• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Devv's 2014- Stick a fork in me, I'm done....

Time for the 2014 start...
Many of these plants were made possible by the generous people of the THP sending me seeds and pods Thanks!
I'm looking forward to warmer weather and dirt day!
I have a bunch of seeds started, and plants at all the stages.
Here's the grow bench, a T8 x4 on top and T5 x4 on the bottom, as you can see it's loaded.

Top rack:

Bottom rack:

I like starting the seeds in Jiffy Pellets, as soon as they stand up I trim the mesh off and plant them 1/2" proud in a pot, or in this case a cup.
Red Rocotto the lonely Pube..

A few plants living under the T5, I'm super impressed with this light!
Choc Hab

Bhut x Y7 x Choc Bhut Douglah-Spicegeist

Bhut x Y7 F2-Spicegeist

Yellow Cardi- Jamie

Choc Scorp-Ramon

Peach Bhut- Annie

Going to do some tilling will post more later
maximumcapsicum said:
Good luck organizing the new seeds! When do  you think you'll get some newbies started? What do you think you'll plan?
Wings look great! I made a ton of jerk chicken (the whole chicken) on the grill last summer with all the bonnets I had. Looking forward to trying new preparations this year.
Keep the pics coming!
Hi Adam,
I planted half of them yesterday, and will plant the rest tomorrow....been dealing with no Internet:(
Plan???? It's out the window dude! I received so many seeds I think I need to buy more land...LOL
PaulG said:
Great pics, Scott.  Your plants are really looking ready for prime time!
The OW's should be awesome come Spring.  I am jealous of your nice
weather, i.e. Sun!  
Have fun finding a place for those new seeds!
Thanks Paul!
Most of the Chinense are ready for dirt, but the dirt's not ready for them. I guess I can trim them and grow clones if they take ;)
And yes space is an issue, maybe I can build another room? The wife's been wanting one..LOL
We have sun now, the first part of winter was unseasonably cloudy...not that it rained...
The weather has been nicer, the plants spent 5 days in the sun, but the cool mornings have kept them in for the last two days. Actually here was warmer than forecast and they could have been out, 35° forecast 43° actual. Tuesday it was 10° warmer than 5 miles from here. It's the ridge we live on. We still need rain!
Pinoy83 said:
babies are doin good...new seeds means start sowing again :onfire: :onfire:
food looks good :drooling: :drooling: :drooling:
Thanks Jericson!
Yes more seeds! half are sown already, tomorrow the rest, need to juggle for space!
meatfreak said:
Glad they made it passed customs :) It's always exciting to send of seeds to the USA :lol:
Thanks again Stefan!
I really appreciate it!
Jeff H said:
Wings look good Scott. Glad to see someone being able to use an outdoor grill in Jan. A little cold here for that.
Jeff, I did time in Northern Va.
I was the guy BBQing in January there, 6-9"s of snow on the ground, brought a truck load of Mesquite with me. People walked by, "my that smells good!" 19 months and we were back in Tejas...6 month long winters I grew up with, I'll take the 90 day heat waves ;)
HillBilly Jeff said:
Good thing I haven't ate breakfast yet....looks awesome.
Thanks Jeff!
They were spectacular, we go through phases, and wings are back in!
capsidadburn said:
Making me hungry Scott with those scotch bonnet wings! They look great!

Double seed score too! You have room for all those?

Have a great day!

Thanks Mike!
Room, no, but going to make some! I'm going to have to thin a few out to just one plant. I do have several people who want to buy plants, so they'll get loved :party:
maximumcapsicum said:
Bummer on the tech problems... Can't wait till you're back up and running! Will stay tuned...
Hi Adam,
It was down when I came home yesterday, they came by today and replaced the POE adapter (power over ethernet) that powers the wireless radio. Out in the sticks it's the best option, we get 2mb downloads and can watch movies. Price is not bad $109.00 every three months and they support the hardware...meaning if it breaks free repairs. Can't beat that!
My updated list:
C. Chinense:

