• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Cowboys never ending grow log

how is the hotness on the blueberry sauce? every time I make blueberry hot sauce i add way to many blueberries and the whole thing just ends up tasting like blueberry sauce with a barely hot stinging aftertaste... bleh
how is the hotness on the blueberry sauce? every time I make blueberry hot sauce i add way to many blueberries and the whole thing just ends up tasting like blueberry sauce with a barely hot stinging aftertaste... bleh
its pretty hot! it gives me the hiccups but not too bad. its one of my favorites! i used a pound of blueberries, 15 habs, and 1 bhut to make 3 bottles.
picked some more habs and bhuts today. need to figure out what kind of sauce to make this time, kind of running out of ideas. maybe a hot bbq sauce :mouthonfire:

picked some more pods today and broke out the dehydrator.

man these bhuts are really hot this year. ate a slice of one and got the most violent hiccups. took 4 glasses of milk to cool down

it looks fantastics, really good production
thanks! i should have more production when the weather cools in the fall. we dont really have too much of a winter here.

today i made some Cowboy Scorpion Sauce using AJ's Trinidad Scorpions. Came out really good. :mouthonfire:

used scorpions, carrots, onion, garlic, tomato, white vinegar, lime juice, sea salt, and blue agave nectar
That looks yummy.

Ya know it has been awhile since I made a pepper forward sauce. You have inspired me to do something similar with my pods from AJ. It will give me a break from another kitchen project that is bedeviling me.
That looks yummy.

Ya know it has been awhile since I made a pepper forward sauce. You have inspired me to do something similar with my pods from AJ. It will give me a break from another kitchen project that is bedeviling me.
cool, glad i inspired you! yeah it came out really good, made some wings with it last night. shared some with the neighbor and he said they were the best wings he ever ate.
108 pods, 38 are cpi bhut jolokias. Used them all today and filled 25 bottles.

peppers, carrots, tomatos, onions, blueberries, white vinegar, lime juice, bourbon, garlic, brown sugar, blue agave nectar, sea salt