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contest December Throwdown Discussion

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WM, I guess it's gonna be frogs, cause if it's gators with that You WIN :crazy: :rofl: I give up or maybe you just won''t come back and the gator will win.
wazza matta Mojo? you no likey to catch frogs wit bare hans? You askeered of gettin' warts or somtin?


Can't you pay the neighbor kids a buck a frog and let them get em???:idea:
Thats a shame Geeme but yep I understand.

Is WM playing?......edit just beat me to it lol

Wheebz you in this one too?

yeppers, im in this one

lets just put it this way, heres a semi hint for what im doing

its stupidly cold for what I have planned, and exorbitant amounts of beer will be at hand
its can be a meal for one, or a party for lots, but always remember, PA Posse loves us shots

tsk..tsk..tsk......Wheebz.....that's it? That's all you got? Drunken hip hop canned music shots youboob vids? Where 'da REAL PA Posse at? That ain't it!
thats just our themesong

first rule of pa posse, dont talk about pa posse
second rule of pa posse, if you talk about pa posse, you will be forced to drink a keystone ice, coors lite, or mikes hard lemonade
TB what about the Texas Posse? Personally I think talk is cheap and we Texans should just let our cooking say it all. What do you think?
thats just our themesong

first rule of pa posse, dont talk about pa posse
second rule of pa posse, if you talk about pa posse, you will be forced to drink a keystone ice, coors lite, or mikes hard lemonade

I liked your theme tune as I am an alcoholic :)
Ok, here's a little teaser. Spent the day at to hunting camp. So here is a little something I got for the throwdown. Paul, I told ya...


and this is a little 95lb boar. Took him down at about 70 meters with a good ole 30.06 Winchester.


Man the back strap is as thick as my fist and as long as I am tall. No that's not me in the back. He's teh camp butcher. Now I just need to get a few things to go along with the throwdown.

Hey y'all have a good evening.
Too bad you did all that hunting and they're not on the list :rofl:

Unless you make some andouille ;)
Shhhh, I told Paulky that I was fixing Armadillo. Don't let him know they carry lepercy and while eaten in some countries, not so much here. So shhhh! ;)

Otherwise I just wanted to show off my hog :)
Shhhh, I told Paulky that I was fixing Armadillo. Don't let him know they carry lepercy and while eaten in some countries, not so much here. So shhhh! ;)

Otherwise I just wanted to show off my hog :)
Well, you know, if you caught that hog in Texas, it would be one thing. You caught that hog in Floriday? Pshaw!
RM I've had more than a scrape or two with the 'dillo's. When I was a kid down rio grand valley way I remember chasing them out in the pasture. Its all cool and the gang until you catch 'em. Teh claws will shred you like cabbage when you pickem' up! Cute but ugly at the same time. Like a cross between an iguana and a mexican hairless dog.

As per the Texas Posse....I have already been shunned, booed and scolded for raising the banner of a Texas Posse. Can't blame my accusers naysayers and poo poo'ers.....I ain't in Texas. Soon enough....I will be and then....the eyes of Texas will be on y'all and I will take my revenge!

Oh...and NICE HAWG'!!
Boudreaux was lying on his death bed. The doctor had already told him that he surely wouldn't live for another week. Suddenly, and much to Boudreaux's glee, a wonderful aroma hit Boudreaux like a tidal wave. He knew that the smell meant only one thing- his wife had just made a pot of gumbo. Boudreaux wanted a bowl so badly, but he was no longer able to walk, so he crawled out of his bed and into the kitchen. Just as Boudreaux was reaching for the pot, his wife barked out, "Boudreaux! Shame on you! You know that gumbo is going to be for the funeral."
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