• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Devv's 2014- Stick a fork in me, I'm done....

Time for the 2014 start...
Many of these plants were made possible by the generous people of the THP sending me seeds and pods Thanks!
I'm looking forward to warmer weather and dirt day!
I have a bunch of seeds started, and plants at all the stages.
Here's the grow bench, a T8 x4 on top and T5 x4 on the bottom, as you can see it's loaded.

Top rack:

Bottom rack:

I like starting the seeds in Jiffy Pellets, as soon as they stand up I trim the mesh off and plant them 1/2" proud in a pot, or in this case a cup.
Red Rocotto the lonely Pube..

A few plants living under the T5, I'm super impressed with this light!
Choc Hab

Bhut x Y7 x Choc Bhut Douglah-Spicegeist

Bhut x Y7 F2-Spicegeist

Yellow Cardi- Jamie

Choc Scorp-Ramon

Peach Bhut- Annie

Going to do some tilling will post more later
Devv said:
They have been inside except for a few days, the weather has been cool the year. The OW's that I have been moving in and out, mostly in:( have a few lady bugs working them, they also have had some aphid issues. Been here 25 years come March, and never saw an Aphid until late season this year...I guess they like peppers!
They sure do and they are persistent. Definitely keep the lady bugs around to sort them out though.  I wish I had pics but my OWs were infested for a while. We're all under control now though.
when you o/w, you generally have to aggressively cut back both the foliage and the roots. It was just as easy for me to wash the plant off with water to rinse all the dirt off and just plant it in new soil. 
Only one I didn't do that to was the only one that brought in bugs. Go figure. Luckily it was only a few pill bugs which are mostly harmless to the adult plants. I will do it for every o/w plant from now on. 
Wow I feel aweful I think my last post was #117 and you deserve better attention … not only dat, I ran out of “like dis” on your page 7, I’ll have to come back and make a dump from there on but for now I hope these will do:


  • Dam dat Shiner looks great next to your chocolate hab ;) I mean vis a versus lol :D
  • Fatalii, Yellow Fatalii, Red Bhut, Peach Ghost Scorp, Bhut x Yellow 7, BB7, TS x Moruga x Bhut and all da rest look awesome too!!!!
  • Woot your OWs are springing back, it’s so cool when they bush back and you don’t even note the original cut back … soon come I’m sure.
  • Loving the shot of the JA Hab harvest, my wife loves them too … I can’t understand why she doesn’t like the taste of the MoAs like our son and I do as they’re awesome tasting IMHO.
  • Your seedling pictures are dam great, I wish I could get such crisp shots of my babies. Love dat broccoli pic too, woot chicken and broccoli and I’m sure you’ll slip in a few peppers, hehe.
  • That mater shot looks like my Everglades, can’t wait to pull some of dem … I could go on and on but I know you know that your grow is on fire, keep up the great work brethren!!!
  • Not sure if you and LB are still growing pineapples, they're the only ones in my grow that are not affect with anything (lol) but if you are, your due for an updated shot and I'm not one that minds seeing all the "nons" so keep posting them brethren = )
Hab an awesome weekend!
My Internet has been misbehaving tonight, been down for a few hours, it's on my end. I cycled the wireless device and it wouldn't link on the switch...
Jeff H said:
when you o/w, you generally have to aggressively cut back both the foliage and the roots. It was just as easy for me to wash the plant off with water to rinse all the dirt off and just plant it in new soil. 
Only one I didn't do that to was the only one that brought in bugs. Go figure. Luckily it was only a few pill bugs which are mostly harmless to the adult plants. I will do it for every o/w plant from now on. 
Good advise Jeff!
I just trimmed the roots and tops, the good thing is they are not in the house with the babies. I keep them in the shop when it's cold. It's insulated and they do OK out there. Today I looked and they're clean. But next year I'll be better about it...it's just I never had Aphids before...
WalkGood said:
Wow I feel aweful I think my last post was #117 and you deserve better attention … not only dat, I ran out of “like dis” on your page 7, I’ll have to come back and make a dump from there on but for now I hope these will do:


