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Dear, Lucky Dog Hot Sauce:

Lucky Dog Hot Sauce said:
Yep - that's what I thought. Backtracking even further.

Don't throw around allegations of racism around here. Because it if wasn't me you were talking about it was another member of this community and we look out for each other. I'm not gonna sit idly by and let you call any of my friends racist, even if it's the one I'm in a disagreement with.

As for the other part, again - why do you care, and why did you feel the need to stir that shit up after it was settling down? A: Because you're a troll. You've been trolling topics, insulting PMD, his son, the military and now this. It's pretty obvious that your sole purpose here is to stir crap up. You should find another forum for that, because here you'll get called on it.
You just cant let anything go can you? You do know that people can say racist things and not even know it? And that I can call the racism, as I saw it, racism without calling the person racist?
It's not that important to me. I gave you enough info to find it on your own if you care that much.
No, you did not. You didn't give even an iota of a clue of what would possibly be considered "disturbing racism", veiled or otherwise. Nor did you indicate who said it or why it disturbed you. Yet you felt so strongly about it that you alleged it twice, and continue to make the assertion that it exists somewhere in this thread, only now I'm expected to "find it on my own" based on the clues, that you failed to provide.

Interestingly, based on this and other topics you're trolling it's apparent that you have mastered the quote feature, yet when throwing out allegations that our members are racist you neglect to utilize such a critical tool in substantiating that allegation.

mx5inpa said:
You just cant let anything go can you?
Why would I "let go" an allegation of racism made by you against the members of the community you only recently joined?

That's about the worst thing you could say about anyone, yet here you are saying it. I merely asked you to be specific with your allegation - I'll be more than happy to let it go after you clarify your position. Who here are you calling racist and on what basis?

At this point the onus is on you to provide that evidence after the allegation.
Did I miss where I screamed out that there was racism and something must be done now?
Also, did I miss the world put you in charge? Holy ego, Batman!
I quoted you. You said it. Evading the issue won't make it go away. You threw out allegations of racism and I took interest. It's a pretty serious thing to say.

So I took interest just like you took interest in stirring up the disagreement before. Ironic, no? No one had to put me in charge. I didn't have to hack the topic to read it you know. :rolleyes:

Funny how every topic I've seen you in you're in a fight with others. Why is that I wonder?
Well to reply now the mod that warned me would need to tell me exactly what I said that was attacking and abusive to you so I can know to not say it again or I will just have to leave the thread and your receipt wins.
Lucky Dog Hot Sauce said:
By the same token the Hawks haven't seen an offense like the Broncos yet.

Should be interesting to see how that pans out.

I'm wondering if weather will have an impact.
Good point Scott
Defense seems to always win super bowls, not offense.  It's proven over the history of the NFL.  Denver should have it's hands full, looking forward to a good game.  I highly doubt denver will stop the run either.  
Seahawks 27 Donkeys 24
jedisushi06 said:
Defense seems to always win super bowls, not offense.  It's proven over the history of the NFL.  Denver should have it's hands full, looking forward to a good game.  I highly doubt denver will stop the run either.  
Seahawks 27 Donkeys 24
I dunno - New England had the best run game of any team through 2 weeks of the playoffs and Denver shut them down.

