• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Comptine's Swedish Glog 2016

Hello friends!

To keep me from adding more peppers to my grow list for the season I am now starting my 2016 glog. I'm still a week or two out from starting, but the prep is starting.

The quick breakdown of last year is: I started really late (first time grower), I wanted to do only super hots for the lols at first. Combined with a terribly cold and not particularly sunny summer, I got extremely few supers, if any on some plants, and I had to many plants of the same variety. I had a few annuums that did OK.

The theme this year is variety. I'm trying to grow peppers that are aesthetically nice looking, as well as trying to spread out the heat levels and trying some from each of the 5 popular sub species.

The progress so far is that I think I have a pretty good finalised list. I'm planning on getting seedling starter soil any day now. I need to dig out the root trainer pots, I think those will work better and will save me from having to pot up too soon. I will only keep two of the same kind, one as back up, and the back up will probably be given away once the main one is established. There may be an exception to this, I might need a few more jalapeño plants, last summer I was making both jalapeño marmalade and chilli candies, that were hugely popular so I might need to up production on those. I have 34 different varieties on my list and this should be manageable.

Without further ado, this is the list.

Cayenne Golden Started 24/2 - 3 plants
Cayenne Yellow (JWC10ct) Started 1/1 - 2 plants
Farmer's Market Jalapeño Started 24/2 - 2 plants
Jalastar Started 24/2 - 5 plants
Mulato Isleno (Bricklayer) Started 24/2 - 2 plants
Piquin (EvanWilliams1988) Started 23/2 - 0 germinated
Purple Piquin Started 3/1 - 2 plants
Takanotsume Started 24/2 - 1 plant
Zimbabwe Bird Started 23/2 - 1 plants

[SIZE=14.6667px]Aji Jobito Started 9/1 - 3 [/SIZE]plants
Aji Margariteño Started 9/1 - 2 plants
[SIZE=14.6667px]Beni Highlands (JWC10ct) [/SIZE]Started 9/1 - 2 plants
Bonda Ma Jacques Started 12/1 - 2 plants
Chupetinho Started 12/1 - 1 plant
[SIZE=14.6667px]Habanero Hand Grenade Yellow(JWC10ct) [/SIZE]Started 9/1 - 2 plants
Habanero Jelly Bean Started 3/1 - 0 germinated
[SIZE=14.6667px]Habanero Orange Apple (JWC10ct) [/SIZE]Started 9/1 - 1 plants
[SIZE=14.6667px]Habanero White Bullet (EvanWilliams1988) [/SIZE]Started 23/2 - 0 germinated
Habanero White Bullet (Tsurrie) Started 3/1 - 1 plant
Malaysian Goronong Red Started 12/1 - 2 plants
[SIZE=14.6667px]Scotch Bonnet MOA (TridentChilli) [/SIZE]Started 9/1 - 2 plants
[SIZE=14.6667px]Scotch Bonnet Tobago (TridentChilli) [/SIZE]Started 9/1 - 2 plants
Trinidad Seasoning Started 12/1 - 1 plant

[SIZE=14.6667px]Aji Omnicolour ([/SIZE]JWC10ct[SIZE=14.6667px])[/SIZE] Started 24/2 - 1 plants
Aji Pineapple (JWC10ct) Started 1/1 - 3 plants

[SIZE=14.6667px]Bishop’s Hat
Brazilian Starfish (rghm) [/SIZE]Started 1/1 - 3 plants
Lemon Drop (Seed Train) Started 24/2 - 2 plants

[SIZE=14.6667px]Aji Charapita (Rory) [/SIZE]Started 23/2 - 1 plant
[SIZE=14.6667px]Aji Chuncho [/SIZE]Started 12/1 - 0 germinated Absolute failure, will probably not grow.

[SIZE=14.6667px]Prik Kee Noo Suan [/SIZE]Started 23/2 - 3 plants
[SIZE=14.6667px]Tabasco [/SIZE]Started 23/2 - 1 plant

[SIZE=14.6667px]Aji Oro Already have two plants from end of last summer
Habanero Manzano ([/SIZE]JWC10ct[SIZE=14.6667px]) [/SIZE]Started 9/1 - 2 plants
[SIZE=14.6667px]Locato Red [/SIZE]Started 9/1 - 2 plants
[SIZE=14.6667px]Peru Bitdumi [/SIZE]Started 9/1 - 2 plants
[SIZE=14.6667px]Rio Huallaga [/SIZE]Started 12/1 - 1 plant
[SIZE=14.6667px]Rocoto Mini [/SIZE]Started 9/1 - 1 plants

