food Dern Good Dirty Hippy Cookin'

The Hot Pepper said:
A Doritos Locos Taco is healthier than those fake chicken patties, so much artificial crap in those things to get them to taste like meat. Funny how people are tricked into thinking that stuff is healthy... because it is meatless.
That isn't why we keep that crap on hand at my house. The resident Vegetarian (my wife) still likes to eat the same type of food as the rest of the family, just with no meat. So when the rest of us are devouring chicken pan fried in the iron skillet, I can microwave a few of dem fake nuggets up for her. They can't be any less healthy than the fried chicken...
That stuff is for vegetarians that still like the idea of eating normal food but have some moral conviction not to. Heck, they make all kinds of imitation meat these days. faux hot dogs, hamburgers
Jeff H said:
That isn't why we keep that crap on hand at my house. The resident Vegetarian (my wife) still likes to eat the same type of food as the rest of the family, just with no meat. So when the rest of us are devouring chicken pan fried in the iron skillet, I can microwave a few of dem fake nuggets up for her. They can't be any less healthy than the fried chicken...
That stuff is for vegetarians that still like the idea of eating normal food but have some moral conviction not to. Heck, they make all kinds of imitation meat these days. faux hot dogs, hamburgers
I was knocking that brand particularly, try this one, there's like 10, all-natural ingredients in their "Chicken"
sicman said:
ok,ok.  less talky and more salad pics ;)
Sigh. If we must. :rolleyes: Here was lunch, but I was so hungry an hour later, some Ramen noodles and chicken followed. 
The Hot Pepper said:
I was knocking that brand particularly, try this one, there's like 10, all-natural ingredients in their "Chicken"
True that about morning star! Its filled with artificial shit. Like nothing healthy about that stuff at all. I wouldn't go as far as saying a taco bell dorito BEEF-ISH taco is healthier, but none the less. Stuff ain't good.
The lightlife products are definitely my fav. I have freezer full of that crap as we speak. Don't make me post pictures!!
Tonight is salmon and roasted asparagus... WHAT UP
Let us rap about veggies without getting persecuted!
GM: Did you say lettuce wrap?
hth,,,,,you better post this thabng you talking bout!
wed nes day you are going  to explode from pork fluids!!!!     
that doesnt sound real good?

The Hot Pepper said:
Let us rap about veggies without getting persecuted!
GM: Did you say lettuce wrap?
anti-meat i see?         you stay in nyc and talk about tomatoes and turnips.
Yuuuummm Pork!
Made some pulled pork the other day. Not as good as Joyner's because I don't have a smoker, but it was tasty nevertheless. 
WTF? is goin' on here Margot?
Veggie wraps n' sheeit?
You wrap lovers should be pimp slapped for no reason!
I can accept veg tacos but wraps?
Eat me you stinkin' wrap lovers!
I been eatin like a mo fo'n saint all week just so I can mow down on some pork ribs!
Sorry no veggie wraps to speak of though...
Veggie sandwich is more like it. Today's lunch.  All sorts of goodness in veggie form on this whole grain bread. Oh and it has a spinach artichoke spread on it that is reeeal good.
