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Contest for First Ripe Pepper

Update on contest nagas...no comparative scale in the photo but they are about 22 inches (45cm) tall. The aphids did NOT get to the plants in the grow box but you can see I have the lady bug container on the bottom of the pic. The contest nagas are the three on the right in the orangish containers and the one in front in the green container. These are 5 gallon containers and they seem to love it since transplanting from 6" containers.

Looking good AJ.

Im a slacker, I still havent got around to taking pics of mine, I promise I will post pics before this week is out!
thanks BB....wonder if Pablo has fruit yet...mine are ready for the North Texas spring...I have been putting them out on sunny days for a couple to three hours per day on nice days.....
AlabamaJack said:
thanks BB....wonder if Pablo has fruit yet...mine are ready for the North Texas spring...I have been putting them out on sunny days for a couple to three hours per day on nice days.....
hi AJ,
no fruit yet, lots of flowers and some pollen.
Im a bit messed up now,I dropped a 3 foot piece of 10 inch channel iron on my foot yesterday,so im gimping around the next few days. Ill get a picture as soon as I see a pollenated flower .

you guys are doing a great job,

sorry to hear about the gimp problem...been there done that...I worked heavy sheet metal erection in paper mills for several years....

looking forward to the pics...
AlabamaJack said:
Update on contest nagas...no comparative scale in the photo but they are about 22 inches (45cm) tall. The aphids did NOT get to the plants in the grow box but you can see I have the lady bug container on the bottom of the pic. The contest nagas are the three on the right in the orangish containers and the one in front in the green container. These are 5 gallon containers and they seem to love it since transplanting from 6" containers.


Mine have their first set of true leaves :lol:
Excelent RB.....keep it going...post a pic?
It's so tiny it probably wouldn't show up in the picture ;) I've got two Naga seedlings on the go, one of them was sent to me by someone who called it "bonkers" Naga so maybe it will be as quick growing as a beanstalk :pray:
hello all,
the 2 year old Pablo plant is beginning to ripen his second harvest,much better numbers this time,at least 40 full size pods and a few smaller immature peppers.



still waiting for the contest dirt plant to set fruit,maybe any day now.

those are gorgeous Pablo...
thanks guys,
on another note, I hobbled out to the farm yesterday and to my surprise,about 50% of the Bhut Jolokia seed I made in 07 have germinated.
estimate is about 100+seedlings so far,with more to come up hopefully.
Im pleased with this to no end,and will keep about 20% of the best plants to produce pure seed,and the remaining seedlings will be sold at the farmers market.
what you guys think a Bhut Jolokia seedling would be worth if you could find one?
(about a 6 inch seedling when ready for sale)
Ive seen them listed anywhere from 3.00us to 15 euros overseas...
let me know what you think is a fair market price.

billyboy said:
Ive got open flowers :onfire:, photos will be posted tomorrow.
thats great Billy, almost time to whip out the Q-tip .
Im getting some pollen but still no fruit set...
the race is on mate...

I am sitting mine out from now until dark today in the full sun...won't be long before they get sunshine all day every day......they have had up to 4 hours of sunshine already during my hardening exercise...have been setting them out for about 10 days now...
I think My Nagas have found a new home...fence behind them is to the north...perfect place for wind shelter in the full sun.....and of course there is Roscoe looking interested as usual......

Heres my latest pics as of today 15 March;


Nagas potted into cheap, coco coir.


One of two of my soil Nagas


Some buds


More buds

All these plants have been outside in the sun for a good month now, they have been getting nothing but plain water.
