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Counting calories

And, the short & skinny, tend live the longest. :D

My grams was 102 last I checked, mom was 42 when she had me.

Yeahhh..I'll outlive all of ya. Teehee..;)
Lets see here im 5'5 and around 175-180..My thing is I eat too fast and in big proportions.When I met my woman 14 years ago I was 125 lol(I dont think the beer helps either lol)Mind you where I work I load trucks..For the hell of it I brought a pedometer to work with me in an avrage day moving stock from one side of the factory to the other side then loading trucks I walk 29-30 kms a day dunno but thats alot of excercise lol
I know this sounds really wierd, but I honestly think obsessing over calories and dieting is the one of the major reasons most Americans are overweight. (Yes fastfood is bad too though.) I find it funny that in other countries they eat fattening food and pastas all of the time and they are actually thin. Oddly I think eating foods like that as well as your veggies keeps you more satisfied and you don't overeat. If you only eat when you're hungry and you eat a well balanced diet, combined with finding a hobby that keeps you active you should be fine.
I lke where I am at, I should be 5-10 lbs lighter, but it's not an unhealthy level. I'm kinda stocky, so 140-ish is good on me.

Not bad for a heavy drinkin', food cookin' 42 yo. ;)
like everyone else basically have said.
X ammount of calories taking in vs X ammount of calories used = weight gained or lost.

AlabamaJack said:
ever tried to wrestle a 250 pound shoat?

yea,one of my uncles is a pig farmer & during my younger school years I was sent to help/work during the summers. I remember 1 time we were moving a full grown sow from 1 pen to another, & I was the last person to guide the sow into her cage (the aisles are only narrow walkways). well let me tell ya it didnt go down as it was supposed to :lol: that sow hit me like a fricking freight truck & trampled over me :lol:

after that I wanted to make dinner out of it because of that :lol: but couldnt :(
Canuk Pepperhead said:
Probably built like Arnold Just dont want to get rainbowberry turned on too much:lol:

Hell no. He looks like(or used to anyways) a condom filled with walnuts. I don't want to look like that.

I just tell people that 'hey i'm no James Bond but i'm no Fig Newton either'.
Fig Newton?

I'd rather be compared to a Oreo. ;)

They are hard on the outside, taste delicious, and people love licking off the creamy center.
ImpyChick said:
That's not short. I'm short. I'm 4'11" :).

Thanks for all the good suggestions, y'all. I'll have to put the smaller plate thing into practice...ESPECIALLY tomorrow when there's a pot luck @ work! I thought about bringing in some stuffed jalapenos...but nah. My co-workers aren't worth all that effort :).

Nice to have other short ones besides me, 4'10", but my feet still touch the ground...all that matters. lol.
im 15, 5'8 and around 200. lost weight over the summer heres me.

congrats on losing the weight, but gotta laugh because at the same time you took the pic your cat decided to clean its self :lol:
PwnedPepper said:
im 15, 5'8 and around 200. lost weight over the summer heres me.

You're 15 as in "15 years old"? damn you're big for a 15 year old. looks older, too.