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Contest for First Ripe Pepper

Great looking Bhuts Pablo...

My nagas are flowering again outside...I am sure the shock of moving in and out plus the sunscald set them back quite a bit...I have lots of flowers on them and should have fruit starting any day so BB you are way ahead of me still....
Just been outside with my torch (its nighttime here & I know Ive just woken my plants up :oops:) checking out my contest Nagas & I do have ripe pods, Ill take some pictures this weekend :onfire:
Yes I do have a few ripe pods (roughly 40mm long), but they are not what I consider full sized pods, so hang in there everyone cause Im not done yet :)
billyboy said:
Also first ripe pod should be at least the length of two "twist top" bottle caps.


Are we still going by this rule then BB?
stillmanz said:
Bhutts don't count... weres Omri lol
No just kidding. Very nice pods and plant, how far away are your nagas. Very good time from seed too.

thanks stillmanz, im not growing nagas...

Philipperv said:
I totally concur!
Are these from Chili Institute seeds?
You should do a video eating that tiny red one. :mouthonfire:
yes they are from the CPI, but they are not what you could buy.
My plants come from the original Assam seed used to produce the test plants.
the seed sold to the public is several generations from what I grow.
no need for me to do a video, we all know their hotter than hell
my favorite way to use these is to deseed the pods and dry them out,then i usually take a half pod to a pizza or 5 lbs of meat and just add the chile before cooking,this will be as hot as most could handle,any hotter and your taste buds wont work,and the experience would go from fun to miserable.
I do like to taste what I eat,not just burn.
anyone that has ever eaten one knows first hand that the heat builds long after the pepper is gone.

AlabamaJack said:
Great looking Bhuts Pablo...
thanks aj,
you should be recieveing your dried pods and seed today or tomorrow.
these pods are what i sent you aj.

with my compliments of course.
the remaining dried pods were turned into chile powder ...

Hot Stuff man

pablo said:
you should be recieveing your dried pods and seed today or tomorrow.
these pods are what i sent you aj.

with my compliments of course.
the remaining dried pods were turned into chile powder ...

Hot Stuff man


Got them Pablo and let me tell you...I took a small piece of placental tissue about half the size of a grain of rice, ground it between my front teeth and was in more pain than ever for about 20 minutes....burn lasted me about 35 minutes....hotter than anything that has ever crossed my lips....

Thanks Man...IOU
rainbowberry said:
Pablo's the "cheating" winner ;)
hi rainbowberry,
no cheating here,
I planted my seed on the 1st like everyone else,

For everyone,
something I did do was to force the plant indoors,by manupilateing the photoperiod.
fed with the correct nutrient mix to produce Pods
not seed,
with held water at the end for rapid ripening effect,
without the bumble bees working the flowers it is very likely that I would not even have a pollenated flower,so moveing it into the greenhouse with the climate control and bees made all the difference.

If I had "cheated" and used a mature plant or a clone from pablo or rose,
then this contest would have ended in march instead of may.
as far as Naga Morich or Bhut Jolokia...well anyone who has read this entire thread knows how i feel about the differences between the two...
there is no difference in the genotype
only the phenotype has some difference...just like my plants.
Pablo carries the Naga Phenotype pod and
Rose and a few others carrie the Indian Bih phenotype pod.
and fyi... Pablo,Rose and Contest Plant all came from the
very same Pepper POD...not just the same seed,
if I grow only pablo's seed and continue that line thru selective breeding,the pepper pods will become more consistant in appearance,but the genectics will never change unless a different Chile Strain is introduced,thus creating an F1 hybrid.
which btw i will attempt this year
by doing an open Fatalii/Bhut Jolokia pollenation.
this will yield 4 possibilities in the resulting seed.
1. Pure Fatalli
2. Pure Bhut Jolokia
3. Fatalii Pod pollenated by Bhut Pollen
4. Bhut Pod pollenated by Fatalii Pollen
so i may have some seed to experiment with this fall.
be nice and open minded and maybe Ill send some out to those who can actually grow it.
its been fun guys n gals... and dont take things so seriously...
there is always someone who is more experienced...
as for me,
Im just beginning to learn about peppers...
my personal favorite plant is better discussed in private...

ya mon!
Pablo tell me more of the fatalii project, what are your intentions? I'm very curious? If your interested in a sauce or commercialproduct for it I want in, even if I just play around with some recipe ideas???.pmme if your interested.

:cool: Congrats Pablo on the ripe pods.

Just out of curiosity, I was always led to believe that "peppers" do not respond to the "photoperiod" change to induce flowering.