@ Bahamian Goat-Jason
@ Barrackpore-Jamie
@ Bhut x Y7 F2-SPiceGeist
@ Bhut x Y7 x Choc Bhut Douglah-Spicegeist
@ Bhut XY7 x Choco Bhut Duglah
Bishops Crown-store
Black Congo-store
@ BOC-Mike  
@ Bonda-Annie
@ Brainstrain-Jamie
* brown Bhut-John
@ Brown Egg-Jason
@ BubbleGum 7- Mike via Jason
* Bubblegum 7- Stefan
@ Choc Scorp-Ramon
@ choco bhut-douglah-Spicegeist
@ Cumari do para-Mike
@ Datil-Jason
@ Devils tongue-store
@ Douglah-Rick
@ Douglah x Butch T x Superhot-Spicegeist
@ Fatalli-store
*Funky Reaper-Scott
*Funky Reaper-John
*GA Black-Jason
*Green Hornet-Jamie
@ Giant White Hab-Paul
@ Giant Yellow 7-Annie
@ Giant Yellow Brains-Annie
@ JA Hab-Ramon
@ Jay's Peach Ghost Scorp-Mike via Jason
@ Jays Red ghost scorp-Mike via Jason
@ Jigsaw-Dale
@ Madame Jeanette-Stefan_W
@ MOA-Ramon
@ Mystery Red-Jamie
* NageBrain-Gary
@ Peach Bhut-Annie
*Reaper-Scott-almost forgot to plant
@ Red Bhut-Ramon
@ Scotch Bonnet-store
@ Sepia Serpent-Mike via Jason
Tobago Seasoning-Jason
@ Tobago Treasure-Jason
@ Trin Choc Bonnet-Mike via Jason
@ Trin perfume-Annie
Trin Scorp-Ramon
@ TS Moruga X Bhut-Spicegeist
@ TSMB-Annie
@ White Bhut-Ramon
@ White Hab-store  
@ Yellow 7-Matt
@ yellow brain-Jamison
@ Yellow Cardi-Jamie
@ Yellow Fatalli-Annie

C. Baccatum:

@ Aji Pineapple-Jason
@ Aji Crystal-store
@ Aji Limon-Annie
Bishops Crown-Jason
Inca Red Drop-Annie

C. Pubescens:

@ Red Rocotto-store
@ Manzano-Rick via Shane

C. Annuum

sweet hungarian paprika-Rick-Habenerohead
@ Bell
@ Espelette Basque-Mike-Patrick
@ Onza Roja-Mike
@ Jals-Jamie
@ Kurtovska Kapija-Rick-Misterno
@ Tam Jals
@ Jals
@ Costeno Amarillo-Mike
Thai Red
@ Serrano
@ *Paprika Stefan_W
@ Anaheim-Jamie
@ Jimmy Nardello-Jamie
@ Billy Biker-Jamie
@ Numex Jalamundo-Jamie
* Jalapeno Coyame-Stefan
* Jalapeno Gigantia-Stefan
* Urfa biber-Stefan
Yesterday I planted half the new seeds and replanted any that haven't stood up yet.
I do know I need to have a better system for germinating for next season. If I can increase the speed and rates I can start later next year. Still working on the timing!

Scott, I'm enjoying the 15 pages of the glog....I hope my plants have the start that yours have so far. 
I'm diggin seeing a photo of Frankenstein again, looks like something right out of a horror flick. 
The chicken wings looks crispy skin delishish ! I'd trade the Rueben sandwich I have on the stove for that....
You're going to have some rockin harvests this year.........what a start !
PIC 1 said:
Scott, I'm enjoying the 15 pages of the glog....I hope my plants have the start that yours have so far. 
I'm diggin seeing a photo of Frankenstein again, looks like something right out of a horror flick. 
The chicken wings looks crispy skin delishish ! I'd trade the Rueben sandwich I have on the stove for that....
You're going to have some rockin harvests this year.........what a start !
Thanks Greg!
So far so good on the plants, but getting mas crowded!
Yeah, old Frankie was a good use for an old warped firebox. He ain't pretty but he makes charcoal in about 4 or 5 hours. I cut the top off and added more head space and a larger diameter stack to increase flow. Found out after cutting the top off it was the dirt my Grandkids put inside the stack that was the restriction...LOL
Vegas_Chili said:
"What was I thinking" Is soooo very true lmao :rofl: . Love the foodie pics and nice score on the seeds.

