• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Devv's 2014- Stick a fork in me, I'm done....

Time for the 2014 start...
Many of these plants were made possible by the generous people of the THP sending me seeds and pods Thanks!
I'm looking forward to warmer weather and dirt day!
I have a bunch of seeds started, and plants at all the stages.
Here's the grow bench, a T8 x4 on top and T5 x4 on the bottom, as you can see it's loaded.

Top rack:

Bottom rack:

I like starting the seeds in Jiffy Pellets, as soon as they stand up I trim the mesh off and plant them 1/2" proud in a pot, or in this case a cup.
Red Rocotto the lonely Pube..

A few plants living under the T5, I'm super impressed with this light!
Choc Hab

Bhut x Y7 x Choc Bhut Douglah-Spicegeist

Bhut x Y7 F2-Spicegeist

Yellow Cardi- Jamie

Choc Scorp-Ramon

Peach Bhut- Annie

Going to do some tilling will post more later
HillBilly Jeff said:
Gnarly looking pods dude <--- Spicoli voice
Blister said:
The bumpy pods always look so evil. Your grow is looking awesome so far Scott!

PaulG said:
Great pods already, Scott!  You are the man!
Thanks for the positive comments!
OCD Chilehead said:
Thanks for the pics. I can't believe how fast the garden is growing. Is your Fall harvest bigger then late Spring on the peppers?
Thanks Chuck!
I ran the peppers until Dec last year, most were between 3-5 feet tall and really loaded up come early November.
jedisushi06 said:
Garden looks magical!  Looks like you put the nets up already!  
Thanks Mikey!
The sunshade went up last weekend after I found a sun scalded pepper.
stickman said:
Holy cow... you've got ripening pods already! Good job buddy! :dance: Those are some great pics of the Pubes too. The last mystery pod looks like a Fresno so far, but I guess you'll know when they ripen. Cheers!
Thanks Rick!
A few of the lower first pods have ripened. Couldn't resist the pube pics, they had morning dew on them and the first sun rays of the day made them glow.
I want to wish all the Mom's a Happy Mothers Day
Fantastic updates Scott! I miss checking the day by days, but getting caught up in one big read is fun too.
I got some mystery annuums as well... Santa Fe Grande according to the seeds PepperJoe sent with the Jalapenos seeds I bought last November. Actually they look alot like your mystery annuums.
Love all the supers twisting and turning on your branches. How tall are your chinenses at this point? Soon as the good weather comes in it seems like they shoot up 50% a week.
maximumcapsicum said:
Fantastic updates Scott! I miss checking the day by days, but getting caught up in one big read is fun too.
I got some mystery annuums as well... Santa Fe Grande according to the seeds PepperJoe sent with the Jalapenos seeds I bought last November. Actually they look alot like your mystery annuums.
Love all the supers twisting and turning on your branches. How tall are your chinenses at this point? Soon as the good weather comes in it seems like they shoot up 50% a week.
Thanks Adam!
The rows that are doing the best are the 2 south rows. I planted them 3' apart and by the end of the week they should be touching each other. They're around 18-22"s tall now, but I would have to measure ;)
Just came in to cool off, been working the mulch and leaf piles for the last 3 hours. I think I'm done :shh:
Thanks for the seeds Charles!
That's one gnarly looking pod!
A few ripe ones, gonna be tasting at work tomorrow :onfire:

The raised bed plants are moving along, kind of windy here today.

A few of LB's Pineapples, she has 8 or 9 of them

LB and I were at Lowes yesterday and found this Mandarin Orange tree. Hope it does well.

Been busy the last two weekends spreading mulch. Getting there :rolleyes:

That pile was 24 yards, down to about 1.5 ;)  Don't laugh at this pitchfork handle, after breaking two digging up potatoes I welded a scrap piece of pipe to the fork. Also layering cow pies and leaves to get the compost process going.

First Sunflower bloom is happening.

Corn is tasseling and over 6' now.

