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Dear, Lucky Dog Hot Sauce:

Maybe you should say something again that disrespects our military or the children of THP members who are serving? That was especially attention grabbing - well it worked, you have my fullest attention now.

So again - who's making "thinly veiled racist comments" that are so "disturbing" you said it twice? And what was "it" that they said? The quote feature really isn't that hard - you've displayed adequate competence in using it.
Lucky Dog Hot Sauce said:
I posted links troll. Read them. Those aren't my friends, they're national media sites.

Now then - who's racist and why?
Also the commissioner of the NFL agrees and has stated that they will be changing it so that's reviewable next year. It's not a logical fallacy, it's reality.

I don't care what's etched into your troll mind. Just more trolling - what's etched into your mind isn't credible either. Just more deflection and baiting/trolling from a troll.
Regardless of whether its your friends its still a logical fallacy. They showed the video so slow and close up during the game you basically only had a view of a foot and ankle landing on the defenseman. It was pretty incontrovertible and hence why the refs made the call they did and why you nor any of the people agreeing with you are referees.

Lucky Dog Hot Sauce said:
Maybe you should say something again that disrespects our military or the children of THP members who are serving? That was especially attention grabbing - well it worked, you have my fullest attention now.

So again - who's making "thinly veiled racist comments" that are so "disturbing" you said it twice? And what was "it" that they said? The quote feature really isn't that hard - you've displayed adequate competence in using it.
You know all the name calling and bringing up other threads is classic "person without an actual defensible position who is really just trolling."
No, it's "keeping it real"

You disrespect the military and I'm gonna keep
It real and call you on it.

You disrespect one of THP's members kids who's serving in the military and I'm gonna keep it real and call you on it.

Because you deserve no respect once you've done that. So I will pay you none.

Nice deflection, again.
I have a right to disrespect the military. I was in it.
Why cant you stay on topic?

I wont even point out the hypocrisy of saying I dont have the freedom of speech I fought for, while still acknowledging I dont really have free speech here.
No one has the right to disrespect a THP member's kid who's in the military, as I saw you clearly do. I didn't say you weren't free to say it, I'm calling you out for having done something so utterly disrespectful. There's a difference.

Way to evade again.

1. Say something vague & inflammatory
2. Elicit response
3. Evade direct questions about the inflammatory comment - make other inflammatory comments
4. Attempt to alter any accusation to play the victim and/or justify the inflammatory comments.

Trolling 101

The pattern is obvious.

Now then - what post was "disturbing" because it contained "thinly veiled racist comments"?

Still waiting.

And ps - having the right to say something doesn't mean you're immune to backlash for having said it. Since you're so concerned about fallacies and all.
You call them inflammatory.
I call them truth.
But opinions are like donkeys right? Even mine.
I dont remember disrespecting his son. What I remember is saying that something he said about Hitler was equally applicable to his son. And none of you can say its not applicable so instead you call it disrespect and make accusations. It's a pretty typical response for people who are in a state of cognitive dissonance.
Hey look, another thread with good potential run into the gutter by MX.
How is it that I just know every time I see him as the last poster that there is some drama in the thread. Gee. I wonder who the troll is.
mx5inpa said:
I would just like to see people learn the difference between personal attacks and having their opinions challenged.

Just for the record, almost all of yours are personal attacks.
mx5inpa said:
Well 'full of shit' is talking about the words you had just used, in other words, your opinion. You think your opinion is you, so you over-reacted. Not to say his reaction didnt seem a little excited too. As far as the word 'classless' I cant find where he used it but several where you did.

The most disturbing stuff in this thread was the veiled racism.
Why I'm involved? Who cares? It's not a private message. I didn't hack the forum to get into this thread.

Out of those massive 137 posts, have you contributed anything constructive to the forum?
Jeff H said:
Hey look, another thread with good potential run into the gutter by MX.
How is it that I just know every time I see him as the last poster that there is some drama in the thread. Gee. I wonder who the troll is.
Just for the record, almost all of yours are personal attacks.
I don't think he got enough hugs as a child. Just a guess.
Jeff H said:

Out of those massive 137 posts, have you contributed anything constructive to the forum?
Why don't you go investigate that and then come back and debrief everyone?
Scoville DeVille said:
Let me introduce you to Taima, our NFC CHAMPION mascot. She is an Augur Hawk who was born (hatched) April 21st 2005. Her wing span is 4'-6". Her handler's name is David Knutson, and they live in Spokane, WA. She is the first one out of the tunnel leading our team out onto the field for every home game.



I hope you enjoy watching the Superbowl, and watching our Seahawks beat the Denver Broncos to become the World Champions. Even tho the Seahawks played like crap today.

