CP 115 Question??

Is anyone else growing out the cp 115 from Puckerbutt? If so, are your shaping up to what they are supposed to look like? Mine look nothing like them and I'm wondering if it is because they aren't fully stable or if this is a case of me labeling the wrong thing?
I'm growing them and so far two plants out of the eight look nothing like they're supposed to look and are turning red and not brown. I've heard this complaint from some others as well. I know it's still unstable so I'm hoping the other six turn out correct since these seeds weren't cheap and this was one of the varieties I was most excited about this year. Not sure how they're turning red when it's a doughlah x butch t chocolate but who knows. If all eight plants are duds I'm gonna be crushed
Mine are red as well! And their long, about the size as some of my different colors of ghost peppers, just not as pointed, almost like a slender naga or something. And I have two plants and both seem to be the same thing. I'm with you though, this was one I was really looking forward to just for the way they looked alone. And for the price and an F5 (I think what they were supposed to be) I was looking for something completely different...
I'm growing a couple Douglah X ButchT  f4 or f5. I don't think its the same as the cp115 though. I suspect its a red butchT cross. Saved the seeds from a sent pod. It was red and favoring the BT pheno quite a bit. So far I only have one full sized green pod and its looking very Douglah shape. IMO it seems some cross's take quite a bit longer to stabilize than others. I have 6 plants of a f2 cross from Sicman that are almost all growing true to each other. Go figure?
I have had ripe pods off two of my six CP115 plants so far. Both are chocolate and extremely hot and taste great but they look totally different. I should have ripe pods off two other plants next week and I'll update then.


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RedSkull said:
I have had ripe pods off two of my six CP115 plants so far. Both are chocolate and extremely hot and taste great but they look totally different. I should have ripe pods off two other plants next week and I'll update then.
Those gnarly ones are what I'm hoping for on at least one plant. So far the two plants with pods look like your smooth ones but turning red
I too am growing this. I have 2 plants that are looking strong but have not set flowers yet... (my plants for whatever reason had a slow start this year and only my over winters are producing at the moment).
Am also hoping for that chocolate gnarly phenotype... it was the only reason I purchased them.
Plant 3 was another smooth brown but unlike the other it had so much oil it washed 2 seeds out with a drip when I cut it and plant 4 ...well its not red and its not brown....it is bumpy but long....no idea about the genetics of this one but every one on the plant are shaped the same


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That looks similar to mine, except mine are fatter and don't dwindle down to a point as much. They have a point but nothing like what I thought I was getting. Gnarly looking pod though RedSkull! Isn't this the same thing as John Fords Sepia Serpent just by a different name?
Austin said:
That looks similar to mine, except mine are fatter and don't dwindle down to a point as much. They have a point but nothing like what I thought I was getting. Gnarly looking pod though RedSkull! Isn't this the same thing as John Fords Sepia Serpent just by a different name?
I don't know the answer to that Austin but good question. I've really enjoyed these seeds maybe cmpman1974 could chime in on some of these variations we are finding! Oh and the purple plant #5 has the first 2 peppers on it now and they are green with a black spot (maybe sunburn) I can't wait to see what it turn into.
Hi everyone.  Scorched brought it to my attention that he and several others have been seeing some unexpected looks on this variety (CP 115).  I have been trying to get to the bottom of this issue as I am pretty surprised.  I grew this variety out multiple years and had extremely consistent results.  It is in the F4/F5 stage so there would be variability still, but I sure don't see it turning to a Bhut Jolokia or a completely different pepper. :(   I grew ten plants of this variety in 2014 and had 100% correct phenotypes. When I say that, I mean the general bumpy exterior and pod size.  Of course, with any super hot, some pods may have a tail, others may not. There will always be variation pod to pod, but I'd be confident in saying anyone would label them as 'gnarly' regardless. I wanted to be sure the next generation grown in 2014 kept in line with the 2013 look.
This was not Sepia Serpent. To my understanding, that is a Chocolate Scorpion x Douglah cross.  I grew it years back.  It looked different.  This is a Trinidad Scorpion Butch T Red x Douglah cross and was hotter to me and better looking.  This was a phenotype that popped up off a plant that was supposed to be red years back.  It caught my eye real fast and became a favorite.
Redskull, 6 of the pods in your photo appear correct based on my past grow-out (bumpy pods).  The size looks correct as well.   They are smaller pods than Sepia Serpent.  That is one trait that jumps out. 
Below is a few photos of my grow-out of CP 115 in 2013 and 2014.  I do not yet have pods this season on the plant, but the plants look correct to date.  They have some distinct leaf structure.






The photos above did not represent the best pods on the plants.  They were just an overall representation of my harvest.  If I wanted to do that, I would've showed only this photo:
I'll have to check mine again today. I know one if not two of the 8 plants have smooth red pods. If all 8 turn out this way that would be very strange after seeing how consistent they seem to grow for you. I can understand a couple of plants growing a bit different since it's not fully stable. If at least one plant turns out looking like yours Chris I'll be very happy
cmpman1974 said:
Hi everyone.  Scorched brought it to my attention that he and several others have been seeing some unexpected looks on this variety (CP 115).  I have been trying to get to the bottom of this issue as I am pretty surprised.  I grew this variety out multiple years and had extremely consistent results.  It is in the F4/F5 stage so there would be variability still, but I sure don't see it turning to a Bhut Jolokia or a completely different pepper. :(   I grew ten plants of this variety in 2014 and had 100% correct phenotypes. When I say that, I mean the general bumpy exterior and pod size.  Of course, with any super hot, some pods may have a tail, others may not. There will always be variation pod to pod, but I'd be confident in saying anyone would label them as 'gnarly' regardless. I wanted to be sure the next generation grown in 2014 kept in line with the 2013 look.
This was not Sepia Serpent. To my understanding, that is a Chocolate Scorpion x Douglah cross.  I grew it years back.  It looked different.  This is a Trinidad Scorpion Butch T Red x Douglah cross and was hotter to me and better looking.  This was a phenotype that popped up off a plant that was supposed to be red years back.  It caught my eye real fast and became a favorite.
Redskull, 6 of the pods in your photo appear correct based on my past grow-out (bumpy pods).  The size looks correct as well.   They are smaller pods than Sepia Serpent.  That is one trait that jumps out. 
Below is a few photos of my grow-out of CP 115 in 2013 and 2014.  I do not yet have pods this season on the plant, but the plants look correct to date.  They have some distinct leaf structure.





The photos above did not represent the best pods on the plants.  They were just an overall representation of my harvest.  If I wanted to do that, I would've showed only this photo:
i have 2 butch t x douglahs , pods starting to turn brown on 1 , will post pics soon , pods on 1 plant resemble those here .      :onfire:
How does the heat level compare to the sepia serpent? Silver surfer sent me some sepia serpent pods years ago and still to this day they are one of top 3 hottest peppers I have ever sampled. Which reminds me I should start a few seeds for winter. 