• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Devv's 2014- Stick a fork in me, I'm done....

Time for the 2014 start...
Many of these plants were made possible by the generous people of the THP sending me seeds and pods Thanks!
I'm looking forward to warmer weather and dirt day!
I have a bunch of seeds started, and plants at all the stages.
Here's the grow bench, a T8 x4 on top and T5 x4 on the bottom, as you can see it's loaded.

Top rack:

Bottom rack:

I like starting the seeds in Jiffy Pellets, as soon as they stand up I trim the mesh off and plant them 1/2" proud in a pot, or in this case a cup.
Red Rocotto the lonely Pube..

A few plants living under the T5, I'm super impressed with this light!
Choc Hab

Bhut x Y7 x Choc Bhut Douglah-Spicegeist

Bhut x Y7 F2-Spicegeist

Yellow Cardi- Jamie

Choc Scorp-Ramon

Peach Bhut- Annie

Going to do some tilling will post more later
Spicegeist said:
I have to go get something to eat now, yum..
JoeFish said:
Love me some wangs!!  Plants look good.  Otis looks happy!
Thanks, wings are fantastic!
OKGrowin said:
keep up the good work, i have labeling problemz too lol
Yeah, but it can be frustrating. I believe I have most sorted, and still scratching my head as to how?
maximumcapsicum said:
Away this week, but had to stop by to see how all the glogs are going! Wow Scott you're getting some beautiful pods. Looks like you're servin' em up nice too. I think I'm about a month behind you so I am hoping you're harbinging what I got to come.
Keep on growing bud!
Hi Adam, who's watching your babies?
Thanks for the kind words.
jedisushi06 said:
aint no thang but a chickin wang!
Got that right!
PaulG said:
Hey, Scott - cool mysteries you have going.  They look great whatever they are.
I wonder about your Inca Red Drop - here's a pic of mine from
2012, Peppermania seed.
Paul I harvested the seeds from pods Annie sent, they were round like these too.
PaulG said:
Scott, can you give me a heads up on the JA Red Hab and the MoA growth habits?
I'm mainly wondering about height and sun exposure.
Here's a pic of the OW from last season, planted from seed in late April. It hasn't gotten any bigger since I put it in the dirt this spring. The new growth is coming from the bottom.

This is my first year growing the MoA, Ramon sent me those seeds late in the season. So I can't make a call on that. The JA Hab loves the sun and heat. My guess is the MoA will exhibit the same growth habits and thrive under the same conditions just fine.
HillBilly Jeff said:
Food looks great, and your inca drops are from the same source as mine and look correct to my memory.  Don't know what Paul has though.
Thanks Jeff!
I Googled the pepper and it seems they have two pod shapes, some are elongated and some round like the one I have.
Jeff H said:
Wow Scott, Impressive.
I went out of town for the weekend and had 3 pages to catch up on. Good job and the peppers look fantastic; wven if you don't know what 1/2 of them are. :confused:
Thanks Jeff!
They're coming along nicely, next season they go out a few weeks later unless the weather is warmer. The ones that are the slowest are the ones I had in the hoop houses, I should have listened to Rick and used the black plastic..But I am half stubborn German.
romy6 said:
Your setting the bar high my friend !
Thanks Jamie!
Now I just need my little poquito chuncholito to catch yours!
maximumcapsicum said:
Love that JA hab! They have a very fun habit, though I am thinking more and more of pruning everything into canopies.
I bet you're rolling in pods right about now.
Thanks Adam!
Well not rolling, but I see more and more flowers and pods. I hope they set before it gets too hot. That's why the sunshade went up this weekend.
LB and I played hooky today, we had a busy weekend and decided to take the day off. I pitched mulch and leaf compost for 3.5 hours this morning, finally quitting at 11:30. It was already hot by then. Summer is real close!
I pulled a few Shallots and all the Garlic. The Garlic was planted at the fall equinox.
I laid it out on a screen and went to read about curing Garlic. They say no sunlight, so we hung them on a retired sausage rack in the shade.


Last year I left them in until late June and didn't cure them, they all rotted :violin:
The Thai Bonchi is coming around. I guess I need to train it...

Thanks for reading!
OCD Chilehead said:
I love the bonchi. I tried to over winter some plants last year using bonchi techniques. Died in the garage. Cord got disconnected and they froze.
Sorry to hear about that, one thing is because they're in such small pots I have to water every other day. If I miss a day it looks really bad!
HillBilly Jeff said:
How big around is that main stem....it looks massive.  I am thinking about doing that to my chenzo this year.  Looks awesome.
Thanks Jeff!
That plant was a great producer last year, just had to dig it up and OW it!
The trunk is about an 1 1/4-1 3/8" where it's thick going down to just under an inch where it evens out.
maximumcapsicum said:
Fantastic bonchi! It filled out fast. Must be those Tejas temps. I've had my spindly chiero bonchis for about 6 months now and they haven't filled out nearly as much. Maybe they're depressed because they aren't in actual bonchi pots.
Thank Adam!
I cut it back a few weeks ago as it was growing too fast, so that's twice since I repotted it. I want to train it some but have been super busy.
Yesterday our new bed was delivered, couldn't pass up free delivery. The old bed is still OK, not at throw away point yet, but was bothering our backs. We decide to put it in the extra bedroom, my reloading-grow room. So out came most everything to make room.
I knocked that all out before LB came home and still managed to water the garden. I'm getting away with every 3 days between watering which is huge for me. I'm going to try for 4 days this weekend. I give the garden a really nice deep soak and am trying to encourage a deeper than what I normally see root system. I think it's going to work!
So today I started cleaning up my man cave, or hunting room to bring all the grow stuff in there. Well I haven't hunted much since '09 so it's a mess. Can you say spider webs? It's in the shop, has AC and is insulated. Ceramic tile floors and sheetrock walls. My tool box was in there. 43"s high 54"s long x 28"s deep..AND full! I wanted to get it back in the shop, it took me over an hour and LB showed up just as I was trying to get it over the threshold; had to use a floor jack to get it over. Next I need to remove a huge stainless steel sink I never use. It's like 10' long, got it for free when Rice Uni chunked it to the curb. But now its in the way. I think I'll set it up outside on a slab for washing produce.
The goal is to start all my seedlings in there and bring them up to speed to ready them for hardening. I need heat mats for next season and this space should do fine. It takes four cold days for the shop to even start to get cold, and that's a rare deal here.
Great plans for your man stuff, Devv.  
Having a 10' sink outside can't be anything but good!
And the shop area sounds really nice.
Okay, I have been saying I'm going to try bonchi for three seasons.
Now, looking at yours, I have to actually get my arse in gear and do it!
You and Shane are great motivators!
I'm with you on the sink thing. I saved our old kitchen sink, plan on hooking it up at the garden. It's a roundtuit project, but my irrigation water lines are close to the way I want them. So I need a new project :D
Garlic and shallots look real nice. Where did you come by your shallot starts?
Holy crap Scott!  Dude, I really need to stay caught up on your glog.  Soooo many cool and innovative things to be seen.  I just noticed that we have the exact same siding on our house.  Weird!  The garlic looks scrumptious for sure.  I still need to get my ass in gear and go get some starts to plant.  I completely forgot about them.  Although I noticed today all my onions have broke ground along with most of the other seeds that I direct sowed.  Can't beat that with a stick.  I really need to go back and look at all you have done.  Def gonna take some time, seeing as how your already 60 pages deep.  INSANE!!!!!