Two cents from someone who works with HR folks. Label the jar clearly, with your name, a request not to use it without your permission, and a warning that the contents are very hot - RESIST the temptation to be deceptive in your labeling. While the goal would be to "get" those who are using it without your permission, rubbing the jar or lid with a pepper should be avoided, as it would also "get" someone who was just innocently moving the jar over, which is not your intent and would be considered an offensive move on your part. (ie - you don't want to hurt someone whose job is to clean out the fridge, for example.) After that, anyone who takes without your permission is inviting pain on themselves - not your problem. Use the hottest sauce possible for an extended period - you want a clear message sent to those who ignore your request, and word will get around. Some will take that word as a challenge, which is why you want to keep extreme heat for a while. After a handful of weeks though, you should be able to return to milder fare, if you wish.