Maybe too much peat. I have found peat will hold in water and cause your roots to stay saturated too long and get them yeller leafs :rolleyes: . But that is only a edumicated guess ;) . Easy way too find out is move a few into some differnt soil and see how they compare.
That is quite possible Jamie. The two things that are different from last years grow are the potting mix and the initial containers. I'm hoping that the move to the root pouches will mitigate the water issues since there will be air flow through the entire pot. Thanks for the advice brother!
Update time...

Things moving along well for the most part. The move to the 1 gallon root pouches is letting them grow bigger. I'm still having some issues with leaves. They are still dropping from the bottom and a lot of the leaves (even the nice green ones) are starting to curl under. Some leaves are getting black/dark brown speckles on them too. Here is a video update and also a pic of a leaf sample to show the speckles.
Here's the leaf: