well I am 6'3 and 287 hoping for 300 very soon but they say the last few are the hardest..
millworkman said:I am glad this thread turned into a body figure thread.
I am 6ft and 170lbs.
rabbit said:Ok if you insist 5' 5" and 149lbs.
rainbowberry said:But you're well built arn't you?
Sickmont said:Not super defined just a really big guy
AlabamaJack said:ever tried to wrestle a 250 pound shoat?
Canuk Pepperhead said:Probably built like Arnold Just dont want to get rainbowberry turned on too much
ImpyChick said:That's not short. I'm short. I'm 4'11" .
Thanks for all the good suggestions, y'all. I'll have to put the smaller plate thing into practice...ESPECIALLY tomorrow when there's a pot luck @ work! I thought about bringing in some stuffed jalapenos...but nah. My co-workers aren't worth all that effort .
You're 15 as in "15 years old"? damn you're big for a 15 year old. looks older, too.PwnedPepper said:im 15, 5'8 and around 200. lost weight over the summer heres me.
imaguitargod said:You cat's having some fun it looks like......