• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Devv's 2014- Stick a fork in me, I'm done....

Time for the 2014 start...
Many of these plants were made possible by the generous people of the THP sending me seeds and pods Thanks!
I'm looking forward to warmer weather and dirt day!
I have a bunch of seeds started, and plants at all the stages.
Here's the grow bench, a T8 x4 on top and T5 x4 on the bottom, as you can see it's loaded.

Top rack:

Bottom rack:

I like starting the seeds in Jiffy Pellets, as soon as they stand up I trim the mesh off and plant them 1/2" proud in a pot, or in this case a cup.
Red Rocotto the lonely Pube..

A few plants living under the T5, I'm super impressed with this light!
Choc Hab

Bhut x Y7 x Choc Bhut Douglah-Spicegeist

Bhut x Y7 F2-Spicegeist

Yellow Cardi- Jamie

Choc Scorp-Ramon

Peach Bhut- Annie

Going to do some tilling will post more later
PaulG said:
Great plans for your man stuff, Devv.  
Having a 10' sink outside can't be anything but good!
And the shop area sounds really nice.
Okay, I have been saying I'm going to try bonchi for three seasons.
Now, looking at yours, I have to actually get my arse in gear and do it!
You and Shane are great motivators!
Thanks Paul!
I flip between obsessions ;)
Hunting has gotten out of control here, it's become a wealthy mans game. I paid $2,250 for the last 10 years I was on the lease, but man that place was loaded with beautiful game.
As for the Bonchi, it's an OW Thai that I dug up and cut back in Dec. and cut back even more when we finally found a pot for it. The downside is watering it every two days.
JJJessee said:
I'm with you on the sink thing. I saved our old kitchen sink, plan on hooking it up at the garden. It's a roundtuit project, but my irrigation water lines are close to the way I want them. So I need a new project :D
Garlic and shallots look real nice. Where did you come by your shallot starts?
Thanks JJJ!,
I found the Shallots at the local feed store, I used to order them from Gurneys, but they send them too late in the spring.
Garlic and Shallots get planted in the early fall here. So Garlic around 9-20, Shallots 10-15, and Onions on 1-15.
Jamison said:
Holy crap Scott!  Dude, I really need to stay caught up on your glog.  Soooo many cool and innovative things to be seen.  I just noticed that we have the exact same siding on our house.  Weird!  The garlic looks scrumptious for sure.  I still need to get my ass in gear and go get some starts to plant.  I completely forgot about them.  Although I noticed today all my onions have broke ground along with most of the other seeds that I direct sowed.  Can't beat that with a stick.  I really need to go back and look at all you have done.  Def gonna take some time, seeing as how your already 60 pages deep.  INSANE!!!!!
Thanks Jamison!
I put that siding up around 10 years ago, I also used it on the shop. That stuff will outlast both of us!
Enjoy the spring!
So I worked in the shop today, again, it rained .2" but the winds were high. We could have used more rain for sure, like 3"s would do me just fine.
I did get the 9' sink out of the hunting room, now that was some work. Decided it's going to the scrap yard, I'd rather buy a cheapo sink for the garden when I'm ready. Anyone need a stainless steel 9' double sink with shelves on both ends? Dang thing weighs a ton!
Here's a few pics:
I have some adjusting to do in the AM, the winds pointed things Southeast. Time to stake the tom's!

A few random Supers...


The jungle is on the way, it won't be long before they grow together and form a hedge

This Manzano keeps flowering, and dropping the flowers.

