• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Devv's 2014- Stick a fork in me, I'm done....

Time for the 2014 start...
Many of these plants were made possible by the generous people of the THP sending me seeds and pods Thanks!
I'm looking forward to warmer weather and dirt day!
I have a bunch of seeds started, and plants at all the stages.
Here's the grow bench, a T8 x4 on top and T5 x4 on the bottom, as you can see it's loaded.

Top rack:

Bottom rack:

I like starting the seeds in Jiffy Pellets, as soon as they stand up I trim the mesh off and plant them 1/2" proud in a pot, or in this case a cup.
Red Rocotto the lonely Pube..

A few plants living under the T5, I'm super impressed with this light!
Choc Hab

Bhut x Y7 x Choc Bhut Douglah-Spicegeist

Bhut x Y7 F2-Spicegeist

Yellow Cardi- Jamie

Choc Scorp-Ramon

Peach Bhut- Annie

Going to do some tilling will post more later
Watch out for those chilly temps Scott!

Actually you may have inspired me to move my OWs to my shady porch if the weather keeps warming up.

Smarting at the most recent aphid attack.
chilli whisperer said:
Realy nice and healthy looking OW's,and nice looking sprouts you got
Jamison said:
As soon as I get my internet hooked up, Tuesday hopefully, I really need to do some catching up! Looking stellar. Congrats on the kill too!
Thanks Jamison!
It was what I call "just a doe", we need to start eating, the freezers are all full and I want one more deer...
So are the locals accusing you of bring down the colder weather yet?
maximumcapsicum said:
Watch out for those chilly temps Scott!

Actually you may have inspired me to move my OWs to my shady porch if the weather keeps warming up.

Smarting at the most recent aphid attack.
Well I was watching the forecasts, but it was wrong. One can easily get burned.
The porch will work, and if it gets too cold bring 'em inside...
A few are starting to flower, this is a white hab

I finally bottled the ferment today. I copied Sawyer and added some Bourbon and coffee, then had to cook it down to remove some liquid. The lactic acid smell and taste went away. The sauce is way hot, but good. PH was 3.7

In the non dept. pulled some large radishes!

Fired up Frankenstein today, for those who don't what it is, it's an old firebox from the pit converted to a charcoal kiln. Threw some bones in there the wife's been saving to grind up.
Devv said:
A few are starting to flower, this is a white hab

I finally bottled the ferment today. I copied Sawyer and added some Bourbon and coffee, then had to cook it down to remove some liquid. The lactic acid smell and taste went away. The sauce is way hot, but good. PH was 3.7
My man Scott... woot! Flowers already!
Nice tip on dealing with the lacto smell and taste too. I'm gonna make a note of that one for sure. Cheers!
stickman said:
My man Scott... woot! Flowers already!
Nice tip on dealing with the lacto smell and taste too. I'm gonna make a note of that one for sure. Cheers!
I don't know if it was the week in the fridge or the 7 or 8 hours on the stove cooking it down. Whichever, it made a positive difference.
HabaneroHead said:
Great looking sauces, Scott! Good to see you have the White Hab flowering! :P
For now I'm cutting them off, hard to do, but I want size and roots!
The Choc Hab I topped last week is showing new growth, first ever topped pepper.

The cutting has yet to sprout roots but it's looking OK so far...

Several plants are forking and flowering.
Bhut x Y7 x choco bhut douglah. It's forked twice now and is flowering


The plants have been outside since Thursday afternoon, and were outside a few days last week. Mother nature is not as kind as the grow station and lights. I've noticed some rough looking leaves...
Red Bhut

White Bhut

Peach Bhut, this delicate flower has been roughed up some...

White Hab, second fork and flowers coming on...

Yellow Cardi, this one too on it's second fork and wanting to flower..

Mystery, I wonder?? But it's doing as the others...

Thanks for stopping by!
Awesome update as always!! :party:

Dang, you have flowers already?? That's awesome, I can't wait til they hit the dirt. They're gonna go kaboom and before you know it pods will be setting. I see you swimming in pods in no time ;).

