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contest December Throwdown Discussion

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...in a move that surprises nobody.....

Paul has 12 pounds of chicken wings thawing in the sink..... :beer:

12 pounds of wings? Really? Please forgive my earlier dissing remarks in regards to tomfoolishnessessess....my bestest friend, buddy and pal. You're looking quite handsome in your pics Paul and the ear 'thang actually gives you an aura of superior intelligence over all other men.
Ahem....now...about those wings......12 pounds is more than any mortal man should consume by himself at one sitting if you know what I mean...(wink). Lemme' know if you need any help. I live only to serve.


Your pal, Leslie.
...in a move that surprises nobody.....

Paul has 12 pounds of chicken wings thawing in the sink..... :beer:

yum yum , My Mrs is out...the Cricket is on....the rum is in the freezer....guilt free food fest is coming my way WHOOP WHOOP. I have to get me some wings too.
LOL and he wants to get it on today? He's all batty.

That's Rose for ya.
What? Are you on the Martian Calender? Today is Monday. The t-down is on Friday. When counting....use your toes also if you have to. :lol:

LOL and he wants to get it on today? He's all batty.

That's Rose for ya.

You goofs....

I'm faily certain he's referring to the fact that there's 4 days till the start, and we're all still in the dark as to what the topic/theme will even be.


Edit: 4 days...
You can't count either? :lol: The PeePee posse sticks together.
You goofs....

I'm faily certain he's referring to the fact that there's 4 days till the start, and we're all still in the dark as to what the topic/theme will even be.


Edit: 4 days...

maybe that's what it will be....Cooking in the DARK!

btw, made it to wallyworld the other day ;)
and we're all still in the dark as to what the topic/theme will even be.
Are you starting more drama? If you don't what the theme is by now I'm sorry but there is no help for you. :lol:

Bayou Battle! Don't know how you missed it, you commented.
I Know that there is 4 days till the start, but I wasn't counting today nor was I counting Friday. So, Tues, Wed, Thurs. Once these 3 days are past the start of this T-Down gets kicked off. 3 Days :D

Geeme, who said you can't cook?!?

Paul, I'm glad at least you understood what I was saying. ;)

THP, :woohoo: Bayou Battle :onfire:
I'm SOOO looking forward to this one. Although...I had a dozen fresh cayennes I was gonna use...they started to spoil. :(

That's ok...I have home-dried cayenne and bonnets that will be making their way into my creation.

Mama will be working all day Saturday, so I can stink up the house with shrimp and thyme!
Rumble in the Jungle


Battle on the Bayou

(insert appropriate musical melodies):)
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