Here Manning Manning Manning.....
Here's this thread's original post. 
What does the last 2 pages have to do with the OP? 
To go back, way back, to the Sherman discussion, I just watched NFL Live and they apparently had Sherman wired for last weeks game.  In watching all of their audio segments from the game.  It really changed my opinion of the events that we saw aired all week.  The only thing that was heard before this was the outburst on the sideline after the game.  If you hear it all, including Sherman running up to Crabtree and wishing him good game before getting his head shoved.  It showed more of a ultra-competitive athlete than the thug that he has been portrayed to be since.  In my opinion, he was just really fired up after the win.  Maybe lacking a little in humility, but not much more.  JMO.
The players all have a huge competitive side, otherwise they wouldn't be pro ball players.  One kinda goes with the other.  How they interact with other players, yea, smack talking is to be expected. 
Funny thing is...smack talking's been going on as long as competitive sports has been happening.  Only difference is, until recently (with the advent of technology and recording devices...) us fans and TV viewers have never heard all the smack, and there weren't entire TV network channels dedicated to the sole topic of THAT Sport.  So, in trying to fill up their time slots, they will be looking for any and everything to obsess about and talk about ad nauseum for anytihg  interesting that happens...
Another thing to consider is...now, after (however-long years the player has been in the game...), now, all of a sudden they have to monitor all their smack talk as it's being recorded and published.  Smack talk is like the subtle push, nudge, (kick or rake with the cleats if you're a rugby player :lol:  )  that happens.  Part of the game.  Deliberate foul play has never been allowed, but all the side-stuff...it's part of the game.   
I haven't seen all the vids or sound bites.  I like to see 'em play and if a player gets tripped up by another players smack talk, then it's to their loss.
Just my thoughts to further the discussion.     :cheers:
I still think it was poor sportsmanship - two wrongs do not make a right, even if I accept that Sherman didn't start it.

And the fact is that Sherman, immediately following what proved to be the game winning play, slapped Crabtree on the ass like "nice try kid" - you just don't put your hands on an opposing player like that. And it was condescending, to say the least.

All this talk of competitive spirit and being fired up and heat of the moment in the media comes off as talking points to extend the air-time of this issue & get ratings. But it's about sportsmanship, an age old tradition that says "we play a barbaric game, but we're not barbarians."

When I was a kid we learned sportsmanship. We learned to not say or do anything after a win that would show up our opponents. Regardless of how emotional a win or loss, we shook hands and moved on.

Sherman slapped Crabtree on the ass, made the "choke" sign to SF's bench, then proceeded to give that ranting interview trashing an individual opponent. This was not only poor sportsmanship for the verbal tirade, but for the fact that in taking it there he made it more about himself than about his team, which had just fought an epic battle and emerged victorious - which is the ultimate in poor sportsmanship.

People talk about "heat of the moment" and how he was fired up. In the 1st round Brady, Manning, and a dozen other players were all interviewed on the field in the heat of the moment - and not one of them trashed an opponent or made their own selfish ranting the story.

To Sherman's credit he has since apologized for that exact thing - making his interview a distraction from the big picture that his team won with a great team effort, advancing to the Super Bowl. So obviously this is more than speculation on my behalf since Sherman seems to agree

So that remains my position. Sherman, in the moment, displayed poor sportsmanship & I hold him accountable for that.

That doesn't mean I think he's a thug or an
A-hole or any other condemnation. He went to Stanford after a 4.2 ERA in HS growing up in gang central Compton. I have a lot if respect for his intensity, passion, drive and achievements. And I sincerely hope that he learns and grows from this. On that day, in front of millions of people, he made an ass of himself and acted like a poor sport. It was disrespectful to his teammates, to his opponent and to himself.

It is what it is. There no need to make
It about anything more than that.

Another theme is the "he's not the 1st player to do something bad, but we never hear about anyone else!"

That's simply not true. When Albert Haynesworth stomped on a player, he was fined and suspended and it dominated ESPN for weeks. When a player spit in another player's face (forget who that was) it was scrutinized. When Belicheck was accused of spygate it dominated the headlines for an entire offseason. When the steelers coach stepped onto the field & interfered with the KR, it was all over the news. Tony Serigisa ride Rich Gannon into the ground like dead weight on a hobby horse causing serious injury long after the pass was out & was the subject of talk for a long time. There are dozens of other examples of poor sportsmanship.

Not all on as big a stage, but certainly in the spotlight as significantly. So it would be nice if people would stop trying to paint Sherman as a victim of selective media coverage because it's simply not true. He just happens to be in the spotlight right now. And he put himself there.

Again - hopefully he'll learn from this. He's a hell of a player. I wish Harbaugh drafted him.
all of this is but a moment in time, and in the end, I still have to get up in the morning and go to work.  And the day after the Superbowl, (win or lose for the Seahawks) I'll still have to go to work. 
Love the diversion of sports, but for myself, whoever wins or loses the Superbowl doesn't mean squat to what I have to do the next day.... 
[Oh, wait a minute...the GoTeam 'cheers' smily doesn't have pompoms!    :scratchhead:Huh?   :lol:]