Fantastic looking plants Scott! And the topped pepper is coming back with a vengeance. Very good technique... two strong plants for the price of one!
I nuked everything today. Can't abide any more dam aphids. Brought everything (peppers and ficus bonsai's) to the porch and doused it in insecticidal soap, cleaned and sterilized the shelf above the grow chamber, and cleaned out all the water trays. Haven't ever hit them as hard with the insecticidal soap, so I'm hoping that'll do it. If I see another aphid I'll do it again in about a week. Continued aphids may lead to tossing one of the bonchis. 
The plant updates look great.
Regarding the topped plant: I've lost a lot of clones over the years and I can recommend keeping them in dim light, not in the grow room. Mine are in a north facing windowsill. They take a while to root in just plain water. Anything I have put near a light source died before it sprouted roots.
Vegas_Chili said:
Awesome update as always!! :party:

Dang, you have flowers already?? That's awesome, I can't wait til they hit the dirt. They're gonna go kaboom and before you know it pods will be setting. I see you swimming in pods in no time ;).

Thanks Walt!
I just have to play them out 6-8 more weeks before they hit dirt. I didn't think they would where they are they are at so early...more notes to take ;)
maximumcapsicum said:
Fantastic looking plants Scott! And the topped pepper is coming back with a vengeance. Very good technique... two strong plants for the price of one!
I nuked everything today. Can't abide any more dam aphids. Brought everything (peppers and ficus bonsai's) to the porch and doused it in insecticidal soap, cleaned and sterilized the shelf above the grow chamber, and cleaned out all the water trays. Haven't ever hit them as hard with the insecticidal soap, so I'm hoping that'll do it. If I see another aphid I'll do it again in about a week. Continued aphids may lead to tossing one of the bonchis. 
Thanks Adam!
I did some reading on the subject here and decided to give it a whirl ;)
I broke down and used an insecticide on my 3 OW's that kept getting the Aphids, and they're now clean. I don't usually stray from organic..and this stuff is very mild. I tilted the plants so it would just hit the leaves and not run into the soil.
Spicegeist said:
Wow!  Can't wait to see how these turn out!  Great work!
Thanks Charles!
They're kicking some butt!
 I have at least one plant going of each variety you sent, they all are robust plants, so I say good job on the crosses and thanks again for the seeds!
Penny said:
The flower on the white hab looks so pretty, the sauce looks amazing and I bet it tastes great, wish I was able to pull some fresh radishes now, and cute doggy too.
Thanks Penny!
The sauce is good but dang it's hot! The Reapers are one hot pepper! We can grow Radishes as soon as things cool down, Sept. to April. After that they get really hot.
That's Peaches, we have two Rat Terriers, mischievous little buggers that just don't listen, be sweeties ;)  When I light the charcoal kiln they like the heat and camp out close to it.
HillBilly Jeff said:
Nice looking plant.
Thanks Jeff!
A little ahead of schedule, but what the heck...
Jeff H said:
The plant updates look great.
Regarding the topped plant: I've lost a lot of clones over the years and I can recommend keeping them in dim light, not in the grow room. Mine are in a north facing windowsill. They take a while to root in just plain water. Anything I have put near a light source died before it sprouted roots.
Thanks Jeff!
I do the same thing, keep them out of the lights just on the edge. Once in dirt they have issues too until the roots catch up. I have better luck with young plant cuttings than from an OW, last year 100% stuck and grew..
OKGrowin said:
hope my plants look as good as yours soon!
Thanks OK!
I'm sure they will!
Today got really windy really fast, so I drove home and put the plants inside, they're so spoiled..
Tomorrow is a 35° morning, so the OW's and all the plants are inside for awhile. Also potted up some more tomatoes and peppers today, now where to put them all? Guess I need more lights!
Got some pepper love in the mail today, talk about complicating my grow!
Stefan (Meatfreak) sent me these:

And John (Sawyer) sent me these:

Thanks so much! I'm out of materials to plant, but will see what's in town tomorrow. These have got to hit the dirt!
Last nights dinner, and it was good! Made some wings and used equal parts of BBQ sauce, honey, and Greg's Scotch Bonnet sauce. Made them 2 weeks ago and went 50% on the Scotch Bonnet sauce and LB though they were too hot...NOT!

Plate shot...
Good luck organizing the new seeds! When do  you think you'll get some newbies started? What do you think you'll plan?
Wings look great! I made a ton of jerk chicken (the whole chicken) on the grill last summer with all the bonnets I had. Looking forward to trying new preparations this year.
Keep the pics coming!