Chinese Pot Started 12/1 - 2 plants

I know that I have missed some credit, so many people have been generous to me with seeds this past year, for that I'm grateful. I look forward to the coming season.
Comptine said:
Hmm, well, looking at the map we're pretty much on the same level as the middle of Canada, so a lot further north than you are. We also have a lot of water surrounding us stabilising the temperature. I do imagine the sun is quite angled. Our summers rarely get hotter than 95F, and that's pretty high for us. We sit around 77-90F mostly. Night temps are around 50-65F, hotter night do happen occasionally. The poor greenhouse can get pretty warm during the day though, even with both windows and the door open. Last year I tried growing melons outside, obviously that didn't go too well. This year I've got two plants in the greenhouse, no idea how that'll look once they actually take off, but here's to a gardeners optimism! 
Thanks for sharing... I was curious how it worked out with the difference in our latitudes. I think you get more daylight hours around the solstice, and we get more high-angle sun. Hopefully it averages out. :)
We're getting to the point in the season where the plants are just exploding with growth and it's all just so overwhelming. I'm not just growing peppers but a lot of other things too, that I need to keep an eye on. The peppers actually just mind themselves a lot of the time. 
I'm calling it on the Aji Oro now, we do indeed have fruit! Quite a few actually, it's loaded with flowers and tiny pods. 

The Zimbabwe Birds has flowers and pods.

Now this is one that I'm really excited about, there was little info to be found on this one. It's called Chinese Pot, I got it from the European Seed Train. It's a super slow grower, but it's got lots of tiny buds on it.

This is my Prik Kee No Suan, I've kept the 'small red fruits' in smaller pots, since they produce more fruit, quantity wise, and this is the season for testing different peppers, so I didn't need many.

That tall thing in the back was supposed to be a Colombian yellow, but honestly the only resemblance to it is the vine like growing habit. I sent pepperlover an email asking if it's a different pepper or a cross, she reckons a rogue seed must have been mixed up in the bag. The pods were supposed to be elongated and yellow, which they obviously aren't. 
The white pot to the left contains an over wintered peruvian purple, and in front of the colombian I have a coffee plant and a mini pomegranate. 

The grill spot peppers are moving along, some flowering, some setting pods. The cayennes seem to have been the fastest ones to set pods actually. I'm comparing Golden cayenne to Yellow cayenne this year, I honestly don't thing there's a difference, but you can't have enough cayenne. 

It's getting hard to get a group shot of the greenhouse peppers, the tomatoes are blocking them a little, but they've all bushed up pretty nicely. 

My Chupentinho is budding up nicely, I'm getting really excited about trying the fruits.
az1000 said:
Great update!
Nice to see the Aji Oro pods.
I have some Aji Oro pods too,my plant set from the first flower.
I just got caught up with your glog! So far both look the same XD
Yeah, no, mine dropped a few flowers first, but now it's in crazy production mode. I'm really looking forward to trying a rocoto. The other plants are outside, and whilst they're budding up I haven't seen any flowers open yet. 
Oh, I should take this opportunity to post a few more pictures! 
I have 4 plants in 1litre air pots inside at the moment, I ran out of soil and haven't bought any more yet. But all 4 have pods on them. One of them is the omnicolor, and it looks really cool, the pods looked a bit yellow when they first started, but more white now. 

My four Russian Sweet peppers, they're all either brown or purple I think. Anyway, they're catching up. We only grow them as a novelty really.

This is an over wintered bishops hat. It used to be in a 1.4 litre pot, and it had buds when I replanted it over a month ago. Once it got the bigger pod it put off actually opening the flowers and decided to bush up instead. I really want some fruit off it now.
Comptine said:
We're getting to the point in the season where the plants are just exploding with growth and it's all just so overwhelming. I'm not just growing peppers but a lot of other things too, that I need to keep an eye on. The peppers actually just mind themselves a lot of the time. 
Everything looks beautiful.  Nice work!
Beautiful update.

Interested in seeing how the Chinese pot turns out. I wonder if pod's grow upright. I have a Chinese, Chi - Chien growing this year. It's a slow starter, but it's sure bushy.

The Prik Kee Noo is going to be a heavy producer. Very big plant. Every time I try to grow them, they end up short and bushy.

Over all, the garden is coming along nicely.

Thanks for sharing.
Trident chilli said:
Great update Alana ... plants are flying now
Cheers! They really are flying along this year, I'm so pleased. 
Spicegeist said:
Everything looks beautiful.  Nice work!
Thanks for popping in!
OCD Chilehead said:
Beautiful update.

