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Contest for First Ripe Pepper

lol - noo i'm not in it. by the time I got back from hols & got over my illness it was a week after...now I'm just flooded with work.
Strangely though I'm in the lead on points having shouted myself several whiskeys last night....how nice of me, have another 5 points....why thank-you.
Hey Bent......want some of those Diablo Negro's?
bentalphanerd said:
lol...well it's a start

Well how 'bout this....take a look at my post on seed trading and see if there is anything you need...;)
First born

As requested, here is a picture of my first born Naga.


I'll put up others when I update my blog.
the heat is on

my jolokia sprouts are beginning to root well.

the smaller two seedlings will be transplanted into 3 gallon passive hydro buckets over the next days to begin their journey in a hydro grow,the larger seedling will remain in the soil filled planter.for a side by side comparison to see if chili pod type or quality is effected either way.the fourth and smaller seedling will be transplanted into a small coco filled seedling cup and givein to my friend...good luck chiliheads...
and their off...

bentalphanerd said:
woohoo go BB. Don't hold your breath tho...I'm still waiting for pods from mine & I planted it in March '07 :lol:
hi bentalphanerd,
I just read thru this.
what seems to be the problem your haveing with the jolokia not bearing fruit?

1.no flowers?
2.flowers form ,but drop off after they open.
3.flowers not produceing visible pollen?
4.flowers form,pollenation occurs but small fruit drops off immature?
the more detail you can give ,the better i can help with this,maybe.

most problems occur when
1.too much /not enough nitrogen in soil
2.night time temps fall out of optimum range 85f>>65f ideal night
3.humidity too low/dry climate...50%>>70% is optimum for the jolokia
4.PH imbalance/nutrient lock out
5.day time temps too hot/cold
6.photoperiod is interupted or not optimum to trigger plant response.
7.Sterility...quite common
{normally due to improper nutrient levels}
NMSU.CPI has some very detail grow data for the jolokia and has nutrient amounts for pod production and certified seed production...each requires specific nutrient amounts for proper growth .

i hand pollenated my plants,one produced pods and one did not.


this is rose plant...she did not yield a pod

this is pablo plant... I pollenated 9 flowers and got 9 pods...hes excellent plant

what is really amaizeing is the fact that both my plants came from same exact chili pod but yet they show Phenotypical differences...
one is lighter green with green branches,
the other is much darker green with purple branches...same seed,same pod,
same GenoType...different PhenoType
which is typical of a Landrace that is not commercially cultivated...
this will change IMO since these are now being grown in mass numbers in many countrys.

pablo said:
hi bentalphanerd,
I just read thru this.
what seems to be the problem your haveing with the jolokia not bearing fruit?

was Operator error Pablo. I started them just before our (very mild) winter. I accidently mixed some green fertilizer into their pots. I planted it out at the start of spring & it came back well & was just starting to flower when I went on holiday. Came home no flowers, no pods & half the leaves eaten by something.
Lots of new growth on it now. Waiting for new flower buds. I'm confident of getting a pod from it before '09 :lol:
bentalphanerd said:
was Operator error Pablo. I started them just before our (very mild) winter. I accidently mixed some green fertilizer into their pots. I planted it out at the start of spring & it came back well & was just starting to flower when I went on holiday. Came home no flowers, no pods & half the leaves eaten by something.
Lots of new growth on it now. Waiting for new flower buds. I'm confident of getting a pod from it before '09 :lol:
ya man, I understand that. we have some voracious insects around these parts too. last season I had some giant aphids that just chewd the heck outta my tomatoes and peppers. I got the buggers later though ,roetenone/pyrethrum, its organic and degrades quickly...spray the buggers at night and count the little green bodies in the morning ...
good luck wid the jolokias bentalphanerd

Naga babies seem to be doing well.....lol

I have full both leafs and still growing..planted some buht jolokias tonight to keep them company...my cherry bomb and waxed hungarian are growing like nuts(planted them to try the seeds have tonnes of them)
my mystery pepper is a really slow creaper and seed 2 of bents caught and im expecting it will be as slow as my mystery bird pepper
on a final note I planted 1 carrabian seed I had left didnt take so I planted 2 more..Lemme know on the germination success on those seeds to anyone I sent them to
I think that is the most gorgeous pepper I have ever seen...the coloring is phoenomenal.