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Contest for First Ripe Pepper

A lovely photo of your plants and a great photo of you AJ ;) The only picture I've seen of you is the ones of you in your band, I wouldn't have recognised you.
Great photo's ! I always get kinda jealous when I see setup's like that. Makes me wish I had the same amount op space i could use :)
rainbowberry said:
A lovely photo of your plants and a great photo of you AJ ;) The only picture I've seen of you is the ones of you in your band, I wouldn't have recognised you.

Ya AJ, by the blurry profile pic I thought you had a huge beard.:)
Well its almost 3 months, and I got flowers but no peppers yet.

Here's my udsidedownaga doing well.

And my biggest Morich with some recent aphid damage

Potawie, your plants may be squat, but they dang sure look healthy..

let me ask you all a question...before I started hardening off my nagas, they were starting to produce flowers and I had two flowers open...but when they were moved inside and back outside several times, they stopped with the flower bud production....I have had them back in my grow box now for about 10 days and they have started producing more flower buds...

Do you think the shock of real sunshine caused the rapid decline in flower bud production?
I bring plants in and out all the time and haven't noticed any change in flower development but its possible since the change in environment could be stressing them.
I bring plants in and out all the time and haven't noticed any change in flower development but its possible since the change in environment could be stressing them.

rainbowberry said:
I swear AJ had a beard on Myspace :)

And he's being rather coy about this whole discussion.
AlabamaJack said:
Potawie, your plants may be squat, but they dang sure look healthy..

let me ask you all a question...before I started hardening off my nagas, they were starting to produce flowers and I had two flowers open...but when they were moved inside and back outside several times, they stopped with the flower bud production....I have had them back in my grow box now for about 10 days and they have started producing more flower buds...

Do you think the shock of real sunshine caused the rapid decline in flower bud production?

My guess would be the temperature change from inside under a light to outside where it still may be a bit cool.
The mysterious full beard

just waiting to see what all the comments were...I used to have a really big mustache...that is all...it was about 3 inches below the angle of my jaw when I cut it...I don't have a picture of it at full length but this will give you an idea...(I am embaressed about my teeth because they are crooked and stained from years of coffee drinking and smoking but they are strong and healthy)...if you click on the thumbnail you can tell I was a little buzzed...

The most recent picture of me is available on our new CD titled "Last Stop Cafe" by Bodie Powell and Borderline http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=64374564 (cuts available, sorry for the plug)...

back on subject...I suppose I will have to wait another to put my Nagas outside for good...temperatures are still dipping into the low 50s here at night...
I wore it for about 3 years...it was readily identifiable by the crowds that came to see us...a lot of people would not remember my name but they remembered the mustache and would ask.."is the mandolin player with the big mustache going to be playing here tonight?".....
You are all gonna laugh but the real reason I shaved it off was it started tickling my chest at night and waking me up because I thought something was crawling on me...
AlabamaJack said:
You are all gonna laugh but the real reason I shaved it off was it started tickling my chest at night and waking me up because I thought something was crawling on me...
Been there, done that. :lol:
I actually liked mine... just that you need to let your skin "breathe" every now and then.
AlabamaJack said:
I used to have a really big mustache...

Well it's a moustache (UK) that's growing into a beard. You remind me a bit of Richard Attenborough in Miracle on 34th Street.

AlabamaJack said:
Can I call you Colonel AJ?:lol:

To get back on topic, here's another view of my topsey turvey Naga. You can see somewhat how it branching out. One of the small branches(bottom left) actually started growing into the foam center until I sorted it out.

Ive got lots of little pods around the inch long mark:P But, It looks like the aphids have ransacked all my plants, its going to take some time to get my plants back into shape!:(