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Dear, Lucky Dog Hot Sauce:

I would just like to see people learn the difference between personal attacks and having their opinions challenged.
ps In slow-mo it was the kicker who hopped into the defense man already on the ground and not being able to review that one play was bull.

mx5inpa said:
I would just like to see people learn the difference between personal attacks and having their opinions challenged
I'm trying to move past that because I like scovie and we're friends - I think it just got a little carried away with the emotion of the game/rivalry. Why you're trying to get involved is a mystery, but let's all just move on.

So it's official and all out in the open and stuff, here it is:

Scovie - I'm sorry if I offended you in any way through this topic.

Now let's dance :dance:
Lucky Dog Hot Sauce said:
Let's see - having someone tell me I was full of shit and classless are not "challenging my opinions" so they'd probably fall into the former category.
You and other people used the word classless. I cant find where Scovie did.

But I'm trying to move past that because I like scovie and we're friends - I think it just got a little carried away with the emotion of the game/rivalry. Why you're trying to get involved is a mystery, but let's all just move on.

So it's official and all out in the open and stuff, here it is:

Scovie - I'm sorry if I offended you in any way through this topic.

Now let's dance :dance:
Well 'full of shit' is talking about the words you had just used, in other words, your opinion. You think your opinion is you, so you over-reacted. Not to say his reaction didnt seem a little excited too. As far as the word 'classless' I cant find where he used it but several where you did.

The most disturbing stuff in this thread was the veiled racism.
Why I'm involved? Who cares? It's not a private message. I didn't hack the forum to get into this thread.
mx5inpa said:
 Why I'm involved? Who cares? It's not a private message. I didn't hack the forum to get into this thread.
No but like every other topic I've seen you post in you're going out of your way to stir up crap. That's called trolling. And I care because I dislike when people troll discussion forums, like you're obviously doing in here and several other topics.

Do tell about the "veiled racism" - I'd love to hear your definition, and please do provide quotes. Are you calling me a racist or someone else? Please explain.
JayT said:
Every one of the teams in this weekends playoffs are storied teams.  All have been there and done that.  I do think that Sherman was a little classless in his antics and post game interview, but he has been one of the best corners in the game all year and said that Crabtree was talking smack to him all game, so if that is true and he got the last laugh, then so be it.  I know that he better be at his best in two weeks because Peyton will pick him apart if not.  My prediction Broncos 34 Seahawks 24
Hawks defense will be on Manning and team like glue on paper, The Broncos havent met a superior #1 defense like ours yet. It will be a hell of a game and I have the Hawks winning 26-24
megahot said:
Hawks defense will be on Manning and team like glue on paper, The Broncos havent met a superior #1 defense like ours yet. It will be a hell of a game and I have the Hawks winning 26-24
By the same token the Hawks haven't seen an offense like the Broncos yet.

Should be interesting to see how that pans out.

I'm wondering if weather will have an impact.
Lucky Dog Hot Sauce said:
No but like every other topic I've seen you post in you're going out of your way to stir up crap. That's called trolling. And I care because I dislike when people troll discussion forums, like you're obviously doing in here and several other topics.

Do tell about the "veiled racism" - I'd love to hear your definition, and please do provide quotes. Are you calling me a racist or someone else? Please explain.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasnt all the crap already all stirred? Was that because YOU were trolling?  If you really want to know why I posted it was because after reading the thread I didnt see where he personally attacked you and I seem to have a problem with people saying the exact same thing and because of that I just wanted to say 'yo, i dont see it'.THAT wasnt a personal attack on you.

I wasnt calling anyone racist, and no it wasnt your words that I was referring to, I merely said it was the most disturbing thing about the thread. People arguing over sports is normal.

I wont go quote but I will say when someone plays the pronoun game with "they" and its followed by words/insults usually reserved for certain races then it sounds like veiled racism.
I had started to type "when YOU play" only I meant everybody, somebody, or anybody. I see why I confuse people sometimes because I probably do that all the time and rarely catch it.
mx5inpa said:
I wasnt calling anyone racist, and no it wasnt your words that I was referring to, I merely said it was the most disturbing thing about the thread. People arguing over sports is normal.
You said the most disturbing thing about this topic was the veiled racism.

That means you are asserting that people are posting racist things, a pretty inflammatory thing to say.

Because the associative property exists, if you say that people are posting disturbingly veiled racist comments, then you most certainly were calling people racists, you just were too vague to say who it was or what they were saying that was racist.

I wont go quote but I will say when someone plays the pronoun game with "they" and its followed by words/insults usually reserved for certain races then it sounds like veiled racism.
Way to backtrack - so now it just sounded like veiled racism? And you don't even say what "it" was or provide the consideration of quoting the alleged veiled racist sounding posts? That's the weakest crap I've ever heard. And what words/insults that are "reserved for certain races" are you referring to and who said them? Again - that's something I'd ask to quote, for all of our edification. Pretty important.

So I'll ask again: specifically what was said by whom that you construed as racism? It's a very serious charge to levy against anyone, so if you're going to assert that you should provide details, quotes - you know, substantiation. Which member or members here is/areracist? Please do tell.

And if it was so racist that it was "disturbing" then by all means you should report the post or posts to a moderator immediately.
Lucky Dog Hot Sauce said:
You said the most disturbing thing about this topic was the veiled racism.

That means you are asserting that people are posting racist things, a pretty inflammatory thing to say.

Because the associative property exists, if you say that people are posting disturbingly veiled racist comments, then you most certainly were calling people racists, you just were too vague to say who it was or what they were saying that was racist.

Way to backtrack - so now it just sounded like veiled racism? And you don't even say what "it" was or provide the consideration of quoting the alleged veiled racist sounding posts? That's the weakest crap I've ever heard. And what words/insults that are "reserved for certain races" are you referring to and who said them? Again - that's something I'd ask to quote, for all of our edification. Pretty important.
It's not that important to me. I gave you enough info to find it on your own if you care that much.

So I'll ask again: specifically what was said by whom that you construed as racism? It's a very serious charge to levy against anyone, so if you're going to assert that you should provide details, quotes - you know, substantiation. Which member or members here is/areracist? Please do tell.

And if it was so racist that it was "disturbing" then by all means you should report the post or posts to a moderator immediately.
I think you have the reporting all covered. Some of us can handle ourselves without the need for babysitters or bouncers.
You sat there and accused someone of using a word that personally attacked you and it was you who used it and youre still all hopped up saying I'm being inflammatory, and a troll... then reporting me for saying I thought there was veiled racism in the thread, that in my mind warranted much more attention than the alleged use of the word "classless" and your misunderstanding of what "full of shit" means.
I got no beef with you but I could care less what you'd like me to provide for you after your senseless tirades.
Report me for using purple now if you want.
Yep - that's what I thought. Backtracking even further.

Don't throw around allegations of racism around here. Because it if wasn't me you were talking about it was another member of this community and we look out for each other. I'm not gonna sit idly by and let you call any of my friends racist, even if it's the one I'm in a disagreement with.

As for the other part, again - why do you care, and why did you feel the need to stir that shit up after it was settling down? A: Because you're a troll. You've been trolling topics, insulting PMD, his son, the military and now this. It's pretty obvious that your sole purpose here is to stir crap up. You should find another forum for that, because here you'll get called on it.