Datil Pepper Relish

What I plan to do with my pepper plants is grow one or two of each type on high nitrogen vegetative growth nutrients using topping until I have a nice large full plant with lots of branches. Then I'll take the upper 4 inches from each branch and clone an exact duplicate of the plant for the peppers. This will keep each plant pure. It makes no difference if it cross pollinates or not this way. I'll have as many of each type as I want.

I use this type of cloning device:

Botanicare's American Agritech Cloning Machines

The results are great. 15 days and you have a rooted clone that is identical to the host plant.
I have two plants and it is mayhem keeping up -- I am going to do the same recipe and probably triple or quadruple it and add two nagas to about 4-6 pints -- The taste and heat level the way it is works well with virtually everyone Its the pepperheads that I am giving a boost to and if it works well I will make more -- very good recipe
More Datils and Fatalli and datils would rock,,Naga idea is good but the flavour of the Fatalli and datil a great marriage :rolleyes:
Steve973 said:
What would 4 Nagas (as the only pepper in the recipe) be like?
Seriously hot, but if that's the way you like it, then it would be great for you.

Let us all know......I'm betting you'll come back with part of your head taped on.

I'm just getting some ideas for next year. I will have a couple of nagas growing next year, so I am coming up with ideas for their use. The flavor is definitely the most important thing. I will probably make a few versions since I'll be increasing my number of datil plants from one to four, and I'll also have four fatalii plants as well.
You should have quite a few peppers already with one Datil

if my Fatellis were ripe I would try one -- but tonight I am mixing in 1 or 2 Nagas -- like stated above --
I'll probably have to make this one outside
I checked yesterday and lo and behold 3 ripe Yellow Fatellis -- yup you know where they are going tonight !! I may do a regular (Datil only) Medium (Fatelli -- :shocked: pffft) and Extreme (Naga)
I checked yesterday and lo and behold 3 ripe Yellow Fatellis -- yup you know where they are going tonight !! I may do a regular (Datil only) Medium (Fatelli -- :shocked: pffft) and Extreme (Naga)

:rolleyes: o my god Dont Tease you cruel sauce maker you..Datil/fatalli..

I checked yesterday and lo and behold 3 ripe Yellow Fatellis -- yup you know where they are going tonight !! I may do a regular (Datil only) Medium (Fatelli -- :shocked: pffft) and Extreme (Naga)
I'll be right over....was that a right or a left at the pond?
NatGreenMeds said:
I'll be right over....was that a right or a left at the pond?

Talas takes his jealously out on Nat Going round to dogs for a Datil Heatfest..daman damn damn :(
My my my what a zinger -- 3 Yellow Fatelli 1 Biker Billy Jap about 2 handfuls of Datils doubled the recipe -- How addicting -- the heat hits you on the tongue gums and lips numbing a bit then disipates in about 5 minutes -- this is a great combo ! I also made another batch of (I guess) "regular" -- My wife also wants to try it on some brisket this weekend -- so all in all a great success and approximatly 6 pints total

as a note I do simmer this for a lot longer than 45 min. I let it go till its thick(er) the large pot was on maybe 3 hrs on a very low simmer -- I dont want to burn it for one and two I want to retain color. I'll try taking pics this time of the final product.
They are soon to come -- Id mail you some but I dont how that would fare...
they'll come and you will making your own !!!
They are soon to come -- Id mail you some but I dont how that would fare...
they'll come and you will making your own !!!



Life a cruel twist when theres no Datils..And iam in the eye of the storm..Where no man will see the flower of such a beautiful fruit as mine eyes have seen..Alas..Back To the Dark mills of mankind's creations..