  • Dam dat Shiner looks great next to your chocolate hab ;) I mean vis a versus lol :D
  • Fatalii, Yellow Fatalii, Red Bhut, Peach Ghost Scorp, Bhut x Yellow 7, BB7, TS x Moruga x Bhut and all da rest look awesome too!!!!
  • Woot your OWs are springing back, it’s so cool when they bush back and you don’t even note the original cut back … soon come I’m sure.
  • Loving the shot of the JA Hab harvest, my wife loves them too … I can’t understand why she doesn’t like the taste of the MoAs like our son and I do as they’re awesome tasting IMHO.
  • Your seedling pictures are dam great, I wish I could get such crisp shots of my babies. Love dat broccoli pic too, woot chicken and broccoli and I’m sure you’ll slip in a few peppers, hehe.
  • That mater shot looks like my Everglades, can’t wait to pull some of dem … I could go on and on but I know you know that your grow is on fire, keep up the great work brethren!!!
  • Not sure if you and LB are still growing pineapples, they're the only ones in my grow that are not affect with anything (lol) but if you are, your due for an updated shot and I'm not one that minds seeing all the "nons" so keep posting them brethren = )
Hab an awesome weekend!
Good to see you online!
I hear you got stuck in my home state... not a good place to be this time of year!
I'm out of likes too, what's with that? Hoping they give me a reprieve soon:)
LB has like 8 or 9 Pineapples going now, I love it, she's hooked! And check this out...every time she makes chicken quesadillas  she asks for a JA Hab. AND the two I didn't cut back are budding up again, they just don't care it's January!
Hope all is well in Ramon land!
capsidadburn said:
Scott, That is my only real hesitation to putting the pot ups outside, is bringing back in some hitch hikers.  That sun is sure begging today though!  May have to cave in. :rolleyes:
Well then we deal with them, mine have been out since Wednesday, I think they come in tomorrow evening. I'm sure they will have some sunburn after today. They got some the last time they had a full sun day...but that's OK...it's just a minor detail :shh:
HillBilly Jeff said:
Your plants are looking really nice.  Hope you squash your bug issue.  
Thanks Jeff!
I think I have the OW-Aphid thang down, they have been clean for a few days now...
So I wanted to post a few pics earlier, and our Internet was slow...uh dead. I rebooted everything and the wireless device wouldn't show a link light on the switch...you know the friendly green light. So I was pissed, and decided to return a call to Mom. Now that's never a short call, anyways..it's up for the moment..life in the sticks!
Today and yesterday were both very nice, we hit 70°+ and the sun was out. I was supposed to hunt tonight, but blew it off to try and get caught up around here...never ending but I got some good hours in.
The OW's on the driveway are finally seeing some sun, and happy about it.
Here's a few of the old ladies..
Well crap...sometings really wrong tonight...
edit: I just can't post!
Wait...maybe I can edit...nope won't let me post a pic...
Sorry about the internet pains Scott! It happens.
I got the aphids off the bonsais and OW's. I was thinking about putting the clones in the grow chamber to enjoy the comfy pepper temperatures and extra light, but yeah, nervous there's some pest I haven't squashed that'll pop up and munch seedlings. Also saw a small black bug running along the base of one of the ficus trees today. Bummer, gonna keep those away from the seed starting tray I think.
Looking forward to the JA Hab!
Happy growing!
maximumcapsicum said:
Sorry about the internet pains Scott! It happens.
I got the aphids off the bonsais and OW's. I was thinking about putting the clones in the grow chamber to enjoy the comfy pepper temperatures and extra light, but yeah, nervous there's some pest I haven't squashed that'll pop up and munch seedlings. Also saw a small black bug running along the base of one of the ficus trees today. Bummer, gonna keep those away from the seed starting tray I think.
Looking forward to the JA Hab!
Happy growing!
Hi Adam,
My job is IT, so I have zero tolerance...I guess for sh!t not working..LOL
I would keep the OW's away from the new ones..they are too vulnerable..
OK 8th try...

Red Bhut


Funky Reaper

Some of the new arrivals the last two days...really need a heat mat I now see..
Madam Jeanette

Numex Jal

Jimmy Nardello

Anaheim, a triple coty! And how did it get way over there?

Costeno Amarillo

Yellow Brain, getting close to needing a up-potting

Hopefully these will show...
Nice looking OWs!  
As far as the aphids and cooler temps I think they like it warmer but as you said there are no good guys to keep them in check. I learned my lesson and I will be cleaning all future OW's. Grats on more hooks!
GA Growhead said:
The man is trying to hold you back!
Damn that man!

Over winters are going to take off soon!
Are those going in the ground or fabric pots?
Dang tonight was a bitch, I'm blaming Obama..LOL
They're going in the dirt, they spent their first round in 20 gal bags...time to let them spread their wings!
Capsicum Select said:
Nice looking OWs!  
As far as the aphids and cooler temps I think they like it warmer but as you said there are no good guys to keep them in check. I learned my lesson and I will be cleaning all future OW's. Grats on more hooks!
When I started to OW them I was going on the last few years, where they could spend a lot of time outside. This winter has been different, much cooler. They really improved after 4 days outside..
Dang it, speak of the devil. Aphids have reappeared on one of the bonchis. Just soaped all the OW's and trees. The grow shelf below is sealed off, so I think the seedlings are safe, but this is irritating.

I think the eggs can persist awhile. Not sure what triggers them to hatch.
maximumcapsicum said:
Dang it, speak of the devil. Aphids have reappeared on one of the bonchis. Just soaped all the OW's and trees. The grow shelf below is sealed off, so I think the seedlings are safe, but this is irritating.

I think the eggs can persist awhile. Not sure what triggers them to hatch.
Have you tried wettable sulfur? Bonide has a product, and it's organic. I used it in the garden when they showed up in late season and it seemed to be effective.
Most excellent news bruddah... OWs lookin' stellar, hooks up and a doe in the freezer. Even LB is in on the act with her Pineapple plantation... y'all are livin' large down in Tejas! :dance: IT problems are just an annoyance if they don't involve expenditure... :)
Scarecrw said:
I have some extra superbo pesto basil seeds if you want some.
Thanks for the offer, I'll send a PM.
stickman said:
Most excellent news bruddah... OWs lookin' stellar, hooks up and a doe in the freezer. Even LB is in on the act with her Pineapple plantation... y'all are livin' large down in Tejas! :dance: IT problems are just an annoyance if they don't involve expenditure... :)
Thanks Rick,
The OW's have been in the sun for several days, they really needed it. Had a scare this morning when I looked at the temps, the local weatherbug station in Devine showed 37.5°. Ours here was 44° and no frost. The forecast was for 45°.
I have 70 something plants on the tables..yikes!