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seeds Dealing with Reimer seeds (read before ordering from them)

I think it's funny that they ban you from ordering. How childish. Instead of fixing the problem, just do away with the person who points it out. Brilliant.
MrArboc said:
It's because people like you send them their money. Simple as that.

I'm not calling you stupid, I don't want to start an argument, but their reputation should have stopped you from dealing with them. Sometimes you just shouldn't give people an opportunity to rip you off because they will.

Heck, even an n00b like me over in Sweden knew about them before I found this forum.

Still friends? Please?

Read what I have typed for Pete's sake. I knew their reputation. I knew their seeds have a reputation for not germinating or not being what they are labeled as. But I couldn't find any other company in the States selling the cukes I wanted.

Besides, if all their customers were like me, they would be refunding money constantly. :!:

wordwiz said:

Ya missin' the point. I knew Reimers reputation. It was the devil I had to deal with for these particular seeds. It was their idiotic responses that I originally posted. Wanting the know the UPC code of the type of potting soil I used, the average daytime and nighttime temps, my watering regimen.

Then they try to tell me is my problem is I am trying to grow these cukes in hydro. I never complained how they grew - I complained because they didn't germinate - in soil.

I got my money back (I would have preferred replacement seeds), won't be able to order from them again (darn the bad luck!) and still have three or four seeds I can take extra pains with and try to germinate. I'm not an unhappy camper but wonder how a company whose customer service reps are so stupid manages to stay in business.


but seriously dude, what did you expect? that they'd get your order right and service you correctly despite mucking up everyone else's??? I can't see how you're so surprised by their responses - they seem to be appropriate given their reputation.

stay cool mate
wordwiz said:
Read what I have typed for Pete's sake. I knew their reputation. I knew their seeds have a reputation for not germinating or not being what they are labeled as. But I couldn't find any other company in the States selling the cukes I wanted.

Read what I'm typing. You know their reputation. You know their seeds don't germinate, and you know that if they germinate they might not be what they where supposed to be. You knew their costumer support sux big time.

You knew all this. You sent the your money. You should have known that you got screwed before the screwing.


We've all been f**ked. We live with it and try to warn others. But we don't whine if we heard warnings but ignored them. You got screwed, but you let them do it!

Sleep on it, then you might understand the lesson:-)
Lets kinda lighten this thread up a little bit...as he said, he took a chance because this dealer was the only one in the US selling what he wanted...

Reamers = Bad

WordWiz = Good THP member sharing first hand experience

mama always told me if you didn't have anything nice to say, don't say nothing at all...

and a reminder to all...rule 10 for the forum...

"10) Please be civil. Discussions that turn into flame wars will not be tolerated."
Throwing up my hands in surrender. This thread, at least as far I am concerned, is about the idiotic response to my statement about seeds not germinating. Not about me getting taken. I bought seeds last year from probably six different sources. Some cane up, some didn't. So life goes. Given Reimers rep, I thought I would file a complaint and really didn't expect a reply, let alone the one I got.

So okay, I'm done.

No sir...no trouble...just trying to nip this in the bud before it gets out of hand...
hey Wiz - not attacking you - thread divergence happens here repeatedly, commenting on related aspects of a thread has always been accepted at THP. this Reimer's topic has been commented on ad nauseum on these boards, it is unfortunate you had to be the most recent victim of one of the many areas they fall short in.

the main issue with written open forums is that it is sometimes difficult to convey your exact message to such a large audience and then limit the responses to on-topic only. our boards here invite feedback and discussion which isn't always exactly aligned with the original post.
AlabamaJack said:
mama always told me if you didn't have anything nice to say, don't say nothing at all...
That's odd....my mom always told me if you don't have anything nice to say you should probably work for Fox News...... :lol:
chilliman64 said:
hey Wiz - not attacking you -


I know you ain't! Like I said, I'm a happy camper and had fun jerking Reimers' chains for a few moments. It's a lot more fun to pick on those guys than argue with friends in this forum.

But, I do need to add this, and it goes to show how stupid the CS person is - I now have four cuke that have formed and are growing - in a hydro unit, from seeds that germinated - in potting soil!

I really think they don't have a bad name just because of their seeds but rather their attitude. From what I can find, they are a wholesaler of seeds, not a grower. I think that's true for 95% of vendors. They get their seeds from a place that specializes in crossing one cuke with another, saving the seeds and selling them.

Perhaps one of their other problem is they buy old seeds - I dunno. But I do know that if a customer calls me and tells me he/she didn't get their paper this week, I'm not going to ask them when their house was built and how much room they have in the back of the building!!!

Merry Christmas,

what i find funny about reimers is that if you complain you get banned. Yea this is gonna help their profile. Do they think that they are the only seed suppliers on the planet, i've never used them only because i've never heard anything good about them.
Another Q, why is it that these HH seeds are so hard to come by?
Hey word I think you got screwed.Never dealt with reamers but after your post never will.Sorry for your trouble but THANK YOU!Keep us all posted.
Davetaylor said:
what i find funny about reimers is that if you complain you get banned. Yea this is gonna help their profile. Do they think that they are the only seed suppliers on the planet, i've never used them only because i've never heard anything good about them.
Another Q, why is it that these HH seeds are so hard to come by?


They are a hybrid, one that is self-pollinating. Potawie posted a link to a Canadian company selling them that will send them via the Postal Service (which means they shouldn't be irradiated) but cost is about $2 per seed when shipping is added. If they germinate, that's not bad, since these plants seems to be prolific, at least so far.

But I am also growing Diva and Tasty Jade that are also self pollinating. Don't know for sure if they are soft-skinned like the HH or not and they don't get as long, but I'm not really that picky about what cukes go into my salad. This summer, my main cukes will be Sikkims, plus some lemon cukes a nice THP member sent. The Sikkims are not as cheap as some others but wow - do they produce and they are great!
