I'm outz.
Tooz muchz goinz onz.
Tooz muchz goinz onz.
I'm outz.
Tooz muchz goinz onz.
Im in, gonna get all crazy in here
I can understand your confusion. We all know your going to do eggs of some form, that's a given. Now though, you need to get inside the eggs your going to be using and find what their true inner desire is to be. Take your eggs and meditate upon them it will come to you and when it does true Nirvana will be yours, Weedhopper.
A Vow of silence till the TD starts may prove a Hurclean endevor but go into the garden among the peppers and mediatate upon your eggs embracing the mystical, spiritual, and inexplicable driving force behind this obsessive pursuit.
Does anyone really know till that moment? T.S. Eliot said, "we do not know until the shell breaks what kind of egg we have been sitting on." So, we must accept that the egg know before we do that it's overeasy and one cannot turn into anything else. Therefore we must also consider the possibility that it is under the eggs influence that we decide we want scrambled instead of fried.
Go now and meditate upon this and return Friday with the knowledge your eggs have granted unto you.
I made up my mind about a week ago.... SLACKER!Does anyone really know till that moment?