Datil Pepper Relish

Say what you want about the relish with trying it first DP but this relish is really the only condiment you would need 'cept for maybe mustard

I grew up with that basic relish on our table and every local seafood restaraunt table, so I don't need to try it again. It is just as good or better with less sugar or no sugar. But your tastebuds may vary.
Understood DP - you being from FL its probably pretty common but going up the East Coast not so. I would love to try it in other areas to compare -- Its like BBQ sauce KC vs Memphis vs Texas vs North Carolina etc...
The NatGreenMeds recipe is the #1 post of this thread.
I used it to make a 3 pint batch last night.
I'd like to let it age a few weeks, but after sharing with a few co-workers at lunch today, I now only have 2 pints remaining....and I don't think those are gonna last very long either.
Their most common comments were..."outstanding & awesome"
I guess it goes without saying ..that we think its a very good recipe.
This stuff was great after I first made it but it's off the chain after a month. I opened a new jar yesterday and the flavors had come together and it's unreal. I've used it mostly on eggs. I like to make mayo biscuits topped with gravy, then layer on about 5 strips of bacon, then 2 eggs over easy, and top with this relish. OMG!!!