That list there... it's gonna be an epic year for you :party:

Thanks Walt!
And the list grew some more today! Can't beat the pepper love here, 95% of the seeds came from THP :onfire:

I've come to the conclusion I'm simply insane!
Gonna have to scale back some varieties to just one plant, shouldn't have much trouble coworkers want plants they can't buy around here..
Penny said:
Holy cow.....you are going to be soooooo busy this year.....great list too. :dance:
Thanks Penny!
I just came from your glog, I see we suffer from the same affliction :party: You too are going to be busy!
HillBilly Jeff said:
I think your list gets bigger every time I look at it.  Wow!!!
Ha! Jeff, you know how it goes!
ohmatic said:
ha awesome ! lookung forward to seeing the fest of colors when they are laden with pods ! :D
Me too! I just hope I have enough room, cutting back on tomatoes. Last year I set out over 70 plants, and have shelves full of canned maties. So there's some room, less than 20 this year are being planted.
Thanks for stopping by!
Essegi said:
Just took photo tour... Speechless! Your plants are the allegory of health! Amazing photos and list! Looking to Jigsaw too (pods have a nice mean looking!). :D

Wow pretty complete dish!
Climbing it's cat job! :D
Thanks Essegi!
Hopefully 6 weeks from now some can hit the dirt, the garden is 3,500 square feet, it's going to be a busy year! First season with the jigsaw's, I hear they are hot! hope they have the flavor too!
maximumcapsicum said:
It's been too long since Scott posted pics. I'm going through withdrawal.
Hi Adam!
It's been a different week with the Internet issues, but I took a few, not the best but here they are anyway ;)  I most likely will hunt tomorrow afternoon, but Saturday I'm gonna load up...
Green Hornet (Jamie) hooking it up

Sweet Hungarian Paprika Rick via HabeneroHead

Some shots of the grossly overcrowded grow bench, some on the floor...

Stuffed up on top too..

Another week or so and these young ladies will need up-potting, it really needs to warm up soon!

The other side..yeah, I've run out of material and am using everything I have...

Scott, every time I see pics of your grow, I am impressed. What is the total amount of plants you are putting in the ground this year? 
Are you planning on tomatillos as well as the 20 tomato plants? 
Jeff H said:
Scott, every time I see pics of your grow, I am impressed. What is the total amount of plants you are putting in the ground this year? 
Are you planning on tomatillos as well as the 20 tomato plants? 
Thanks Jeff!
I want to, I don't have any seeds, hoping to be able to find some starters this spring.
Total plants so far without the solo cup plants is around 85-90, once again just realized I'm nuts! But seriously I had more last year..thinking back...70+ tom's, 24 pob's, jal's, and bell's (total) and another 25+ hab's and supers, not to mention 6 10' rows of corn, 4 rows of green beans, large onion and garlic grow, shallots, cukes, and zuke's, carrots, multiplying onions, strawberries in pots. This is the spring grow, oh I forgot a bhut load of potatoes too. We also have a large (for a home place) orchid of peaches (15 trees), pears, plums, grapes, and LB has her pineapples...which are taking over the backyard. So as far as peppers go, I think I have another 50-60+ in the wings...so..what was I thinking?
maximumcapsicum said:
Nice to see the capsifam again! What a spread! And growing so fast. When will you be planting out you think?
I can plant out between March 1st and 15th, depending on the weather. I usually hold the peppers until the 15th as they just hang for the two weeks as it's cool still. But that's (March 1st) when the corn, tom's, and all the rest go in after looking at the 10 day forecast.
looking freaking fantastic Devv .... apologies for not stopping in much earlier ... I have been using the mobile version of the site (on my stupid old phone)and I can't stand using it to type too much ...so I decided to wait until having access to the computer... loving the list and the youngsters all look super healthy... well done and best of continual luck !! 
Spicegeist said:
How are the Peach Bhuts growing for you?
Charles, I'm sure they're doing well, all the plants are thriving. It's been a busy week...what week isn't when one works. I'm off tomorrow and the plants can go outside as it's supposed to be warmer. I intend to do some inventory and take some pics. I'll make sure I post some of the peach gals..
Trippa said:
looking freaking fantastic Devv .... apologies for not stopping in much earlier ... I have been using the mobile version of the site (on my stupid old phone)and I can't stand using it to type too much ...so I decided to wait until having access to the computer... loving the list and the youngsters all look super healthy... well done and best of continual luck !! 
Thanks Trippa!
So far I've been lucky this season, the plants are ahead of schedule and I haven't killed too many yet...LOL
I forgot my tomatoes were outside yesterday...whoops..the youngest ones didn't like the cold, and have some frost burn...they should mend...may the strongest survive!