food Dern Good Dirty Hippy Cookin'

TB, I don't know what your talking about here. That dang sure ain't no Hippy food. It come's under another heading.
That's what's known as
Damn Good Eatin!
Sorry, gotta disagree - - - - anything that is uber-healthy but bleh on the flavor side is hippy food, IMHO. Falls in the same class as using Patchouli - try to cover it with stuff (peppers, etc.) to make it tolerable, but the delusion is only temporary....

And, um, JayT - care to send a plate of that my way? :P
Sorry, gotta disagree - - - - anything that is uber-healthy but bleh on the flavor side is hippy food, IMHO. Falls in the same class as using Patchouli - try to cover it with stuff (peppers, etc.) to make it tolerable, but the delusion is only temporary....

You just described rice.

Only its not healthy.

What you are about to see may be disturbing.

.... And seriously hippy as shit.

This is what happens when you have no two compatible items on hand for which to cook.

Wanna know what else? IT WAS GOOD

To me you could not tell the difference between these or a school lunch chicken nugget in a blind taste test. I use to love those things. You know the fake chickin-ish nuggets? Yeah those. I love those things, except I can feel way less bad about eating 20 of these

I do what I gotta do. But I had to have some shredded monteray jack on there with pickled jalapenos. Tons of hot sauce as well. Good stuf, I swear!

Yes, this just happened.
They might taste good but I'd rather eat real chicken nuggets before that stuff.

I rate these about as good for you as Totino's pizza rolls.

Only not as tasty.


Hippy food is 'posed to be good for you.

Sadly most of it ain't.

The best solution is to make 'yer own and stay away from the corporate crap "the man" is pushing.
That's what I was just telling D offline ... "why replace chicken unless your a veg - it's already pretty close to exactly what you actually WANT" ...

Regular chicken was not an option, for this was all I had on hand. So considering I did not have chicken I dids what I dids. I don't regret it.

BUT... I'm still hungry. Thats the problem with stuff like that.
Yer'all bout to see this thread makin a come back.
My ass has gained nearly 15 pounds since I started homebrewing. Back to my hippy ways. Starting yesterday.
Gym... Cut way back on beer consumption :mope: ... mostly meatless eating... *sigh*
I'll lose at least 10lbs in the next 3 weeks. I'm a determined sumabitch like that.
Yeah, we have had that problem.
Cooking food that's intended to get a positive reaction from people on the internet will rarely fall into the proper diet category ...
I draw the line at posting pics of salad sheeit.
Howsa' maybe post some roasted root veg pics.
Or maybe a pictorial walkthru of some hot blue n' righteous guac on fish tacos.
I like to be liking mine heavy on the lime squeezin's n' pleazin's.
Pay no attention to the person who posted a salad. They were delirious from the lack of beer to the brain.
Its been two days no drink. I earned a drink tonight though. Just won't be beer :/
Fish tacos is possible to happen this evening. Obviously on whole wheat torts too.  That or some cheekin tacos, but that ain't fit for a hippy.
We shall see
WTF is goin on here Janis?
Hippy's eat salad.... right out of the lawn. laying down.. trippin on shrooms...
It's called Polk Salad.
TB and his lime dip w/ avocado... pffft.
A Doritos Locos Taco is healthier than those fake chicken patties, so much artificial crap in those things to get them to taste like meat. Funny how people are tricked into thinking that stuff is healthy... because it is meatless.