Agree about defense though - especially if it's bad weather.
www.nj.com says:
"It was 60 degrees in Denver when the Broncos squared off against the Patriots in the AFC championship game on Sunday.
Could it be similarly sultry in East Rutherford on Super Bowl Sunday? Not likely, said David Robinson, the state climatologist at Rutgers University. New Jersey is locked into a pattern of below freezing temps that looks like it will linger into early February."
looks like we could call the weather a 3 team against Seattle and Denver and if it snows heavily enough it could force both teams into ground games. Head to head, shoulder pad to shoulder pad ground pounding action - DANG i can't wait till kick off :)
Just wish I still had my Jim Zorn Jersey  :cool:
Pepperjack91 said:
Yeah it was loud in Denver, if Brady had not over thrown his receivers all day the outcome could have been different, they would have had to catch the ball too.  Seattle will beat Denver in a run game if it's cold.  Why they gotta make us wait two damn weeks too see this game!  Go Hawks!
Colon Krapernik sure gave them some help.
And I am sure the kicker ran into the poor soul who dived to the ground instead of smacking him thorougly.
:party:  (I actually like Colin---a Wolfpack homeboy----when he is playing anyone but Seattle)
Gas on the fire :dance:
Right - the kicker "ran into" the gunner.....with his plant leg. :rolleyes:
I know it's an achievement, but that may well be the dumbest thing I've ever read on the interwebs. Seriously - I think an eyeball just got stuck rolling up into the back of my socket. lol 
ETA - that was not directed at gotrox - I figured he was mocking the same post I was. :rofl: 
:rolleyes:  aight~~~ that game's over so we have the wonderful opportunity to MOVE ON!!! 
To the SUPERBOWL!!!! 
With the SEAHAWKS!!! 
and some other team....  uuummm...who is that??? :think:  
Lucky Dog Hot Sauce said:
Right - the kicker "ran into" the gunner.....with his plant leg. :rolleyes:
You hop on the plant leg when you punt a football with any kind of force.
Which is exactly what the kicker did. The defenseman was already on the ground.
Try watching it or knowing the mechanics of punting or something?
Whatever you say, troll. Maybe you should focus your energy on explaining who here is racist and/or why what they said was "disturbingly veiled racism" since you repeatedly asserted that.
Late in the third quarter of the NFC Championship Game, 49ers punter Andy Lee was drilled in the plant leg by Seahawks safety Chris Maragos,!and when the referee threw the flag it looked like San Francisco had caught a huge break: A hit to the plant leg is supposed to be roughing the punter, which is a 15-yard penalty and an automatic first down.

But instead it was Seattle that caught a huge break: The referee called running into the kicker, which is only a five-yard penalty, which the 49ers declined. Obviously, its impossible to say how the rest of the game would have changed if the penalty had been correctly called as roughing, but it could have changed the outcome of the game entirely, considering that the Seahawks scored the go-ahead touchdown on the subsequent drive after the officials botched the call.
Meanwhile, Steratore's crew either missed where the Seahawks' Chris Maragos hit 49ers punter Andy Lee in the third quarter or lost track of the defined difference between running into the punter (a 5-yard penalty) and roughing the punter (15 yards).

Rule 12, Section 2, Article 11, Item 1 of the rule book defines roughing the kicker as, among other things, contacting "the plant leg of the kicker while his kicking leg is still in the air." Replays show that's exactly what happened, but Steratore called the five-yard variety instead. The decision made the difference between the 49ers retaining possession and the Seahawks getting the ball for a drive that ended in a touchdown.
There are dozens of links like this from game recaps. Every single one mentioned the break the Seahawks caught on this play. But because you like to make trouble, you're the lone dissenter here. Predictably so.

That's the one play that even my Seahawks fan friends agree was a 100% botched call, just as every single news site reporting on it agreed it was a botched call, including these. yet here you are stirring shit up. Just like you do on most topics you post on.

Nice assertion that I didn't watch the play or understand how punting works.

Keep on trolling, troll. Now then - who was making "disturbingly veiled racist comments"? Still waiting.
You and all your friends agreeing and then trying to foist your belief on me is called a logical fallacy. Specifically it's called an appeal to numbers or in a simpler parlance, mob mentality.
I have been trying to find the video, even though the punter hopping up and forward is etched into my head from the many replays when the game was played.
The ref made the right all. 
I posted links troll. Read them. Those aren't my friends, they're national media sites.

Now then - who's racist and why?
Also the commissioner of the NFL agrees and has stated that they will be changing it so that's reviewable next year. It's not a logical fallacy, it's reality.

I don't care what's etched into your troll mind. Just more trolling - what's etched into your mind isn't credible either. Just more deflection and baiting/trolling from a troll.