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"DEAD MOUTH" Naga Sauce


This is how my Dead Mouth Naga sauce looks like. I don't believe in those crazy super hot sauces advertizing millions of scoville heat ratings. A sauce, according to me , is a thing that adds taste to your food and enough heat to make you more hungry.

My sauce is so different from run of the mill sauces that you would love it at the first drop.

Here is the picture.


Tkromer said:
That is one of the most beautiful sauce colors I've ever seen, and I assume it's natural. Very cool bottle you have too, hope you enjoy.


You said it my friend. I hate using artificial colors.
My sauce has only natural ingredients.

Sci said:
Looks good does it have much kick to it


it all depends on your tolerance level. This sauce is there for enhancement of taste and also heat level of food.

My take on sauces is, like Scotch vs 80 proof Moonshine.
Do you want to drink or do you want the drink to drink you.

It is much better than Tabasco sauces and such. The purest aroma of Naga Jolokia will be felt when you use this sauce. The heat will start working a bit slowly and then it will build up the rush.

It does have a pretty color NJA.

Would you mind translating a couple of your comments for me? What does "Do you want to drink or do you want the drink to drink you." and "The purest aroma of Naga Jolokia will be felt when you use this sauce." mean? One last thing what is a Naga Jolokia? A cross?

On a scale of 1 - 10 what number would you assign the heat level?

Strange......I seem to sense the presence of PMD.

patrick said:
It does have a pretty color NJA.

Would you mind translating a couple of your comments for me? What does "Do you want to drink or do you want the drink to drink you."

Answer>...100% PROOF Moonshine or Arrack is equated to So called DEATH SAUCES with ridiculous amount of Capsacin content.They do nothing to food except to kill any subtalities of taste and flavor. They eat away the intrinsic value of good food. On the other hand, Naga Jolokia sauce fashioned by me delievers purest Naga aroma to food with heat slowly rising and reaching its peak without you losing the joy of eating good steak or any other food you are enjoying. A side dish/pickle/sauce should never overpower the main course/dish that you are eating. PERIOD

and "The purest aroma of Naga Jolokia will be felt when you use this sauce." mean? One last thing what is a Naga Jolokia? A cross?

ANSWER: Naga Jolokia is same as Naga Morich, Bhut Jolokia or Tezpur .
Some people say it is a cross beween some hot peppers. I do not know much about its parentage.

On a scale of 1 - 10 what number would you assign the heat level?

You mean heat level of Naga Jolokia?....10
My sauce................................5 to 6

Strange......I seem to sense the presence of PMD.

By PMD , do you mean 'Protein Mutant Database'

Hey NJA congrats on the pure sauce ingredient stance....not enough sauce makers make pure whole food sauce. Sauce as you say is a flavoured addition to food to enhance teh taste...and a real sauce should be whole food in a bottle. Good stuff, love the colour!

good old pmd i miss him he he he!
patrick said:
Apologies for the mistaken identity NJA. You are definitely not PMD.

Thanks for answering my questions too.

LMAO........nice interrogation Pat. I've seen many posts about the person, but this PMD must have been a real trophy! I've heard rumor that he moved to Vegas and goes by a different name now:lol:
Dyce51 said:
NJA-- That sauce looks very cool!!! The color is so vivid and almost Neon!!!!!!! Aside from Jolokia's what else is in the sauce.....what type of flavor?

hehehehehe Nice try man, the sauce contains Naga Jolokia , no flavors, usual vinegar, salt,no artificial colors, a hint of this, a hint of that,a pich of this and a pinch of that and of course my research of two years with some secret ingredients (neutral).

Dyce51 said:
NJA-- That sauce looks very cool!!! The color is so vivid and almost Neon!!!!!!! Aside from Jolokia's what else is in the sauce.....what type of flavor?

Scorpion said:
Hey NJA congrats on the pure sauce ingredient stance....not enough sauce makers make pure whole food sauce. Sauce as you say is a flavoured addition to food to enhance teh taste...and a real sauce should be whole food in a bottle. Good stuff, love the colour!

good old pmd i miss him he he he!


Hey buddy, I skimmed thro your blog. Cool and lovely small operation you run bro.

Naga Jolokia Addict said:

Hey buddy, I skimmed thro your blog. Cool and lovely small operation you run bro.


Cheers mate...love making sauce...getting in their and throwing the ingredients around. Just had a lovely camel steak with Garlic Gremlin....yum! mmm another beer I think!