Interested in seeing how the Chinese pot turns out. I wonder if pod's grow upright. I have a Chinese, Chi - Chien growing this year. It's a slow starter, but it's sure bushy.

The Prik Kee Noo is going to be a heavy producer. Very big plant. Every time I try to grow them, they end up short and bushy.

Over all, the garden is coming along nicely.

Thanks for sharing.
Yeah, I'm really excited about the Chinese Pot, I'm not sure what to expect as there really isn't much info on it out there on the web. Thanks for looking!
stickman said:
Beautiful job Alana, I'm lovin' the pod pics! You certainly seem to have things figured out for your growing area. :)
Haha, cheers, I had to have a plan from the start. Last year was all just working things out as I went along and it wasn't very effective. This year I drew a sketch of each area I had and planned it before I even put a seed in the soil. I'm really happy with how things are looking so far. 
Oh, I nearly forgot, I harvested my NOT Colombian Yellow pepper today. It's a baccatum, so not super hot. Quick front of tongue burn, it smelled like a pepper and tasted like a pepper, maybe a little on the flowery side. Haha, I really don't know, the colour was really cool, I ate half a pod for breakfast. Got about 20 more ripening now, then I'll probably compost the plant, it's taking up too much space. Really cool plant, and I'm happy to have grown it, even if it's not the most exciting pepper.

Yeah... the Ajis do tend to have a more floral taste and aroma... sometimes they even come across as a bit soapy. I love the way they grow here, but I'm still looking for a clean-tasting variety to plant every year.
stickman said:
Yeah... the Ajis do tend to have a more floral taste and aroma... sometimes they even come across as a bit soapy. I love the way they grow here, but I'm still looking for a clean-tasting variety to plant every year.
I'm sure someone must have mentioned this one before, but Aji Cito was actually a really nice baccatum. I really liked it. Not that I've grown many varieties, but I could easily see it being my staple baccatum in the future. 
Comptine said:
I'm sure someone must have mentioned this one before, but Aji Cito was actually a really nice baccatum. I really liked it. Not that I've grown many varieties, but I could easily see it being my staple baccatum in the future. 
Thanks for the testimonial. :)  I'll have to give it a go next season. Cheers!
Comptine said:
I'm sure someone must have mentioned this one before, but Aji Cito was actually a really nice baccatum. I really liked it. Not that I've grown many varieties, but I could easily see it being my staple baccatum in the future. 
Did you grow Lemon drop?
This is my favorite Baccatum now.
I'm eager to try Aji Cito this year .
az1000 said:
Did you grow Lemon drop?
This is my favorite Baccatum now.
I'm eager to try Aji Cito this year .
I'm growing both Lemon Drop and Aji Pineapple this year, both come very highly recommended. I grew the Aji Melecoton last year, it was a decent pepper too.
Comptine said:
I'm sure someone must have mentioned this one before, but Aji Cito was actually a really nice baccatum. I really liked it. Not that I've grown many varieties, but I could easily see it being my staple baccatum in the future. 
Good to know I happened to just order some of these seeds as well as the Aji Pineapple. Good times ahead.
Comptine said:
I'm growing both Lemon Drop and Aji Pineapple this year, both come very highly recommended. I grew the Aji Melecoton last year, it was a decent pepper too.
Aji Pineapple didn't liked .
Another good one is Aji Omnicolor .
Last year I had Aji Amarillo but it was sick and failed to make pods.
Maybe I will have more luck this year.
Quickie picture update. 
That Aji Oro rocoto is getting huge, and no sign of stopping flower production. The fruit are about half the size they should be, and that's probably because the pot is on the small side. 

I like these three, the plants themselves look really similar. From left to right we have Zimbabwe Bird, Chinese Pot and Prik Kee No Suan. All three have flowers and fruit. I'm really happy about that.

Grill area peppers are growing well, I think nearly all are flowering. 

I have a huge bishops hat plant, it's actually overwintered, but it didn't get any fruit las year due to late sowing. It had been in a tiny pot throughout winter, and when it finally started forming flowers I repotted it into this, so it thought 'Hey, let's hold off on fruit and just grow really large for two months!' I'm finally seeing some flowers now. 

Aji Omnicolour

The cayennes are super productive! And the Mini Rocoto has beautiful dark purple flowers in the background there. 

I'm looking forward to getting Aji Charapita fruit. 

I've had two rocotos with bad fert burt, the new leaves seem to look healthier, but it has set this one back a bit. 

And this is the only picture I can get of the chinenses, the tomatoes are just blocking them from the inside. I need to get some marigolds in there to attract pollinators because we have lots of flowers! 