LB and I go to a Mexican restaurant once a week; been going there for several years. They have
thee best hot sauce I have ever had in an eatery. I've been bringing Eric, one of the chefs some White Bhut's, B-Goats, and B.O.C.'s for a few weeks. He bought us lunch, and we were talking hot sauce. He said the hot sauce they make there is super simple. And I was able to copy it! Great stuff!
Here's my first try:
1 28oz. can of whole San Marzano tomatoes. The one we use has no water. It's whole tom's in a very heavy sauce.
5 5" long store bought (hot) Jalapeno peppers. We're out of garden grown (they don't last), and this time of year here, they're pretty hot. So in reaching your level of heat, add what you think will work. The restaurant makes the sauce too hot for most, my wife won't eat it....but it's just right.
To make it:
Deep fry the jalapeno's until they just start to blacken, 10-15 minutes depending on the temp. Paper towel them to remove the oil. I used olive oil.
add the tomatoes and peppers to the blender and liquefy. Add some salt to taste, and maybe some water to get the consistency where you want it. I added a few ounces of water. Let it sit overnight in the fridge.
And the next day perfection! IMHO

Divide and freeze what you won't eat right away as it's a fresh sauce.
Some pics:
Getting ready for a trip, and I want to keep the garden going. I just tossed 3 of the cheapo timers that connect directly to the faucet. They last for the vacation and just fail soon afterwards. I've even taken them apart; they're not fouled with anything, they just fail. So what you see cost around $135 for the timer and 2 valves. The timers can control 6 stations (valves). The timer was $75 and the valves $23.99 from the rainbird site. Tax brought up up to the $135. I set this up with an inline filter using the "old" well. It tested great. I have just one valve online, the other will be to water the fruit trees (later). I'm impressed with the system. The construction is solid and the valves snap with authority when cycled. I had it set to water for 2 hours this morning. Half way through the cycle the pressure dropped and the wobbler sprinklers slowed way down. After the cycle I checked the filter, a new filter BTW. And it was packed with sand. So I switched the source to the "new" well. We use it for the house, and it doesn't push the sand. It better not for what it cost...LOL
Something I've been working on since last weekend. Call me a glutton for punishment; I've been doing this in the 97-100° heat (hey I moved here)
Between the rows I used old UPS conveyor belt material and covered it with mulch. No weeds there for sure. This stuff is indestructible. 10 years ago it was used for the walkways at the deer lease, so when it rained we had no mud issues. I wish I had more!
My Lemmon Drop GD plant, still a hangin' in the hella hot temps. I hope it hangs until January!
Somehow most of the plants are doing well. Production has stopped, or really slowed down due to the temps. I guess I'll see what they do
Aji Oro, not caring how dang hot it is outside and setting pods

I'm amazed!
The container gals under the mega Live Oak. All the pubes, the P. Dreadie's, B.O.C.'s, ScotchBrain, and a few others. Speaking of the ScotchBrain. Tasted one tonight, good yellow pepper flavor and the heat was less than I expected. I was thinking it would have a burn your face off heat. Not so in this case. So another keeper! I like a hot pepper I can cut a chunk off and eat without it tearing me up. Or..maybe my tolerance is back to normal? I dunno, normal and me in one sentence just doesn't seem right....
The pepper gods continue to bless us with just enough keep us going
Bhut! The pepper gods have demanded we share 40-50% of our crop with the pepper gobblers. I had one plant with 7-8 peppers that went ripe. One was not chewed on. So as Roseanne Roseannadanna always said "it's always something".