craft beer

Yes indeed,Ive had a few of them(back to back and acouple of times) and they are pretty good
t0mato said:
This is a pretty good beer.  Tokyo Black by Yoho brewing.  This might be the best porter I've had in a while.

Here's another very good beer from the same brewery as the porter.  This is a very good take on hoegaarden which is another beer that I enjoy very much.....especially in the summertime.  :cool:
These came home with me from the markets today  :party: to keep me going until the english IPA is carbonated and we are tap in business again.  
From the left
Rochefort 8
8 wired wireless IPA (fermented with brett)
Nogne 0 baltic porter
Aventinus Eisbock
Sam Smith chocolate stout
Young's Special London Ale
Sam Smith oatmeal stout
Ruination double IPA
Nogne 0 reserve baltic porter
Skull Splitter scotch ale
8 wired hopwired IPA
Not pictures was another eisbock and a free Samuel Smith pint glass.  Happy Easter to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Starting with the Youngs Special London Ale. 6.4%  Malty biscuit with medium bittering and spice with some seville orange marmalade flavours on the finish. Thinking EKG and challenger hops.
Very nice indeed! 


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8 wired hop wired down, have showcased it before. Cracking New Zealand beer, mosaic dominant.  Next up is the Stone ruination double IPA 2.0.  Candied hop resin, seriously that is the dominant flavour.  


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