food Dern Good Dirty Hippy Cookin'

New for you. But yes, they are really good. I had to laugh tonight, though, as this was the first time my son realized they have no meat on them!
That's right, I made it.

More hippy grub.


Olive earl, garlic, yellow onion and a couple of fresno chile's.


You're 'posed to rinse the quinoa until the water runs clear to remove the bitter outside coating but this stuff didn't need it. It was obviously pre-rinsed.

1 cup of quinoa seed to 2 cups H2O. Easy.


I had some feta to use up so tossed some crumbles in along with some green oh's.


Now don't y'all get to thinkin' that I'm gonna' start wearin' tye dye and dreads.
I'm glad you posted this ... we've been meaning to try quinoa for a couple of weeks ...

I hear it takes kindly to processing a la fried rice ...
Much obliged Grant.

Quinoa is so much better than rice.

Nutritionally rice ain't all that good for you as most rice has all the good stuff processed out of it.

I use it just like I would use rice.

Dig it.
That is one great looking display of quinoa TB!!!!!!
I love the touch of feta! (duh!)

I'm not doing so good morphing the leftovers (stir fry, salads, etc)....

I can't keep the 'leftovers' around long enough!!!! hahahaha

Who knew?!
Don't tell me that you, THE TB, have never had Texmati basmati rice!?!?!?! 'Cause if'n you've had it, you couldn't be saying such slander. Bah! Dammm - and I thought you were from Texas! ;)

Texas basmati ain't even in the same league nutritionally as quinoa.

That's right, I said it.

No hate, but facts is facts.
NIce Grant.

I believe the red variety is usually unwashed.

What's the box say?

Blue spuds?

Old school Peruvian.

I like to be liking the whole Andean 'thang you got goin'.
Nice job tryin out the quinoa, GM!

Quinoa is the ultimate hippy food. Super good for you. And it actually is a complete protein as you would get from animal products.

It can't be beat. It goes good in veggie chili too in place of meat.

My gf makes quinoa salad a couple times a month. That stuff is pretty good, but I get sick of eating it after the first day.
Well yeah, Jay... Duh!

Especially if you want to put a little pep in your, Da Da DAAAAAA!

It goes great with Smoked Pork But.

And Hot Dogs.