seed-plant-vendors Crazy Hot Seeds

This should be interesting, as I bought three Reaper and 3x "Chocolate Bhutlah" plants from this vendor the other night, having clicked through AJDrew's website ...
They had a (727) area code for a phone number, and the pictures on their Facebook page seemed "nice" ...
Basically they have to be St. Pete/Clearwater, FL or so, so they can't be too far away ...
The site says they are certified by the state ...
The return policy is acceptable ...
Their policies seem appropriate ...
I don't think I'm aware of them as being a THP member, but it looks like there's some drama elsewhere on the net, where they might not be selling legit chocolate bhutlah - we'll see about that soon enough, I guess.
I'm starting some seeds myself, anyways, but I was happy to pick up a couple of plugs to have fresh pods sooner than later since I haven't been able to source any yet, still ...
I bought their Top 10 seed bundle w/ the half-dozen plants, because I only had the TS and Reaper seeds from that list already, so it'll be interesting to see how this one pans out ...
You've refunded the Reaper's, so they are out of the discussion ...
I'm keeping the CHS Chocolate Bhutlah to grow out, so I'll guarantee that I won't ask for a refund on them, regardless of the cloudiness around the name/genetics etc ...
I haven't decided how to handle the seeds yet ...
SmokenFire said:
It's not out of the realm of possibility that something laid eggs on the plants at or prior to shipping, and I'd suspect of anything that sprouted bugs in the days after arriving too - anyone would.  Weeks after?  That doesn't always mean that's on you, but ultimately what does it really cost?
A lot of invertebrates lay eggs that take months to hatch. Climates more northerly than Florida are their usual place, but please note that many of these species have a biological clock that is not attuned to temperature, but daylength (i think the term is diapause).

Whether those eggs were laid on the grower's plants, or recently hatched out on a shrub by the customer's front door (and hitched a ride unnoticed, on the customer's shirt-sleeve into his house), it could easily explain the aphids in the pics. Any vendor not knowing this might suspect the validity of a complaint... any customer not knowing this might suspect the vendor's quality control.
Yeah. In this case, the pots were bleached, and the same soil was used to re-pot each set of 3x ...
My indoor fluoro unit is setup for a capillary mat, but I was hesitant as the reaper's were relatively spindly and missing a lot of the lower leaves, so I planted the 3x of one in one plate, and the others in a separate plate, so they would be separated by water (bottom-feeding), twice over ...
The 3x of one type were heavily infested, and the 3x of the other show NONE, and they were inches apart, in the same unit ...
I could be mad that they shipped together, but I'm not that unreasonable ...
It's Florida, it's a bitch ... I get it, and I've been there myself ...
In fairness, the Piedmont and CCN plants came WITH the critters, and these came clean, but half of them clearly had eggs ...
I would have picked up neem oil and continued CHS's treatment - which was clearly keeping things at bay - with that direction.
I do have a problem w/ people sending out product that can wipe out a grow, knowingly, without warning.
My previous grows are here on the site, and you can see that I typically use ladybugs, AACT, pyrethrin, and copper sulfate myself - BUT didn't want to use those in my home, and CHS had suggested it would be best to give them a gentle indoor start (there was an impending frost night) ...
It's all good.
PayPal has a customer-oriented 180 day dispute period, which means I'll probably still know before it's up if the seeds are faux ...
If I receive a refund for the seeds, I'll assume that CHS decided it's better not to have the kind of exposure that will come with my growing them out, and I'll return the seeds to him instead of starting them this weekend.
Otherwise, I'm going to pull out 2-3x of each, and start them ... and it'll be documented in my GLOG and here.
Totally fake chocolate bhutlah's.  Came from my garden in 2013, named them and sent to some of my friend' s that review pods. The ppl you see on youtube reviewing them got the pods from me. It is only an f3 this season and has not been tested yet. The " Real " Chocolate Bhutlah is (bhut x douglah) x T.S. Butch T. This guy started using the name after the youtube videos came out.
Me pod testing my f1 Chocolate Bhutlah. Fall of 2013
That thing looks nasty! Ooosh ...
There's lots of lessons in all of this, in terms of branding and SEO ...
If I was growing out a chocolate bhut x douglah, and someone created a cross and created a market for a cross that I already had - would I co-opt their Google juice and/or star-power? .... hmmmmmm ... I'm not sure, I might.
It's not very unique, and there's only so many ways to combine the literal names.
Of course, that said, if I was in the other position, I might go with The OG Bhutlah when mine was stable, and create a bunch of Internet drama/hype to launch it, which done correctly, could probably get most all of the future business back in my court ...
It's all kind of interesting, but also kind of boring ...
standbyandfire said:
Totally fake chocolate bhutlah's.  Came from my garden in 2013, named them and sent to some of my friend' s that review pods. The ppl you see on youtube reviewing them got the pods from me. It is only an f3 this season and has not been tested yet. The " Real " Chocolate Bhutlah is (bhut x douglah) x T.S. Butch T. This guy started using the name after the youtube videos came out.
Me pod testing my f1 Chocolate Bhutlah. Fall of 2013
Nice vid. And it really seems to be a nice pod. I also bought the wrong choco Bhutlah at CHS. I would love to review this pod so what  do I have to do get the chance to review this beauty?
greetz Micha
DAMMIT Grant !!!!
What have we told you about scammin those vendors!!!!!
In all seriousness though I was hoping this transaction went well. I can see by the way it was handled it has pretty much been as pretty as a swamp donkey.
My thoughts are that it is not the fact of the pests but rather the outright accusations of an esteemed member of this community to be a scammer to get free stuff.
If you look back Grant has contributed much to this community over the years. But CHS...... not so much, Been a member for a year but no real contribution to the site or community and, while you may have loyal customers you just lost a potential big one by your accusations and unwillingness to participate through this forum.
I actually believe there's hope for it all, yet.
I did, in fact, cook a brisket that cost more than my whole order last weekend =)
I'm OK w/ everything so far, except for not having been warned to have pots ready, and not having been instructed on how to continue their care.
You and I both know how the pestilence is here in Florida, and I would have ordered some neem oil to be able to continue their treatment INDOORS w/ instruction ...
I think he should A/B test discretely changing the "Chocolate Bhutlah," to "CHS Chocolate Bhutlah," and I don't think it will impact the majority of sales, and will alleviate the issues between him and the original ... IMO.
It's all good, so far.
If I haven't received a refund for the seed pack by the weekend, I'm going to pull 2-3x of each and start them over the weekend ...
CHS can have the spotlight, or get out of it ... it's totally fair.
Yeah, there's no hope - here's the PM I received today:
"I have refunded you the seeds as well. You have already insinuated that you are going to take advantage of the 180 day buyer protection from paypal. I have refunded you $59.95 for the seeds and $5.99 for the shipping of the reaper plants. So now you have spent a grand total of $30.95. 

