Cowboys are rollin' right now in Cincy. If it ain't ain't football! Begin talking your trash ya'll!!
I am SO sorry you like Tony Homo and the Cowgirls.
Sorry, Im from Houston. Anyone from Houston HATES the Cowboys. Honestly, I dont watch pro ball any more. Im a college ball fan.
Back in the '70's and early '80's the Dallas Cowboy chearleaders were a very hot item..... are they still the same, cause I never hear of them?
Well it may be a pipe dream, they were there once but Go Raiders!!!
No wonder the Rev calls it heaven, hell or houston.
Which Rev would that be referring to? The Rev. Billy C. Wirtz or another?
gonna play wait and see...gonna wait until romo hooks up with miles austin and we will see who wins.....roflmao...
Cowboys at home in the Jerry Dome in the Superbowl...