The jungle is forming!
That looks great. The picture of the garden from a distance is great. Raised beds look good with some foliage. I really want to grow in the ground. My ground is clayish. Needs a lot of work. Might think about raised beds. Thanks for sharing.
Ok, so I miss a few days on this glog and I've got like 5 pages of reading to catch up with!  Your garden area is so cool.  I love the shots from a ways back where we can take it all in.  Very nice!  Do you ever think about growing some sort of vine fruit on your structure?  It would provide a natural shade in some spots.  I am growing hardy kiwi which are pretty awesome vines, from what I can tell, but you are probably too hot down there.  
Anyway, super job on the garden!
Essegi said:
Amazing and nice thought on mom's day! :D
Lots of envy for ripened btw! :P
Thanks Essegi!
I always try to put a little something up for a holiday ;)
OCD Chilehead said:
That looks great. The picture of the garden from a distance is great. Raised beds look good with some foliage. I really want to grow in the ground. My ground is clayish. Needs a lot of work. Might think about raised beds. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks Chuck!
I'd rather start with clay than the sandy stuff we have here. I used to live in Magnolia, Texas and the soil was an iron ore clay. I was the guy scarfing leaf bags when people put them to the curb and just kept tilling them in. In a few years the soil was fantastic. I still scarf leaves, I'm working on composting 4 full pickup loads with cow manure from the fields.
HillBilly Jeff said:
Looking really nice.  You will be drying pods in no time at all.
Thanks Jeff!
I need a ton to set really soon! Or it will be late fall.
Jeff H said:
Very nice update Scott. Plants look fantastic.
Thanks Jeff!
jedisushi06 said:
Plants are looking very happy.
Thanks Mikey!
Pulpiteer said:
Ok, so I miss a few days on this glog and I've got like 5 pages of reading to catch up with!  Your garden area is so cool.  I love the shots from a ways back where we can take it all in.  Very nice!  Do you ever think about growing some sort of vine fruit on your structure?  It would provide a natural shade in some spots.  I am growing hardy kiwi which are pretty awesome vines, from what I can tell, but you are probably too hot down there.  
Anyway, super job on the garden!
Thanks Andy!
I have but then I would be concerned about them getting damaged when it's sunshade time. I do have a 3 plant "vineyard" and they are struggling with our weather.
Buts it's a good idea!
maximumcapsicum said:
Can't believe how fast that corn shot up. Amazing that you got ripe pods already. You've had these varieties before, no?
Hi Adam,
Most of these varieties are new to me. Seeds were sent and I harvested seeds from pods I was sent. I think I have 130+ plants to taste ;) Never have counted past 110 or so.
meatfreak said:
Wow, lots of growth going on over there, Scott. Things are looking great and already ripe pods! Gonna be killer harvest any day now ;)
Thanks Stefan!
I hope a lot more set this week!
We're supposed to cool down this week to 50's at night and 70's during the day. They say we may break cool weather records the next 2 days. Also they have forecast heavy rain tonight. They say 2-5"s; it's been a long time since we got that kind of rain. If we get it, I hope it's not damaging!
Nice score on the Orange tree!  I'm pretty sure that yellow pod that you picked is indeed a Yellow Brain like you think.  Your garden is amazing.  I was staring at that picture you took of the whole garden for a couple minutes.  I was in a daze.  I really need to find some wood chips around here.  Everything I see is always pine chips and I'm pretty sure those aren't the greatest for the garden.  I might have to break down and buy a load but that's no fun!!  Corn is surprisingly tall.  I just checked in the other week and it seems as if it was half that tall.  Amazing soil you created there for sure.  Did your wife start those pineapples with just planting the top of one you cut off?  Them things are looking awesome as well.  You keep on going man.  Once you stop that's when the body goes to shit.  I've really noticed that with people I know.  Gotta keep moving!  Hope you score some good cash on that Stainless sink at the scrap yard!  Enjoy the rest of the week bud!
Thanks for the tip. I found out where the city dumps the leaves and grass from the parks. Now that the snows gone I should go over there and check it out. Looks like they have been dumping there for awhile. Maybe composted.
Jamison said:
Nice score on the Orange tree!  I'm pretty sure that yellow pod that you picked is indeed a Yellow Brain like you think.  Your garden is amazing.  I was staring at that picture you took of the whole garden for a couple minutes.  I was in a daze.  I really need to find some wood chips around here.  Everything I see is always pine chips and I'm pretty sure those aren't the greatest for the garden.  I might have to break down and buy a load but that's no fun!!  Corn is surprisingly tall.  I just checked in the other week and it seems as if it was half that tall.  Amazing soil you created there for sure.  Did your wife start those pineapples with just planting the top of one you cut off?  Them things are looking awesome as well.  You keep on going man.  Once you stop that's when the body goes to shit.  I've really noticed that with people I know.  Gotta keep moving!  Hope you score some good cash on that Stainless sink at the scrap yard!  Enjoy the rest of the week bud!
thanks Jamison!
It's a ton of work but good for the brain. I can't stop going. I think you'll find that out as you work hard for a living; I did for 25 years and if I slow down it hurts. Much better to keep the wheels greased!
The corn did really well, I only hit it 3 times with fish emulsion and once with 13-13-13 early on. So the soil has some stuff in it! I would have hit it with dipel dust this evening as the cobs are setting, and the worms...but we have rain forecast. So tomorrow, if anything is standing up ;)
I get the mulch free from the county, check and see!
Yeah LB cuts the top off the Pineapples and leaves an inch of meat, turn it upside down for 3-4 days and then plant it covering all the way to the green. 80-90% take hold and grow. We had our first Pineapple last year, so much better than from the store. We let it turn gold on the vine, just super sweet!
OCD Chilehead said:
Thanks for the tip. I found out where the city dumps the leaves and grass from the parks. Now that the snows gone I should go over there and check it out. Looks like they have been dumping there for awhile. Maybe composted.
Whatever shape it's in, if you have the room scarf it and it will do you right! I have like 10yds of leaves composting..