By no means does this mean our seeds are fake, I just don't see you being satisfied no matter how it turns out. 
I trust you will ship back the seeds like you offered. Good luck with your Chocolate Bhutlah plants."

I think it likely means your seeds are fake, or that you can't have anymore PayPal disputes without fear of having all of your activity frozen up ...
It also means you think I should pay $30 for 3x controversial "Chocolate Bhutlah" that cost <$6 to ship - making them $8/plant ... for fake's.
The rate for plants from Juanitos is $28 for 4x plants, including shipping, and that's before he refunded me $3 for not using the discount code.
That's the thing you don't understand, and refuse to understand even with people telling you, and where you are failing yourself ...
You keep insinuating that I'm trying to scam you, when the only thing that's genuinely shady at this point is what you are doing ...
I'm the guy who paid full price for Juanitos plants despite the coupon that's available ON PURPOSE.
I'm the guy who made a relative large order when a member asked me to purchase a single item to help them test their new development site for their store here (JHP) ...
I'm the guy who bought the whole catalog from one of the more prominent hot sauce members here, AND I DON'T EVEN REALLY LIKE HOT SAUCE (LDHS).
You continue to miss the point, and the fact that you don't *WANT TO* participate here probably speaks for itself that you are not doing things right.
So ...
*I'm* valuing your fauxtlah's at $4-5 ea, plus $6 shipping, and when I receive an additional $10 refund, so that my order cost ~$20 for your crap, I'll send you these seeds back ...
Why? ... Because I think you're a dick, continuing to insult me as if I'm trying to fleece you, while you are getting called out for deceiving customers about the genetics, by the people who DID THE WORK.
What an ass.
You can have your 10 pack of seeds back, for $10.
Otherwise, here's what's really going to happen - I'm going to write up a fun post and give them away for free, and run a raffle for anyone who responds to the thread w/ a negative comment about CHS and includes your domain name in the post. Google love's that ...
$10 more, just because I really genuinely despise you at this point ...
Oh, and, do I send them to the PP address? ...
Seriously dude, you are legendary.
You are just proving my point that you had no intention of paying for the seeds or plants. You have no intention of returning the seeds. You knew the return policy and you are refusing again. I feel for janitos because he will be one of the lucky ones if he ever sees that money that you "paid" him.
Crazy Hot Seeds said:
You are just proving my point that you had no intention of paying for the seeds or plants. You have no intention of returning the seeds. You knew the return policy and you are refusing again. I feel for janitos because he will be one of the lucky ones if he ever sees that money that you "paid" him.
Oh Boy, Baker's all over again.......
Crazy Hot Seeds said:
You are just proving my point that you had no intention of paying for the seeds or plants. You have no intention of returning the seeds. You knew the return policy and you are refusing again. I feel for janitos because he will be one of the lucky ones if he ever sees that money that you "paid" him.
You continue to miss the point, in the most epic, missing-the-point, ever.

I'd rather return the seeds than lower myself to your level, so please refund the $10 additional dollars.
Actually, here ...
I encourage all members here to value your 3x fake chocolate bhutlah plants right here in the thread, and I'll pay the highest suggestion < $30 for them that comes in ...