And finally, some nons, beat up by the winds. The word is once they lay down they stop growing, we'll see..
Lovin' the pics Scott! Don't worry about the Manzanos dropping flowers. The same thing happened to me last year... they'll just do that until they get conditions they like, then the flowers'll stick. Eventually they'll drop flowers on the other end when the weather gets too hot, and then I'd advise shade cloth and a white mulch to cool the soil underneath it. Rather than spend mondo bucks on the plastic film that's white on top and black underneath, just see if you can get shredded white paper from the office. Put 2-3 inches on top of some newspaper sheets and wet it all down enough that it mats together like papier mache' and it won't blow away.
Continued success brother!
stickman said:
Lovin' the pics Scott! Don't worry about the Manzanos dropping flowers. The same thing happened to me last year... they'll just do that until they get conditions they like, then the flowers'll stick. Eventually they'll drop flowers on the other end when the weather gets too hot, and then I'd advise shade cloth and a white mulch to cool the soil underneath it. Rather than spend mondo bucks on the plastic film that's white on top and black underneath, just see if you can get shredded white paper from the office. Put 2-3 inches on top of some newspaper sheets and wet it all down enough that it mats together like papier mache' and it won't blow away.
Continued success brother!
Thanks Rick!
I have several Manzano's under different light-shade conditions. If they don't set during the spring (real close to summer here) they will in the fall. I have 2 in 20 gal grow bags, the one in the dirt and 2 in the raised beds.
I feel pods are in the future!
Looking good, Scott.  Gotta love an edible jungle.  Great size - you put a lot of work into that.
The Manzano dropping flowers caught my eye.  One of mine just left it's two blossoms on the floor today.  I have three, but all still in Solos so they can't be happy yet.
Looks good Scott. Peppers look like they are adapting well. I am liking the shade cloth canopy more and more. Looks like something I could do. Have a good weekend.
Don't sweat the dropping flowers on the Manzano, Scott.  They don't like the heat
much, and will drop flowers until it's cooler.  Mine do best in May-July 4th, then after
August again. They are just starting to flower now, as are the  Aji Amarillos, another 
cool weather fan.  Dappled shade seems best for them in our climate.
Your grow/garden are to die for, buddy.  I'm envious of all the space to grow you have,
but not of the work it takes to keep a spread like that goin'!  I really enjoyed  seeing the pics.
Hope you get some of the rain you need.
HillBilly Jeff said:
Plants are looking good.  Onions are much better than mine.
Thanks Jeff!
Your onions will do just fine, I planted mine Jan 15th. We have a completely different schedule ;)
Jeff H said:
Plants are looking good Scott. Absolutely amazing to see the difference between March and May in your glog.
Thanks Jeff!
Things are coming along! The weather is cooling down from the 90's next week. I'm hoping all the flowers set and the rest is down hill!
Spicegeist said:
Your garden is looking really good...
Thanks Charles!
cone9 said:
Looking good, Scott.  Gotta love an edible jungle.  Great size - you put a lot of work into that.
The Manzano dropping flowers caught my eye.  One of mine just left it's two blossoms on the floor today.  I have three, but all still in Solos so they can't be happy yet.
Thanks Dave!
Dirt day should be right there for you. Good luck this season!
OCD Chilehead said:
Looks good Scott. Peppers look like they are adapting well. I am liking the shade cloth canopy more and more. Looks like something I could do. Have a good weekend.
Thanks Chuck!
After years of having tomatoes and peppers fry in the sun I decided to give it a try. It's been a good investment. I'm on my 3rd year using the large one (20x40'), it cost $160. Not bad, especially if I get a few more years out of it.
My wife say we save about $80 a month when we don't by store produce. And that's the reason we plant so much, so we don't have to buy. So the sunshade IS cheap ;)
Durham Bull said:
has not been here in a while, beautiful garden Scott.
Thanks Sy!
PaulG said:
Don't sweat the dropping flowers on the Manzano, Scott.  They don't like the heat
much, and will drop flowers until it's cooler.  Mine do best in May-July 4th, then after
August again. They are just starting to flower now, as are the  Aji Amarillos, another 
cool weather fan.  Dappled shade seems best for them in our climate.
Your grow/garden are to die for, buddy.  I'm envious of all the space to grow you have,
but not of the work it takes to keep a spread like that goin'!  I really enjoyed  seeing the pics.
Hope you get some of the rain you need.
Thanks Paul!
Most of the work is in the prep; after all these years LB and I have it down. That and we enjoy being outside and busy; we're just not couch potatoes ;)
My Dad called and said it's time to sell the place and, ahem "settle down". If I settle down I'll die! And I'm sure the same thing drives Annie. I think she just loves to work as I do. just got to keep a movin'
So Mothers Day snuck up on me. I was bad; no card. But I did take her out for a late lunch and drinks :cheers: , and 2 dozen roses. I get to live another year :D  We don't do gifts anymore, we've reached that stage where we just get what we want when we want it (budget allowing) and instead go to Vegas :drunk:
Getting older has it's benefits.
So except for the .2" of rain yesterday the garden went 96 hours between watering without any plants showing they were really thirsty. And this was with 90's for the 4 full days. I just can't get over this. Last year I watered everyday, because when I came home from work they looked like crap. This is making this years grow soooo much easier!
I took a few pics this morning before we went to San Antonio.
TS Moruga Bhut, seeds from Charles. Sorry a bit blurry, but a mas gnarly first pod there!

I'm guessing a brain here. I can't trust most of my labeling :banghead:


??????????? bhut it looks AWSOME!

Here's an I dunno, I figure it out when it matures ;) Sorry for the blur.

Jamie's Green Hornet. Getting there! This is a late start for me.

John's (Sawyer) Funky Reaper


Urfa Biber!

Bishops Crown

Thanks for stopping by!