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powder-flake Coworkers using all my sauce, powders, ect...

All of the guys at work use all of my hot sauce & powders I bring & leave (clearly marked!). Up until this year it's only been made with habaneros, this year I'm growing anything from Bhuts to T Scorps to Douglah's. I'm thinking about making a couple batches & marking them as mine & leaving them in the fridge & seeing what happens :hell: . Would that be wrong of me??? :lol:
Would not be hard to find the thief if you put some superhot powder (or whatever) in place of what they have been "procuring" from you. Just find the guy/gal sitting in his/her chair waiving a hand in front of their face and blabbering incoherently. IMO, it is not wrong, it is just desserts.
Yeah, they're begging for it! How about some super nasty extract? Maybe you could trick them into getting some on their hands too. Umm...on second thought that might not be good idea for a paramedic. You will have to be the judge on that one, but I think they would learn a valuable lesson. DON'T MESS WITH ANOTHER MAN'S FOOD!
placing a camera would be fun... record them and post them in THP :) hehehe the secret sauce taste test.

Add a label there stating " if you like this sauce , please order from ....... and my contact number is .........." . :) hehehe
Oh Chad that is delightfully demonic! Love it! And yeah it's not a bad thing they can't get angry when it is clearly labelled as yours. Camera would be nice too, just make it really really hot, like even for you! ;)
Oh yea, Chad! That's a good one! Rub the cap with a cut chile.

Label the spice bottle "mexican chipotle blend" or the sauce bottle "medium hot sauce" so they think it's not hot and then put bhuts in it. Even if you only have a larger spice jar and a little bit of superhot powder, the name will throw 'em off.

Reminds me of the good 'ol days when my brother-in-law was living with us and I'd get him to try new sauces....."try this, it's not that hot...TRUST ME!"......
Years ago like 45-50 worked in a shop that the night shift wold use my hot sauce, my grand father made up some mash with tempin chile that were still green hot as hell. filled Tabasco bottle left in fridge, when i came to work the Foreman told me the 4 of the night shift went home sick hot sauce never when down after that. I also removed the label from the bottle as there was no green tabasco then.
LOL :rofl: well same thing happen to me. i had some super hot pepper powder in my cupboard. i was on holiday when my housemate decided to use some of my powder in their cooking. haha.. when i got back, they ask me what powder did i keep in the pepper powder container. they sort of used a few teaspoon full as they were thinking it was not hot. they told me they had sweat coming out from the head where they never taught it could hahah had burns in the mouth , burning urine and finally back orifice burns!!! it was a slow effect so they manage to eat half.! with cold beer! hehehehe.. i think they would ask me first before taking any of my things.
Definitely crank up the heat!!!! I heard of a man who kept stealing a person's desserts out of his lunch box. Dessertless person's wife baked some brownies with laxatives in them. Next day the thief helped himself as usual. Soon his identity was known and the thefts stopped. I realize that's extreme but it worked so hotter sauce and powder are the way to go.
Two cents from someone who works with HR folks. Label the jar clearly, with your name, a request not to use it without your permission, and a warning that the contents are very hot - RESIST the temptation to be deceptive in your labeling. While the goal would be to "get" those who are using it without your permission, rubbing the jar or lid with a pepper should be avoided, as it would also "get" someone who was just innocently moving the jar over, which is not your intent and would be considered an offensive move on your part. (ie - you don't want to hurt someone whose job is to clean out the fridge, for example.) After that, anyone who takes without your permission is inviting pain on themselves - not your problem. Use the hottest sauce possible for an extended period - you want a clear message sent to those who ignore your request, and word will get around. Some will take that word as a challenge, which is why you want to keep extreme heat for a while. After a handful of weeks though, you should be able to return to milder fare, if you wish.
All of the guys at work use all of my hot sauce & powders I bring & leave (clearly marked!). Up until this year it's only been made with habaneros, this year I'm growing anything from Bhuts to T Scorps to Douglah's. I'm thinking about making a couple batches & marking them as mine & leaving them in the fridge & seeing what happens :hell: . Would that be wrong of me??? :lol:

Not in the least. If you name is clearly marked and they decide to use without asking..then they deserve exactly what they WILL get! :)