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Contest for First Ripe Pepper

Pam....you been at it again?:shame:...:lol:
Only bad luck with Naga Morich for some reason.
Last year I had nothing but bad luck with my Naga Morich. I dropped my best plant on the floor, it went in the compost bin but I fished it out the next day and saved it. I hardly had any fruit from it though.
now that you mention it, I think you are right....
It wasn't me, somebody hexed my babies! They were growing strong, thick stalked and green, then just stopped. Haven't done anything for the last two weeks. I haven't had time to fuss with them and see what's going on, but since everything else is growing fine, I'm not sure what's the problem.
maybe Stillmanz voodooed you to...

how big of a container do you have them in Pam?
AlabamaJack said:
maybe Stillmanz voodooed you to...

how big of a container do you have them in Pam?

One that's plenty big. It's not the light or the heat or the water or the soil or the container. Everything else is growing great guns. What I'm afraid is that I let the competitive spirit override my better judgment and I fertilized them too soon. The only other thing I did differently is soak some of the seeds. I don't usually do that, and I did soak some of them in that Superthrive, only it's all the Nagas, not just the ones I soaked.

I need to get organized and go over my notes. And find my camera.
hmmmmm...don't know then, you know I have been fertilizing mine with a very mild mixture and they are going great guns...matter of fact, I will probably have to transplant out of the 6" pots into something bigger next week...I can see roots starting to show in the holes in the bottom...I am stumped...
I wasn't kidding, I like all thing calypso....lol

My plants are stunted too, I almost killed them when we went away, I'm thinking I will plant them in the garden and forget about them. They always do better if I ignore them.
The dog almost killed the 7 pot Bent gave me so I planted it in the Trinidad garden and now it going great guns again... go figure
okey doke, a couple of pics, Ive repotted a few of the Nagas into bigger pots this weekend, Ill post pics of them tomorrow,(trying a few differnt ideas with them) but here are the little-uns in the cage, they are getting repotted tomorrow (I ran out of perlite)


Below are my T.Scorpions & the 2 closest are the Bhuts, the T.Scorpions are on the drip & the Bhuts are just being hand watered each morning.


Hope everyone else shakes stillmanz curse & gets some action happening soon.

Nice looking plants man. you should hold basic hydro classes seriously.
I bet you could make a quick dollar, I could be your manager.....15% off the top thats all I ask. lol
23 February 2008 Naga Morich

Here is my progress so far....pictures taken about an hour ago...the Nagas have outgrown my germinator...:):)

I was just looking at BBs...they look a lot healthier than mine..

The Red Savinas on the left are starting to put on buds and the stems are very thick and strong. These are going to be tall plants.

Mine's only just starting to take his seed hat off :( I've got two voodoo dolls lying about somewhere that someone bought for me but I bet the curse would come back on me.
Pablo is kicking ass...


this is the GH im working in this season,mostly tomatos,strawberry's and cucumbers,but i might have some room to vine a few jolokias too.

I will post up some pictures of the soil plant as soon as he puts on a pollenated flower...

btw the soil plant is at 18 inches high and 18 inches wide,with flowers at every fork...better step it up guys....

Pablo pablo pablo....
Looks like I need to make a new doll....lol
Great looking plants.

I just repotted my little nagas they out side and not doing a great deal but nice and healthy.
pablo said:
...better step it up guys....


Mine are not that tall or wide but I do have two new buds on it....so I am maybe not too far behind you...
