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Damage Control

Well Today we had some storms roll thru so I went out
got the youngin's in the cups and brought em in incase they
were bad storms and decided the larger plants in the containers
should be fine so I left them out.Well I was wrong!! had alot
of gusty winds but it rained.and did it rain hard and fasr about
an inch in half an hour. so I go out and see there was about an
inch of standing water in each container and the J.R.S. Bonnet
and Tabasco both bent over lying limp so I drained each container
and decided I would try and prevent this from happening again.
I took some pics to show you what I did and to see if I did
the right or wrong things to the plants. I used twine and wire
Please let me know if this is good.Oh and pic 3 well he saw
me paying attention to the plants and said "hey what about me :lol: all help is greatly appreciated.
oh btw they all seem ok now


What I have been doing, and what my wife did today, is to put a stake a couple of inches from the stem and the using plant string, anchor them as high as possible. But you don't want to go too high. I'd say for your plants, about half way up would be best. You just have to take some care when "threading" the string through the leaves, but it is possible to get it higher. Hope this helps ya. I'll try and get you a couple of photos tomorrow, weather permitting.

*edit* I found a couple of good photos Tom. Here is a Serrano plant that I staked. You can't see the string cause it is green, but it is pretty high on the plant.

Here is the same plant and if you look hard enough you can see the string in the lieft side of the photo wrapped around the stake, just to give you an idea.

I've actually got a similar setup on my Hanoi Red right now. About halfway up sounds good as well. Better to do something than nothing.:) My Hanoi Red just grew tall really fast. Also, TL your dog is looking at all of us going.......Look at me.......Forget those peppers!...lol!!
Thanks Paul much helpful
I will go out tomorrow(after I tie a few flies for my
upcoming trip:lol:) and check my plants out and use your pics
as a referance and maybe redo a few stakes/plants
Sounds good Tom. Just remember that you're not tyeing flys...LOL You want to tie them securely, but not too tight, if that makes any sense.
Thanks for reminding me about this. I kept forgetting to buy supports for my plants. When we were kids, my Grandma would use sticks from the yard and her old pantyhose cut into strips and tied off. I have no yard, nor do i have pantyhose as i don't wear em and my chick's a hippie.
(Insert extreme foul language here) ARRGGGGGGHHHH
it happened again (continuing now as I type)
More heavy intense rain tonight about another 1"
worth of rain in a short period of time. I go out and look
Yep 2 more plants had to be rescued.Might be more since
its still pouring out and I havent been out yet.
I swear I just might have to yank all the chile plants
and plant a freaking rice field :mad::mad:

I had a similar problem recently here in spain. We had a couple of weeks of unexpected heavy rainfall. My plants were a lot smaller than yours and not having anywhere protected I could put them they just had to sit out in the rain for two weeks and hack it! I did lose a few plants but the majority recovered (their leaves went a bit yellow!) but now they are fine.

I think your plants look strong and will be fine.

(Love your cool dog in the pic!)
Tom, I feel your pain my friend, it has been just as wet here too. I'm really glad that I drilled as many holes in my buckets that I did as well as constructing my pepper beds with drainage in mind. This weather has to stop sometime.
Thanks Paul
Whats really sad is my drainage holes are big and when
I normally water them they drain so good it dries out quickly
yet they all had standing water so it show just how dang
much it has rained :lol: