Alchymystic said:?- Are your saying I won Rairdog....if so, I didn't! Wayright did! He properly guessed Journey one post above mine (#36)...I was just replying to his post in a way- that I had initially thought of Journey, but the wording you put as a clue sent me down another path. Could never accept something not rightfully mine- Congrats to Kevin!
I missed that. Had company that wanted to go fishing and I was trying to get to PO.
How about you both win. I got Wayright's addy. Alchy send me yours please.
You can keep playing even if you are a winner. It will just reset to a new riddle/tune. Just try and let someone else have a chance. If no one gets it... a previous winner can step in. It's about having fun and sharing. Rules suck!