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Concerned about new pepper plants

Hey everyone, still a newbie to growing properly.

Worried about the first leaves going yellow and curling. Some are some are not. The photos are of my orange hab's and dorset naga.

Any suggestion would be great, i am keeping the covers on and the boxes are well hydrated without saturating the roots. I am not using any nutrient although i have it if that is the issue. Water is ph 6.0. Good heat but not anything over the top, i keep the ends of the covers over the edge of the box a bit for circulation. No mold/fungus at all.

Thanks very much for any suggestions.


Welcome from Virginia. They look good to me. I also started my seeds in rockwool this year. Finding the right time to remove the dome completely was hard for me. The longer you wait for everything to germinate, the more risk to the seedlings that have already sprouted. I think once I removed the dome, I got no further germination - could have just been weak seeds too. I started mine with a very weak solution of MG Bloom Booster. (1 T./gallon)
Hi Reny, welcome to The Hot Pepper!

Do you have a hydro system or are you just sprouting in rock wool? I don't do hydro, and I've never used rock wool, so I'm hesitant to say anything, but as long as the true leaves look healthy, I don't worry about those first leaves too much.

Wait until one of the folks who uses rock wool drop by, though, they can give better advice than I can.
First of all, welcome to the forum. Second, your plants look fine, if a little leggy. I say they're old enough to remove that plastic dome so you can get the lights down closer.

Keep us updated.

bigt said:
I think once I removed the dome, I got no further germination - could have just been weak seeds too. I started mine with a very weak solution of MG Bloom Booster. (1 T./gallon)

Why would you use bloom boosting nutes at this stage of the life cycle?
Pam said:
But he said he wasn't using any nutrients, yet. Does rock wool have nutrients?

Rockwool has no nutes. Just melted rock strands (like a cotton candy machine) formed into cubes usually. Advantage of rockwool is it holds water well yet a lot of air still gets to the roots. I used it for the 1st time this year and will use it again.
ok look at the colour of the stems,, purple means mineral loss? Just guessing here, doesn't explain the curly leaves i have never had that.
Welcome to THP!

Novacastrian said:
ok look at the colour of the stems,, purple means mineral loss? Just guessing here, doesn't explain the curly leaves i have never had that.

Purple also can mean beginning lignification or too much light.
Txclosetgrower said:
Why would you use bloom boosting nutes at this stage of the life cycle?

Heya, It's not a bloom booster i don't think, it's not to be used on new sprouts but further into developing stems. Between the propogation and flowering stages so i'm told.....

Pam said:
Hi Reny, welcome to The Hot Pepper!

Do you have a hydro system or are you just sprouting in rock wool? I don't do hydro, and I've never used rock wool, so I'm hesitant to say anything, but as long as the true leaves look healthy, I don't worry about those first leaves too much.

Wait until one of the folks who uses rock wool drop by, though, they can give better advice than I can.

Ya as someone posted i am doing these in the Oasis cubes. Just trying them out while others are in rock wool. I do not use a hydro system yet because of my inexperience. I would like to but last year was a 98% failure of my stuff so I wanted to research more this time. Seems to be working.

Thank you everyone for your input. So far I am still unsure because of conflicting posts.

-UPDATE- the leaves appear to be turning more yellow.

I will remove the covers as recommended above and let's see what happens. I am planning to transplant to dirt this weekend as the roots of every plant are now through the bottom of the cubes.

Maybe that will help. I will not use anything other than good old water [not from the water softener either just to make sure as i understand softened water is very bad!!].

I have been leaving the lights on 24/7 for the propogation. I will change the cycle of that as well to 18/6 on/off.

More updates soon and please keep posting i appreciate it a lot.
and thank you for the warm welcomes.

I have browsed and learned a lot from here so figured it was time to register and post :)
Hey Reny I was asking BigT why he was using "bloom booster" nutes on seedlings. I saw you said you're not feeding them yet.
ooh forgot. i have a 3 tier light setup that is easy to adjust the lights. How far above the top of the plants should i be placing the lights at this stage of the game?

I really hope this all works this year. I'd like to be able to seed trade my pepper seed with others on here if that's a thing people do to try out different types and just have some fun
Txclosetgrower said:
Hey Reny I was asking BigT why he was using "bloom booster" nutes on seedlings. I saw you said you're not feeding them yet.

I was using a real weak solution. It was a recommended seed starter by Redwood City Seeds in California.
It seemed to be good on germination but this was also my 1st year using rockwool and a heat mat so..too many variables. I always used peat pellets and just hot tap water before.



The following are the nagas, please let me know if they are still too new to take the canopy off. I have taken the canopy off of both them and the habaneros which are the taller plants in the other pictures.


Here are the habs'
