breeding Cross Country/

Mine should be here tomorrow. These are my final chinense plantings for the year. I may get/start more annums in the summer. We'll see...

I'm excited! Like Christmas in April. This is my first time ordering from them.

Here's what I've got arriving:

Aji Omnicolor
Aji Panca
Aribibi Gusano
Beni Highlands
Condor's Beak
Datil Sweet
de Arbol Purple
Golden Greek (2)
Mayo Pimento
Pimiento de Chiero
Trinidad Scorpion
Trinidad Smooth
Yellow Bedder

I've never grown any of these, so I'd love to hear comments on any that have tried them. Obviously there is enough info here on the scorpions to beat a man to death with. But the rest I've not heard a ton about.

Who else has plants coming from them? What did YOU order?
We love Cross Country! I have not ordered from there but have heard good things. They are close enough that we stop by the nursery and pick the plants up our selves...Theyre great people there also!

As for the seedlings, Ive grown: arbibi gusano and datil sweet, both from cross country. Had success with both, for the soil we made a mixture of top soil, manure and peat. Stuck em in the ground .. they need lots of room... more than a square foot each. Water them when they look "sad" (start wilting) and youre good to go!!

This is my touch and go method and have been very successful with it ! I feel like gardening is best learned through trail and error.

Good luck to you this season!!

I really haven't heard anything bad about CCN. They appear to have a great selection, so let me know how the plants look when they show up.
Mine should be here tomorrow also. I ordered from them as a backup plan because this was my first year starting from seed & didn't think I'd have anywhere near the germination rate I I've got 3 Bhut, 3 7 Pot, 2 Fatalii, 2 Red Savina, 2 Trinidad Scorpion's coming in tomorrow to go along with the 170 I have that are between 4 & 7" that will be ready to go outside in the next 4 or 5 days. :doh:

So needless to say I will be giving away quite a few plants to family & friends this year! :D
This can be a tricky proposition sometimes.

The seller juices them before shipping and sometimes they overdo it causing them to go dormant for a little while and it takes time for them to come back around.

This process is necessary which help them survive the isolation from light.

I would like to hear how this all works out for you!!

Good luck, Jack
Mine should be here tomorrow also. I ordered from them as a backup plan because this was my first year starting from seed & didn't think I'd have anywhere near the germination rate I I've got 3 Bhut, 3 7 Pot, 2 Fatalii, 2 Red Savina, 2 Trinidad Scorpion's coming in tomorrow to go along with the 170 I have that are between 4 & 7" that will be ready to go outside in the next 4 or 5 days. :doh:

So needless to say I will be giving away quite a few plants to family & friends this year! :D

Nice selection, you are going to love those!!
Eephus man, I think you will really like the Beni highlands. Med sized pod with medium thick skin, great flavor and good heat. I also really liked the Pimento de Cheiro as well. I am growing the Aji Panca and Aribibi Gusano this year. Some coworkers and I bought from CCN around 2003. Their packaging is quite professional and the plants were in great shape too. The shipping costs have changed a bit since then. I still get their catalog every year and emails.

Good luck with your growing venture

Thanks y'all! Just checked tracking and they are officially in Austin!

Good to see another CTX pepperhead here, Mike. PM me if you've got a sportscar. You won't regret it. :)
Yeah. I'm impressed. I think next year I'm going to order *only* chinenses from them for the first go 'round. And then order annums at their 'firesale' in June/July. That way the slow growers go in a little later in the spring here, and I've got fresh annums for the fall at a good price.

The packaging is something to marvel at in and of itself. Very cool.
Chocolate Bhut Jolokia, Red Bhut Jolokia, Yellow Bhut Jolokia, Devils Tongue Yellow & 7-Pod. Supposed to be shipped to me this coming week.. First time ordering from them, never knew about them until someone mentioned them in a thread a couple days ago. Excited!
Those plants don't look too bad at all for shipping.:dance: :dance: I've got some coming this next week

I thought they looked great. Especially with a 50-60 degree swing in temps during shipping.

pinched a few buds, and now I'm getting them acclimated for transplant on Wednesday.
Got 'em! Now let's see if I can remember how to post pics from flickr. I can't ever seem to get it right.

I deduced from the other two photos that the Lim贸n is the 4th plant from the left in the middle row and the Beni Highlands plant is the 5th plant in the bottom row.

Do you have any subsequent photos of the Beni Highland plants and the Lim贸n plants from your 2011 season? I'm interested in comparison between these two varieties.
I deduced from the other two photos that the Lim贸n is the 4th plant from the left in the middle row and the Beni Highlands plant is the 5th plant in the bottom row.

Do you have any subsequent photos of the Beni Highland plants and the Lim贸n plants from your 2011 season? I'm interested in comparison between these two varieties.

Hi Harry,

I do not. But based on what fruited here and came from CCN, the Beni Highland was a 2-2.5" pepper, ripened orange. Tasted pretty good. Citrus tones, plenty of heat. The plant was about 2.5' tall, but did get stunted a bit in the summer.

The Lim贸n produced small, 1/2-1" fruits that were bright yellow and that I quite disliked the taste of. Very bitter and "soapy" to my tastes. Similar heat to the BH, but perhaps a bit less (I didn't eat many due to the taste). It produced considerably more heavy yields than the BH. Almost tepin-ish. The plant was very bushy and grew to maybe 2.5'.

Hope that helps!
Hi Harry,

I do not. But based on what fruited here and came from CCN, the Beni Highland was a 2-2.5" pepper, ripened orange. Tasted pretty good. Citrus tones, plenty of heat. The plant was about 2.5' tall, but did get stunted a bit in the summer.

The Lim贸n produced small, 1/2-1" fruits that were bright yellow and that I quite disliked the taste of. Very bitter and "soapy" to my tastes. Similar heat to the BH, but perhaps a bit less (I didn't eat many due to the taste). It produced considerably more heavy yields than the BH. Almost tepin-ish. The plant was very bushy and grew to maybe 2.5'.

Hope that helps!
Thanks for the information.

Did the Lim贸n mature faster than the Beni Highlands?

I grew Lim贸n plants from seed obtained from two suppliers. All four Lim贸n plants are very similar thus far and have matured quicker than the Beni Highlands. The Beni Highlands plants were grown from non-isolated seeds.

A photo for comparison:

Season starts
Top row:White Bhut, Lim贸n, Aji Cristal, Aji Cristal, Scotch Bonnet TFM
Middle row: Fluorescent Purple, Beni Highlands, Beni Highlands, Lim贸n, Lim贸n
Bottom row: Lim贸n, Habanero Peach, Habanero Peach, Habanero Chocolate, White Bhut

Did the CCN Beni Highlands foliage appear like that in my photo?
your plants are looking real nice Im going to start growing as soon as all my seeds get here and i get all my lights and stuff (its winter here) im trying my hands at growning a few plants inside.
They didn't *seem* to mature more quickly. I got my first pod of the two plants off of the BH. The lim贸n did do better in the summer months and didn't slow down as much.

Did the CCN Beni Highlands foliage appear like that in my photo?

IIRC, yes. It's so hard to say at this stage, though. Looks like a lot of other chinenses. If you'd have asked me a week ago, I'd've sent you a photo. But my BH melted along with most of the rest of my garden in the frost on Tuesday night.